Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2)


Processed on 2025-03-07



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2015-05-20 cJC burials [Input: ZA520CJC.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Features included within stratum 2000-12-18 !! a15 (^ burial)
a19 (^ burial)
a20 (^ burial)
a21 (^ burial)
a28 (^ pit)
a29 (burial) [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
2006-08-24 !! i62 (bowl)
i63 (jar)
i68 (jar)
i69 (bowl)
i71 (jar)
i72 (jewellery)
i73 (jewelry)
i74 (jewelry)
i75 (seal impression)
i76 (^ pin)
i77 (bowl)
i78 (human body)
i79 (animal bones)
i85 (^ sample)
i86 (^ sample)
i88 (uncertain)
i89 (seal impression)
i90 (^ seal impression)
i91 (^ seal impression)
i92 (^ seal impression)
i93 (tool)
i94 (tool)
i95 (^ clay lump)
i96 (^ human body)
i97 (jar)
i98 (jar)
i99 (^ seal impression)
i100 (^ seal impression)
i101 (pin)
i102 (^ figurine)
i103 (earring)
i105 (unknown)
i106 (uncertain)
i107 (pin)
i108 (^ seal impression)
i109 (^ seal impression)
i110 (uncertain)
i111 (uncertain)
i112 (^ seal impression)
i113 (^ seal impression)
i114 (jar)
i115 (jar)
i116 (figurine)
i117 (^ seal impression)
i118 (^ seal impression)
i119 (^ seal impression)
i120 (needle or pin)
i121 (^ bead)
i123 (^ human body)
i124 (^ jewelry item)
i127 (unknown)
i130 (bowl)
i131 (^ seal impression)
i134 (^ jewelry item)
i148 (^ sample)
i156 (^ human body)
i157 (unknown)
i158 (^ pin)
i159 (^ pin)
i160 (unknown)
i161 (jar)
i162 (grinding stone)
i163 (animal bone)
i164 (stand)
i167 (seal impression)
i168 (cup)
i169 (^ lithic artifact)
i170 (^ seal impression)
i172 (^ seal impression)
i173 (pin)
i174 (^ seal impression)
i175 (^ human body)
q641.1 (figurine)
q641.2 (strainer)
q643.1 (^ figurine)
q643.3 (^ figurine)
q643.4 (lithic specimen)
q645.1 (^ wheel)
q651.1 (^ seal impression)
q652.1 (^ clay lump)
q652.2 (^ jewelry item)
q655.1 (sherd)
q700.1 (^ clay lump)
q701.1 (debitage)
q703.1 (human body)
q704.1 (^ figurine)
q704.2 (unknown)
q704.3 (^ clay artifact)
q704.4 (uncertain)
q706.1 (^ lithic artifact)
q708.1 (^ clay lump)
q714.1 (uncertain)
q715.1 (human body)
q717.1 (^ seal impression)
q721.1 (^ seal impression)
q721.2 (uncertain)
q724.1 (^ clay lump)
q728.1 (^ clay lump)
q728.2 (debitage)
q728.3 (grinding stone)
q729.1 (^ clay lump)
q741.1 (^ figurine)
q742.1 (^ figurine)
q744.1 (^ clay lump)
q746.1 (^ seal impression)
q746.2 (shell artifact)
q747.1 (^ blade)
q749.1 (^ clay artifact)
q749.2 (^ clay lump)
q749.3 (^ clay lump)
q752.1 (bowl)
q756.1 (debitage)
q756.2 (debitage)
q756.3 (human body)
q757.1 (uncertain)
q759.1 (bowl)
q761.1 (unknown)
q761.2 (door socket)
q761.3 (pin)
q763.1 (^ seal impression)
