Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

A15 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 6cA15A within Unit A15

James L. Walker – March 2024

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Phase 6c comprises the Khabur structures (Stratum 270) and the early Khabur accumulations which underlay them (Stratum 290). The most intact Khabur structures and deposits lie in the northeast corner of A15. Gullys a9, a10, and a11 eroded major parts of the landscape in other areas of the tell. The gullys ran down the slope of the mound from east to west. Their biggest effect was on non-structural elements. Although we do not know for certain, we assume that the west border of the excavated industrial area marked the limit of construction and that any Khabur features further to the west were non-structural and badly affected by erosion.

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Stratum 270 includes the consruction of walls, floors, and installations associated with the Khabur settlement on the east and south facing sides of the mound. There were two extant sections in this locus. The first was an industrial area bordered on the north by a shed-like structure open to the south and bordered on the south by a two-room building that may have served as a shop, with one room open on the east side bordering a sherd and pebble street extending to the north into more structures excavated as part of unit A13.
The second section of the construction was to the south of the industrial area running along the east and south baulks.the main parts were in loci k13, k14, and k15. As this was in an area eroded by two deep gullys, much of the architecture was lost. All that remains is a long, low brick wall in the east baulk, part of a stone platform, and a single room (a35) along the south baulk. This room is remarable because it was built directly atop an Akkadian palace wall, indicating that at least some of the Tupkish strutures were still visible several centuries later.

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Early Khabur occupation

Stratum 290 comprises the accumlations and other deposits that are below the structures of stratum 270 but are above the deposits of the Isin Larsa and UrIII horizon. These extend throughout loci k11 through k15 as well as k3 to k5. Sherd dates were the main mechanism used to differentiate these features. It is possible that a more distinct transistion exists below the Khabur structures along the east baulk, but they were left in place. Within each locus we have attempted to separate phases using a combination of ceramics dating and elevation. This process is not precise and may result in errors, particulaly when few floors or structures are present. We are heavily relying on the strata assignments made at the time of excavation.

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Ceramics and items from these features are fully analyzed and cataloged. The majority of these features were in or influenced by gullys. There were numerous sherds in the accumulations so individual q-lots may have concentrations of Mittani or Khabur sherds mixed with the originally deposited Isin Larsa or UrIII material.

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