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A12, or the ābi, is a very important structure at Urkesh and several publications have discussed various aspects and finds. This page lists, in alphabetical order, the main bibliographical references. Each bibliographical entry is displayed in an abbreviated form (Author’s surname + year + “keyword” / short title) redirecting with a link to the full bibliographical entry in the e-Library e-Library.
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Buccellati, G.
| 2005
| "The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh", in Studies on the Civilization and Culture of the Nuzi and the Hurrians 15, General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/1 pp. 3-28
| 2017
| A Critique of Archaeological Reason. Structural, Digital, and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Buccellati, G. and M. Kelly-Buccellati
| 2004
| "Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi" in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 136, pp. 13-39
| 2004
| "Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center" in Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 47, pp. 27-59
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