q763.2 (^ seal impression)
q763.3 (blade)
q763.99 (^ clay lump)
q765.1 (^ clay lump)
q765.2 (debitage)
q765.3 (debitage)
q765.4 (^ figurine)
q765.5 (debitage)
q765.99 (blade)
q766.1 (unknown)
q766.1.1 (^ seal impression)
q766.1.2 (^ sealing)
q766.1.3 (^ sealing)
q766.1.4 (^ seal impression)
q766.1.5 (^ sealing)
q766.2 (debitage)
q766.6 (^ lithic artifact)
q766.7 (^ sample)
q767.1 (^ figurine)
q768.1 (sling ball)
q768.2 (^ seal impression)
q768.3 (^ clay lump)
q771.1 (^ clay lump)
q771.2 (^ clay lump)
q771.3 (debitage)
q771.4 (debitage)
q771.5 (uncertain)
q771.5.1 (sealing)
q771.5.2 (sealing)
q771.5.3 (sealing)
q771.5.4 (sealing)
q771.5.5 (sealing)
q771.5.6 (sealing)
q771.6 (^ figurine)
q771.99 (debitage)
q772.1 (^ clay lump)
q772.2 (^ clay lump)
q772.3 (blade)
q773.1 (debitage)
q773.2 (bead (clay))
q773.3 (blade)
q775.1 (blade)
q775.2 (^ clay lump)
q776.1 (uncertain)
q776.2 (blade)
q776.5 (debitage)
q776.99 (blade)
q777.1 (debitage)
q777.2 (unknown)
q780.1 (^ clay lump)
q780.2 (^ lithic artifact)
q780.2.1 (debitage)
q780.2.2 (blade)
q780.2.3 (debitage)
q782.1 (^ clay lump)
q783.1 (^ clay lump)
q783.2 (tool)
q783.3 (^ figurine)
q783.4 (bead (clay))
q785.1 (sample)
q788.1 (sealing impression)
q788.2 (^ clay lump)
q788.3 (^ figurine)
q795.1 (^ figurine)
q798.1 (^ unknown)
q798.2 (^ sample)
q798.3 (^ sample)
q798.98 (lithic artifact)
q799.1 (blade)
q802.1 (^ wheel)
q802.2 (uncertain)
q803.1 (debitage)
q805.1 (^ figurine)
q805.2 (^ figurine)
q808.1 (blade)
q808.2 (unknown)
q808.99 (^ lithic artifact)
q811.1 (flake)
q812.1 (lithic specimen)
q819.1 (uncertain)
q819.2 (debitage)
q843.1 (uncertain)
q849.1 (^ figurine)
q864.1 (slag)
q864.2 (debitage)
q864.3 (debitage)
q864.4 (unknown)
q864.5 (pin)
q864.6 (^ seal impression)
q864.7 (unknown)
q864.8 (figurine)
q864.9 (^ blade)
q864.10 (^ bowl)
q871.1 (^ wheel)
q871.2 (uncertain)
q871.3 (^ clay lump)
q871.3.1 (clay lump)
q871.3.2 (^ sealing)
q871.3.3 (^ sealing)
q871.3.4 (clay lump)
q871.4 (^ clay lump)
q871.5 (unknown)
q871.6 (grinding stone)
q871.7 (clay strainer)
q880.1 (jar)
q881.1 (^ sealing)
q885.1 (^ sealing)
q885.2 (^ sealing)
q885.5 (lithic specimen)
q885.99 (lithic specimen)
q886.1 (jar)
q886.2 (^ figurine)
q886.3 (unknown)
q886.4 (^ wheel)
q897.1 (^ seal impression)
q897.2 (^ clay lump)
q897.3 (debitage)
q897.4 (^ clay lump)
q897.5 (stopper)
q897.99 (jar)
q899.1 (^ clay lump)
q899.2 (^ jar)
q900.1 (^ figurine)
q900.2 (uncertain)
q641-p1 (bowl)
q641-p2 (jar)
q641-p3 (cup)
q641-p4 (cup)
q641-p5 (cup)
q641-p6 (jar)
q641-p7 (other shape sherd)
q641-p8 (jar)
q641-p70 (body sherd)
q641-p71 (body sherd)
q641-p72 (body sherd)
q641-p73 (body sherd)
q641-p74 (body sherd)
