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A12, or the ābi, is a very important structure at Urkesh and several publications have discussed various aspects and finds. This page lists, in alphabetical order, the main bibliographical references. Each bibliographical entry is displayed in an abbreviated form (Author’s surname + year + “keyword” / short title) redirecting with a link to the full bibliographical entry in the e-Library.
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Alphabetical order
Buccellati, G.
| 2005
| "The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh", in Studies on the Civilization and Culture of the Nuzi and the Hurrians 15, General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 11/1 pp. 3-28
Buccellati, G. and M. Kelly-Buccellati
| 2004
| "Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 136, pp. 13-39
| 2005
| "Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center" in Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 47, pp. 27-59
| 2007a
| "Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland" in
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 75/2, pp. 141-150
| 2007b
| "Between Heaven and Hell in Ancient Urkesh" in
Backdirt 175, pp. 68-73
Collins B.J.
| 2004
| "A Channel to the Underworld in Syria" in Near Eastern Archaeology 67:1, pp. 54-56
Di Martino, S.
| 2005
| "Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Archeozoologia della Struttura Sotterranea in A12," in Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 47, pp. 67-80
Erskine, N.
| 2020
| Folds, fields, and fauna: A Deleuzo-Guattarian approach to the socialising power of religious experiences in Ancient Near Eastern landscapes PhD dissertation
University of Glasgow, School of Humanities, College of Arts
May 2020
Kelly-Buccellati, M.
| 2002
| "Ein hurritischer Gang in die Unterwelt," Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 134, pp. 131-148
| 2005a
| "Introduction to the Archaeo-zoology of the ābi," Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 47, pp. 61-66
| 2016b
| "Urkesh: The Morphology and Cultural Landscape of the Hurrian Sacred," in P. Matthiae and M. D'Andrea (eds.), Ebla e la Siria dall'età del Bronzo all'età del Ferro, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Atti dei convegni Lincei 304, Roma: Bardi Edizioni, pp. 97-115
| 2019b
| "Urkesh ceramic evidence for function," in A. Pieńkowska, D. Szeląg and I. Zych (eds.),
Stories told around the fountain. Papers offered to Piotr Bieliński on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press; PCMA UW., pp. 285-304
Khalaf, R.
| 2021
| The influence of the Hurrian religion in Urkesh (Tell Mozan) on the belief of societies from the ancient Near East during the Bronze Age, Historical kan Periodical 14/54, pp. 267-272
May 2020
MacDougal, R.
| 2014
| "Remembrance and the Dead in Second Millennium BC Mesopotamia," Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Leicester (School of Archaology and Ancient History).
Dr. Davis Edwards, Thesis Supervisor.
1st September 2014.
Minunno, G.
| 2009
| "Da Urkeš ad Emar. Note sull' ābi," in Paola Negri Scafa and Salvatore Viaggio (eds.),Dallo Stirone allo Tigri, dal Tevere all'Eufrate,
Studi in onore di Claudio Saporetti,
Roma: Aracne, pp. 283-293.
Price, M. and Wolfhagen, J.
| 2020
| Evolution of a Taboo. Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East Oxford: Oxford University Press
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