Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

A15 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 6hA15A within Unit A15

James L. Walker – March 2024

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Phase 6h collects comprises three sub-strata into Stratum 250: Burials 250c, Kilns 250b, and Pits 250a. Each reflected very specific activities associated with ritual, industrial, and storage which were conducted continuously during the entire time of the Khabur occupation.

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    Burials make up sub-stratum 250c. There were three types, all but two of which were shallow pits in the vicinity of the Khabur structures and work areas. There was one jar burial and one deep grave dug to the Akkadian level

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    Kilns make up sub-stratum 250b. Over time there were probably a number of pit kilns that produced ceramic items used by the occupants of the settlement and perhaps were traded. Two examples remain intact, a30 and a31. They contained the remnants of the last firing, including numerous jars and cups.

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    Some 20 pits make up sub-stratum 250c. All were located to the west of the settlement buildings. They were dug to a variety of depths, with only one, a11, approaching the Akkadian levels. Judging from the contents they served both industrial and household funtions.

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The burials contained human remains, Khabur vessels, and in two instances, copper alloy bracelets. The kilns contained the remains of fuel and unclaimed Khabur ceramic vessels, most of them whole. The pits contained a variety of discarded material, predominately sherds from broken vessels.

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