q641-p75 (body sherd)
q641-p76 (body sherd)
q641-p77 (body sherd)
q641-p78 (body sherd)
q641-p79 (body sherd)
q641-p80 (body sherd)
q641-p81 (body sherd)
q641-p82 (body sherd)
q643-p1 (xfx)
q643-p2 (jar)
q643-p3 (xf)
q643-p4 (xf)
q643-p5 (jar)
q643-p6 (jar)
q643-p7 (jar)
q643-p8 (bowl)
q643-p9 (xfx)
q643-p10 (cup)
q643-p11 (cup)
q643-p12 (bowl)
q643-p13 (jar)
q643-p14 (other shape sherd)
q643-p15 (jar)
q643-p16 (cup)
q643-p17 (jar)
q643-p18 (jar)
q643-p19 (jar)
q643-p20 (bowl)
q643-p21 (xrd)
q643-p22 (bowl)
q643-p23 (jar)
q643-p24 (cup)
q643-p25 (jar)
q643-p26 (other shape sherd)
q643-p27 (jar)
q643-p28 (cup)
q643-p29 (bowl)
q643-p30 (xf)
q643-p31 (xfx)
q643-p32 (xrd)
q643-p33 (xlf)
q643-p34 (xrd)
q643-p35 (xlf)
q643-p36 (other shape sherd)
q643-p37 (jar)
q643-p38 (xdc)
q643-p39 (xf)
q643-p40 (other shape sherd)
q643-p41 (bowl)
q643-p42 (pot)
q643-p43 (bowl)
q643-p44 (xfc)
q643-p45 (xf)
q643-p46 (bowl)
q643-p47 (bowl)
q643-p48 (cg)
q643-p49 (cg)
q643-p50 (strainer)
q643-p52 (cup)
q643-p53 (bowl)
q643-p54 (xrd)
q643-p55 (cup)
q643-p56 (bowl)
q643-p57 (strainer)
q643-p58 (xf)
q643-p59 (xrd)
q643-p60 (xrd)
q643-p61 (xfx)
q643-p62 (strainer)
q643-p63 (strainer)
q643-p64 (xfx)
q643-p65 (xlf)
q643-p66 (jar)
q643-p67 (xfx)
q643-p68 (xf)
q645-p70 (body sherd)
q645-p71 (body sherd)
q645-p72 (body sherd)
q645-p73 (body sherd)
q651-p1 (cup)
q651-p2 (bowl)
q651-p3 (n)
q651-p4 (cup)
q651-p5 (xfc)
q651-p6 (jar)
q651-p70 (body sherd)
q651-p71 (body sherd)
q651-p72 (body sherd)
q651-p73 (body sherd)
q651-p74 (body sherd)
q651-p75 (body sherd)
q651-p76 (strainer)
q651-p77 (body sherd)
q652-p70 (body sherd)
q652-p71 (body sherd)
q652-p72 (body sherd)
q652-p73 (body sherd)
q661-p1 (jar)
q661-p2 (other shape sherd)
q661-p3 (bowl)
q661-p4 (other shape sherd)
q661-p5 (strainer)
q661-p6 (bowl)
q661-p7 (cup)
q661-p8 (bowl)
q661-p9 (bowl)
q661-p10 (r)
q661-p11 (bowl)
q661-p12 (other shape sherd)
q661-p13 (other shape sherd)
q661-p14 (jar)
q661-p15 (bowl)
q661-p16 (jar)
q661-p17 (cup)
q661-p18 (jar)
q661-p19 (cup)
q663-p1 (xf)
q663-p2 (i)
q663-p3 (f)
q663-p4 (bowl)
q663-p5 (bowl)
q663-p6 (xfc)
q663-p7 (bowl)
q663-p8 (xrd)
q663-p9 (cup)
q663-p10 (xf)
q663-p11 (other shape sherd)
q663-p12 (bowl)
q663-p13 (f)
q663-p14 (other shape sherd)
q663-p15 (bowl)
q663-p16 (cup)
q663-p17 (cup)
q663-p18 (other shape sherd)
q663-p19 (other shape sherd)
q663-p20 (other shape sherd)
q663-p21 (other shape sherd)
q663-p22 (other shape sherd)
q663-p23 (other shape sherd)
q663-p24 (other shape sherd)
q663-p25 (other shape sherd)
q663-p26 (other shape sherd)
q663-p27 (other shape sherd)
q663-p28 (other shape sherd)
q663-p29 (other shape sherd)
q663-p30 (other shape sherd)
