Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2, Beta release)

A16 Syntetic View / Site presentation


Giorgio Buccellati – February 2025

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Panoramic panels

     The Palace panoramic panel is set on high ground south of the Palace. Overlooking the Palace as a whole, the most important features are highlighted.
     Two of the plates in the first section ("A life once lived"), and one of the third section ("Reconstructing the past"), refer to the area corresponding to A16.

     The first plate in the panel places the Palace courtyard in its wider context.
     The next plate refers to the later periods which are found stratigraphically above the palace. This includes the higher levels of A16.
     The last one explains the stratigraphic sequence, with A16 showing on the right.

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Small panels

     One small panel, set at the eastern side of the courtyard, explains some details of this part of the Palace, and one in particular refers to the courtyard.