Unit Book A10

The Kitchen Area of the Service Quarter AK - (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-18


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 1997-07-02 lKA accumulation [Input: H702LKAL.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 1997-07-16 fAB this feature is high floor accumulation within room a22. So far we have found a conical cup base and several seal impressions, one of which is inscribed, saying, as far as gb and mkb can make out, "Tup-." [Input: H716LKAD.J]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 1997-07-02 lKA k5 [Input: H702LKAL.J]
M#/elev @top 1997-07-02 lKA surrounds bricks f95. [Input: H702LKAL.J]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 1997-07-02 lKA i46 (bowl) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H702LKAL.J]
1997-07-05 fAB i49 (human body) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-06 fAB i52 (blade) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-06 fAB i53 (metal artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 fAB i66 (metal artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 fAB i67 (clay artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-16 fAB i73 (seal impression) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-16 fAB i74 (seal impression) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-02 !! q147.1 (blade) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H702LKAL.J]
1997-07-05 !! q169.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-05 !! q169.2 (li) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-05 !! q169.3 (clay artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-05 !! q169.4 (jar) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-06 !! q180.1 (seal impression) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-14 !! q229.1 (bead) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 !! q238.1 (li) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 !! q238.2 (li) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-16 !! q247.1 (clay artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
2003-09-00 mKB q247.2 (clay artifact) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
1997-07-16 !! q252.1 (sherd) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-01 lKA q141 (pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H702LKAL.J]
1997-07-02 lKA q147 (pbl) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H702LKAL.J]
0000-00-00 fAB q159 (pl) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H704FAB2.J]
1997-07-05 lKA q169 (pbc) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-05 lKA q171 (pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-06 fAB q180 (bones, pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H707LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-14 fAB q229 (pl) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-14 fAB q235 (pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 lKA q238 (pl) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-15 fAB q243 (pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-16 fAB q247 (bplhc) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
1997-07-16 fAB q252 (pottery) sits in f94 (accumulation) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 1997-07-16 H714 a22 (room) [Input: H716LKAL (2).J]