q663-p31 (other shape sherd)
q663-p32 (other shape sherd)
q663-p33 (other shape sherd)
q663-p34 (other shape sherd)
q663-p35 (other shape sherd)
q663-p36 (other shape sherd)
q663-p37 (other shape sherd)
q663-p38 (other shape sherd)
q663-p39 (xdc)
q663-p70 (body sherd)
q663-p71 (body sherd)
q700-p1 (strainer)
q700-p2 (cup)
q700-p3 (bowl)
q700-p4 (cup)
q700-p5 (cup)
q700-p6 (bowl)
q700-p7 (i)
q700-p8 (f)
q700-p9 (sq)
q700-p10 (cup)
q700-p11 (r)
q700-p12 (xfc)
q700-p13 (xfx)
q700-p70 (body sherd)
q700-p71 (body sherd)
q700-p72 (body sherd)
q700-p73 (body sherd)
q700-p74 (body sherd)
q700-p75 (body sherd)
q700-p76 (body sherd)
q700-p77 (body sherd)
q701-p1 (bowl)
q701-p2 (bowl)
q701-p3 (bowl)
q701-p4 (bowl)
q701-p5 (cup)
q701-p6 (bowl)
q701-p7 (bowl)
q701-p8 (cup)
q701-p9 (cup)
q701-p10 (r)
q701-p11 (bowl)
q701-p12 (cup)
q701-p13 (f)
q701-p14 (jar)
q701-p15 (r)
q701-p16 (r)
q701-p17 (i)
q701-p18 (xfc)
q701-p19 (xfc)
q701-p20 (xfc)
q701-p21 (xfc)
q701-p22 (xfc)
q701-p23 (xfc)
q701-p24 (other shape sherd)
q701-p70 (body sherd)
q701-p71 (body sherd)
q701-p72 (body sherd)
q701-p73 (body sherd)
q701-p74 (body sherd)
q701-p75 (body sherd)
q701-p76 (body sherd)
q701-p77 (body sherd)
q701-p78 (body sherd)
q702-p1 (r)
q702-p2 (jar)
q702-p3 (jar)
q702-p4 (xfx)
q702-p5 (xfx)
q702-p6 (xfx)
q702-p7 (xfx)
q702-p8 (xfc)
q702-p9 (xf)
q702-p10 (other shape sherd)
q702-p70 (body sherd)
q702-p71 (body sherd)
q702-p72 (body sherd)
q702-p73 (body sherd)
q702-p74 (body sherd)
q702-p75 (body sherd)
q702-p76 (body sherd)
q702-p77 (body sherd)
q702-p78 (body sherd)
q703-p1 (cup)
q703-p2 (cup)
q703-p3 (bowl)
q703-p4 (bowl)
q703-p5 (bowl)
q703-p6 (jar)
q703-p7 (jar)
q703-p8 (sq)
q703-p9 (jar)
q703-p10 (xp)
q703-p11 (xf)
q703-p12 (other shape sherd)
q703-p70 (body sherd)
q703-p71 (body sherd)
q703-p72 (body sherd)
q703-p73 (body sherd)
q703-p74 (body sherd)
q703-p75 (body sherd)
q703-p76 (body sherd)
q703-p77 (body sherd)
q703-p78 (body sherd)
q703-p79 (body sherd)
q704-p1 (cup)
q704-p2 (n)
q704-p3 (bowl)
q704-p4 (bowl)
q704-p5 (bowl)
q704-p6 (cup)
q704-p7 (bowl)
q704-p8 (n)
q704-p9 (bowl)
q704-p10 (jar)
q704-p11 (jar)
q704-p12 (jar)
q704-p13 (xfx)
q704-p14 (xfc)
q704-p15 (xfc)
q704-p70 (body sherd)
q704-p71 (body sherd)
q704-p72 (body sherd)
q704-p73 (body sherd)
q704-p74 (body sherd)
q704-p75 (body sherd)
q704-p76 (body sherd)
q704-p77 (body sherd)
q704-p78 (body sherd)
q704-p79 (body sherd)
q705-p1 (strainer)
q705-p2 (f)
q705-p3 (cup)
q705-p4 (r)
q705-p5 (cup)
q705-p6 (bowl)
q705-p7 (sq)
q705-p8 (sq)
q705-p9 (i)
q705-p10 (jar)
q705-p11 (r)
q705-p12 (i)
q705-p13 (xf)
q705-p14 (xfc)
q705-p15 (xfc)
q705-p16 (xfx)
q705-p70 (body sherd)
q705-p71 (body sherd)
