Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a

A15 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 9cA15A within Unit A15

James L. Walker – March 2024

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Phase 9c comprises the post-abandonment soil layers (here primarily gully wash) just below the topsoil and first accumulations of Phase 9m. They are above Mittani Phase 8m accumulations.

    Only Stratum 50 comprises this phase. It consists of a series of layers built up and eroded by water and wind as this part of the tell remained abandoned until the present day after the Khabur period occupation ended. These layers vary in size, but as the attached photo indicates, the gully wash (f386) can be thick.

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Ceramics and items from these layers are fully analyzed and cataloged. Pottery is from mixed phases. Most items are ubiquitous stone tools and clay artifacts.

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