Unit Book A6

The Palace Kitchen (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-26


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 1997-06-24 rK f324 (accumulation C) [Input: H627RK.J]
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 1997-06-24 dns accumulation [Input: H626DNS.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 1997-06-24 rK Leveling the floor at the bottom of f330 = f324 led to material easily peeling off an ashy surface. This may be a floor--had plenty of sherds-- and we have labeled it f331. A clay lump that may have an impression on it was recovered from here. [Input: H627RK.J]
Notes on recovery 1997-06-24 dns mid-way through, came across surface from which accum above peeled off with ease. Attempted to trace surface with small pick. For a small area, less than 1/4 square meter, we traced a surface which did not continue. About 10cm below f330, top of two door sockets found, q item 763.1 and 763.2. Possibly a lense of ash. A couple of painted sherds and a claw found, also an incised rim sherd. [Input: H616DNSD.J]
1997-06-24 dns mid way through, came across surface from which accum above peeled off with ease. Attempled to trace surface with small pick. For a small area, less than 1/4 square meter, we traced a surface which did not continue. About 10cm below f330, top of two door sockets found, q item 763.1 and 763.2. Possibly a lense of ash. A couple of painted sherds and a claw found, also an incised rim sherd. [Input: H627DNS.J]
1997-06-24 dns a below f329, same stratum as f324 [Input: ZH322lC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 1997-06-24 dns k30 [Input: H626DNS.J]
Relays (applicable to elements) 1997-06-25 dns r714 (42875 36056 - 8687 / Relay location: SW) [Input: H708RK-R.J]
1997-06-25 dns r715 (42700 36353 - 8711 / Relay location: SE) [Input: H708RK-R.J]
1997-06-25 dns r716 (43096 36476 - 8695 / Relay location: NE) [Input: H708RK-R.J]
1997-06-25 dns r717 (43206 36237 - 8686 / Relay location: NW) [Input: H708RK-R.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 1997-06-24 dns i206 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 dns i208 sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 !! q765.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 !! q765.2 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 !! q767.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q770.1 (fi) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q771.1 (clay artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q771.2 (clay artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q771.3 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q771.4 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q771.5 (clay lump) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 !! q772.1 (blade) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-26 !! q778.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 dns q765 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 rk q766 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 rk q767 (bones, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-24 rk q768 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 dns q770 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 dns q771 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-25 dns q772 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-06-26 dns q778 (items, pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H626DNS.J]
1997-07-07 rK q844 (pottery) sits in f330 (accumulation) [Input: H708LKAL.J]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on time sequencing 1997-06-25 mkb f330 and f28 had painted sherds but nothing which certainly appears to be Nuzi. This stratum appears to be dated either very early in Nuzi (because of the handled pitcher sherd with handle directly attached to the rim, carinated bowl rims, necked jars with poorly painted black necks and bowls with a wide flat rim all characteristic of the Nuzi period at Mozan) or very late Habur period. [Input: H709MC1.J]