q705-p72 (body sherd)
q705-p73 (body sherd)
q705-p74 (body sherd)
q705-p75 (body sherd)
q705-p76 (body sherd)
q706-p1 (xf)
q706-p2 (bowl)
q706-p3 (bowl)
q706-p4 (xlf)
q706-p5 (bowl)
q706-p6 (xfx)
q706-p7 (xsc)
q706-p70 (body sherd)
q706-p71 (body sherd)
q706-p72 (body sherd)
q706-p73 (body sherd)
q706-p74 (body sherd)
q706-p75 (body sherd)
q706-p76 (body sherd)
q706-p77 (body sherd)
q708-p1 (bowl)
q708-p2 (cup)
q708-p3 (jar)
q708-p4 (cup)
q708-p5 (jar)
q708-p6 (cup)
q708-p7 (jar)
q708-p8 (cg)
q708-p9 (xrd)
q708-p10 (bowl)
q708-p70 (body sherd)
q708-p71 (body sherd)
q708-p72 (body sherd)
q708-p73 (body sherd)
q708-p74 (body sherd)
q708-p75 (body sherd)
q709-p70 (body sherd)
q709-p71 (body sherd)
q709-p72 (body sherd)
q709-p73 (body sherd)
q712-p1 (jar)
q712-p2 (jar)
q712-p70 (body sherd)
q712-p71 (body sherd)
q712-p72 (body sherd)
q713-p1 (bowl)
q713-p2 (r)
q713-p3 (cup)
q713-p70 (body sherd)
q713-p71 (body sherd)
q713-p72 (body sherd)
q713-p73 (body sherd)
q713-p74 (body sherd)
q714-p1 (r)
q714-p70 (body sherd)
q714-p71 (body sherd)
q714-p72 (body sherd)
q714-p73 (body sherd)
q717-p1 (jar)
q717-p2 (r)
q717-p3 (xrg)
q717-p70 (body sherd)
q717-p71 (body sherd)
q717-p72 (strainer)
q718-p1 (cup)
q718-p70 (body sherd)
q718-p71 (body sherd)
q718-p72 (body sherd)
q718-p73 (body sherd)
q718-p74 (body sherd)
q718-p75 (body sherd)
q719-p1 (bowl)
q719-p2 (bowl)
q719-p3 (cup)
q719-p4 (bowl)
q719-p5 (bowl)
q719-p6 (cup)
q719-p7 (cup)
q719-p8 (xfx)
q719-p9 (xf)
q719-p10 (xf)
q719-p11 (xfx)
q719-p12 (bowl)
q719-p13 (bowl)
q719-p14 (bowl)
q719-p15 (cup)
q719-p70 (body sherd)
q719-p71 (body sherd)
q719-p72 (body sherd)
q719-p73 (body sherd)
q719-p74 (body sherd)
q719-p75 (body sherd)
q719-p76 (body sherd)
q720-p70 (body sherd)
q720-p71 (body sherd)
q720-p72 (body sherd)
q724-p70 (body sherd)
q724-p71 (body sherd)
q724-p72 (body sherd)
q724-p73 (body sherd)
q725-p70 (body sherd)
q725-p71 (body sherd)
q725-p72 (body sherd)
q728-p1 (xfc)
q728-p2 (jar)
q728-p3 (xfx)
q728-p4 (jar)
q728-p5 (xfc)
q728-p6 (xf)
q728-p7 (xfx)
q728-p70 (body sherd)
q728-p71 (body sherd)
q728-p72 (body sherd)
q728-p73 (body sherd)
q728-p74 (body sherd)
q728-p75 (body sherd)
q731-p1 (bowl)
q731-p2 (cup)
q731-p3 (bowl)
q731-p4 (jar)
q731-p5 (bowl)
q731-p6 (xsc)
q731-p7 (bowl)
q731-p8 (xfc)
q731-p9 (xfc)
q731-p10 (cup)
q731-p70 (body sherd)
q731-p71 (body sherd)
q731-p72 (body sherd)
q731-p73 (body sherd)
q731-p74 (body sherd)
q731-p75 (body sherd)
q731-p76 (body sherd)
q731-p77 (body sherd)
q736-p1 (xf)
q736-p2 (xfx)
q736-p3 (xfx)
q736-p4 (bowl)
q736-p5 (xfc)
q736-p6 (bowl)
q736-p7 (bowl)
q736-p8 (n)
q736-p9 (cup)
q736-p10 (i)
q736-p11 (other shape sherd)
q736-p70 (body sherd)
