Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

A15 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 5hA15A within Unit A15

James L. Walker – March 2024

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Phase 5h may mark the transition between the Isin Larsa period and the earlier Ur III period occupation of this part of the tell. The accumulations contained more ceramics, but no substantial structures or items.

Stratum 350 comprises the bulk of the ceramic phase 4 material, much of which came from the northern and western parts of the unit. There was still considerable mixing of phases in the areas affected by the gullys. There was no clear dividing line between the earlier UrIII period occcuption and that of the later Isin Larsa period. There were no permanent structures or evidence of significant industrial or domestic activity in A15, although there were scattered buildings associated with these periods excavated in unit A9. The extant Khabur pit kilns were cut into these deposits (f331).

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Ceramics and items from this stratum have been fully analyzed and cataloged.

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