q736-p71 (body sherd)
q736-p72 (body sherd)
q736-p73 (body sherd)
q736-p74 (body sherd)
q736-p75 (body sherd)
q736-p76 (body sherd)
q737-p1 (bowl)
q737-p2 (jar)
q737-p3 (i)
q737-p4 (sq)
q737-p5 (bowl)
q737-p6 (xrg)
q737-p7 (xdc)
q737-p70 (body sherd)
q737-p71 (body sherd)
q737-p72 (body sherd)
q737-p73 (body sherd)
q737-p74 (body sherd)
q737-p75 (body sherd)
q737-p76 (body sherd)
q739-p1 (cup)
q739-p2 (r)
q739-p3 (other shape sherd)
q739-p70 (body sherd)
q739-p71 (body sherd)
q739-p72 (body sherd)
q739-p73 (body sherd)
q742-p1 (bowl)
q742-p2 (bowl)
q742-p3 (bowl)
q742-p4 (cup)
q742-p5 (bowl)
q742-p6 (bowl)
q742-p7 (cup)
q742-p8 (bowl)
q742-p9 (cup)
q742-p10 (bowl)
q742-p11 (strainer)
q742-p12 (bowl)
q742-p13 (xrg)
q742-p14 (xfc)
q742-p15 (bowl)
q742-p16 (bowl)
q742-p17 (r)
q742-p18 (f)
q742-p19 (i)
q742-p70 (body sherd)
q742-p71 (body sherd)
q742-p72 (body sherd)
q742-p73 (body sherd)
q742-p74 (body sherd)
q742-p75 (body sherd)
q742-p76 (body sherd)
q742-p77 (body sherd)
q742-p78 (body sherd)
q742-p79 (body sherd)
q742-p80 (body sherd)
q744-p1 (jar)
q744-p2 (xf)
q744-p3 (xdc)
q744-p4 (jar)
q744-p5 (xf)
q744-p6 (jar)
q744-p7 (r)
q744-p70 (body sherd)
q744-p71 (body sherd)
q744-p72 (body sherd)
q744-p73 (body sherd)
q744-p74 (body sherd)
q744-p75 (body sherd)
q744-p76 (body sherd)
q744-p77 (body sherd)
q745-p1 (jar)
q745-p2 (jar)
q745-p3 (worked disk)
q745-p70 (body sherd)
q745-p71 (body sherd)
q745-p72 (body sherd)
q745-p73 (body sherd)
q745-p74 (body sherd)
q745-p75 (body sherd)
q745-p76 (body sherd)
q746-p1 (cup)
q746-p2 (bowl)
q746-p3 (bowl)
q746-p4 (bowl)
q746-p5 (xp)
q746-p70 (body sherd)
q746-p71 (body sherd)
q746-p72 (body sherd)
q746-p73 (body sherd)
q746-p74 (body sherd)
q747-p1 (jar)
q747-p2 (xfc)
q747-p3 (xfc)
q747-p4 (bowl)
q747-p5 (xfx)
q747-p6 (xfx)
q747-p7 (xfx)
q747-p8 (bowl)
q747-p9 (jar)
q747-p10 (xfc)
q747-p11 (jar)
q747-p12 (cup)
q747-p13 (jar)
q747-p14 (r)
q747-p15 (n)
q747-p16 (cup)
q747-p17 (xfc)
q747-p18 (xfx)
q747-p70 (body sherd)
q747-p71 (body sherd)
q747-p72 (body sherd)
q747-p73 (body sherd)
q747-p74 (body sherd)
q747-p75 (body sherd)
q747-p76 (body sherd)
q747-p77 (body sherd)
q749-p1 (f)
q749-p2 (cup)
q749-p3 (cup)
q749-p4 (cup)
q749-p5 (xrg)
q749-p6 (xfx)
q749-p70 (body sherd)
q749-p71 (body sherd)
q749-p72 (body sherd)
q749-p73 (body sherd)
q749-p74 (body sherd)
q749-p75 (body sherd)
q749-p76 (body sherd)
q749-p77 (body sherd)
q750-p1 (jar)
q750-p2 (jar)
q750-p3 (jar)
q750-p4 (bowl)
q750-p5 (xf)
q750-p6 (xf)
q750-p70 (body sherd)
q750-p71 (body sherd)
q750-p72 (body sherd)
q750-p73 (body sherd)
q750-p74 (body sherd)
q750-p75 (body sherd)
q750-p76 (body sherd)
q751-p1 (cup)
q751-p2 (bowl)
q751-p3 (bowl)
q751-p4 (bowl)
q751-p5 (bowl)
q751-p6 (bowl)
q751-p7 (cup)
q751-p8 (bowl)
q751-p9 (bowl)
q751-p10 (bowl)
q751-p11 (cup)
q751-p12 (bowl)
q751-p13 (bowl)
q751-p14 (bowl)
q751-p15 (jar)
q751-p16 (jar)
q751-p17 (jar)
q751-p18 (bowl)
q751-p19 (jar)
q751-p70 (body sherd)
q751-p71 (body sherd)
q751-p72 (body sherd)
q751-p73 (body sherd)
q751-p74 (body sherd)
q751-p75 (strainer)
q751-p76 (body sherd)
q751-p77 (body sherd)
q751-p78 (body sherd)
q752-p1 (jar)
q752-p2 (cup)
q752-p3 (xrd)
q752-p70 (body sherd)
q752-p71 (body sherd)
q752-p72 (body sherd)
q752-p73 (body sherd)
q752-p74 (body sherd)
q754-p1 (jar)
q754-p2 (i)
q754-p70 (body sherd)
q754-p71 (body sherd)
q754-p72 (body sherd)
q754-p73 (body sherd)
q754-p74 (body sherd)
q756-p1 (xrd)
q756-p2 (i)
q756-p3 (xfc)
q756-p4 (xfx)
q756-p5 (bowl)
q756-p6 (xfx)
q756-p7 (bowl)
q756-p8 (bowl)
q756-p9 (bowl)
q756-p10 (bowl)
q756-p11 (bowl)
q756-p12 (xfx)
q756-p13 (jar)
q756-p14 (i)
q756-p15 (jar)
q756-p70 (body sherd)
q756-p71 (body sherd)
q756-p72 (body sherd)
q756-p73 (body sherd)
q756-p74 (body sherd)
q756-p75 (body sherd)
q756-p76 (body sherd)
q756-p77 (body sherd)
q756-p78 (body sherd)
q756-p79 (body sherd)
q756-p80 (body sherd)
q756-p81 (body sherd)
q757-p1 (cup)
q757-p2 (bowl)
q757-p3 (strainer)
q757-p4 (bowl)
q757-p5 (bowl)
q757-p6 (cup)
q757-p7 (n)
q757-p8 (xdc)
q757-p9 (other shape sherd)
q757-p10 (bowl)
q757-p11 (bowl)
q757-p12 (sq)
q757-p13 (root)
q757-p14 (r)
q757-p15 (strainer)
q757-p70 (body sherd)
q757-p71 (body sherd)
q757-p72 (body sherd)
q757-p73 (body sherd)
q757-p74 (body sherd)
q757-p75 (body sherd)
q757-p76 (body sherd)
q757-p77 (body sherd)
q757-p78 (body sherd)
q758-p1 (bowl)
q758-p2 (cup)
q758-p3 (plate)
q758-p4 (xfc)
q758-p5 (xdf)
q758-p6 (bowl)
q758-p7 (xfx)
q758-p8 (bowl)
q758-p9 (r)
q758-p10 (jar)
q758-p11 (bowl)
q758-p12 (cup)
q758-p13 (jar)
q758-p14 (tablet)
q758-p15 (r)
q758-p16 (i)
q758-p17 (jar)
q758-p18 (f)
q758-p70 (body sherd)
q758-p71 (body sherd)
q758-p72 (body sherd)
q758-p73 (body sherd)
q758-p74 (body sherd)
q758-p75 (body sherd)
q758-p76 (body sherd)
q758-p77 (body sherd)
q758-p78 (body sherd)
q759-p1 (bowl)
q759-p2 (bowl)
q759-p3 (bowl)
q759-p4 (bowl)
q759-p5 (xfx)
q759-p70 (body sherd)
q759-p71 (body sherd)
q759-p72 (body sherd)
q759-p73 (body sherd)
q759-p74 (body sherd)
q759-p75 (body sherd)
q759-p76 (body sherd)
q760-p1 (bowl)
q760-p2 (jar)
q760-p3 (bowl)
q760-p4 (jar)
q760-p5 (xf)
q760-p6 (xfx)
q760-p7 (r)
q760-p8 (xfx)
q760-p9 (xfx)
q760-p10 (xfx)
q760-p11 (other shape sherd)
q760-p70 (body sherd)
q760-p71 (body sherd)
q760-p72 (body sherd)
q760-p73 (body sherd)
q760-p74 (body sherd)
q760-p75 (body sherd)
q760-p76 (body sherd)
q760-p77 (body sherd)
q761-p1 (jar)
q761-p2 (bowl)
q761-p3 (jar)
q761-p4 (bowl)
q761-p5 (xfx)
q761-p6 (bowl)
q761-p7 (bowl)
q761-p8 (xf)
q761-p9 (jar)
q761-p10 (jar)
q761-p11 (jar)
q761-p12 (r)
q761-p13 (r)
q761-p70 (body sherd)
q761-p71 (body sherd)
q761-p72 (body sherd)
q761-p73 (body sherd)
q761-p74 (body sherd)
q761-p75 (body sherd)
q761-p76 (strainer)
q763-p1 (jar)
q763-p2 (cup)
q763-p3 (bowl)
q763-p4 (cup)
q763-p5 (cup)
q763-p6 (cup)
q763-p7 (cup)
q763-p8 (bowl)
q763-p9 (cup)
q763-p10 (jar)
q763-p11 (jar)
q763-p12 (jar)
q763-p13 (xfc)
q763-p14 (xrg)
q763-p15 (xfx)
q763-p16 (xf)
q763-p17 (xfc)
q763-p18 (xf)
q763-p70 (body sherd)
q763-p71 (body sherd)
q763-p72 (body sherd)
q763-p73 (body sherd)
q763-p74 (body sherd)
q764-p1 (bowl)
q764-p2 (cup)
q764-p3 (cup)
q764-p4 (bowl)
q764-p5 (jar)
q764-p6 (r)
q764-p7 (jar)
q764-p8 (xrg)
q764-p9 (xfc)
q764-p10 (xfx)
q764-p11 (xfc)
q764-p12 (xfc)
q764-p13 (xdc)
q764-p14 (xfc)
q764-p70 (body sherd)
q764-p71 (body sherd)
q764-p72 (body sherd)
q764-p73 (body sherd)
q764-p74 (body sherd)
q764-p75 (body sherd)
q764-p76 (body sherd)
q765-p1 (bowl)
q765-p2 (cup)
q765-p3 (cup)
q765-p4 (cup)
q765-p5 (pot)
q765-p6 (xfx)
q765-p7 (xfx)
q765-p8 (jar)
q765-p9 (cup)
q765-p10 (i)
q765-p11 (bowl)
q765-p12 (bowl)
q765-p13 (r)
q765-p14 (bowl)
q765-p15 (jar)
q765-p16 (jar)
q765-p17 (other shape sherd)
q765-p70 (body sherd)
q765-p71 (body sherd)
q765-p72 (body sherd)
q765-p73 (body sherd)
q765-p74 (body sherd)
q765-p75 (body sherd)
q765-p76 (body sherd)
q765-p77 (body sherd)
q765-p78 (body sherd)
q765-p79 (body sherd)
q766-p1 (bowl)
q766-p2 (bowl)
q766-p3 (bowl)
q766-p4 (bowl)
q766-p5 (cup)
q766-p6 (bowl)
q766-p7 (bowl)
q766-p8 (bowl)
q766-p9 (bowl)
q766-p10 (cup)
q766-p11 (bowl)
q766-p12 (cup)
q766-p13 (bowl)
q766-p14 (bowl)
q766-p15 (xdc)
q766-p16 (xfx)
q766-p17 (xfx)
q766-p18 (xf)
q766-p19 (xfx)
q766-p20 (r)
q766-p21 (xfx)
q766-p22 (bowl)
q766-p23 (bowl)
q766-p70 (body sherd)
q766-p71 (body sherd)
q766-p72 (body sherd)
q766-p73 (body sherd)
q766-p74 (body sherd)
q766-p75 (body sherd)
q766-p76 (body sherd)
q766-p77 (body sherd)
q766-p78 (body sherd)
q766-p79 (body sherd)
q766-p80 (body sherd)
q766-p81 (body sherd)
q767-p1 (bowl)
q767-p2 (bowl)
q767-p3 (bowl)
q767-p4 (bowl)
q767-p5 (n)
q767-p6 (bowl)
q767-p7 (pot)
q767-p8 (plate)
q767-p9 (cup)
q767-p10 (cup)
q767-p11 (cup)
q767-p12 (bowl)
q767-p13 (xrg)
q767-p14 (xrg)
q767-p15 (xrd)
q767-p16 (xf)
q767-p17 (xfc)
q767-p18 (xfx)
q767-p19 (jar)
q767-p20 (jar)
q767-p21 (i)
q767-p22 (ri)
q767-p23 (bowl)
q767-p24 (ri)
q767-p70 (body sherd)
q767-p71 (body sherd)
q767-p72 (body sherd)
q767-p73 (body sherd)
q767-p74 (body sherd)
q767-p75 (body sherd)
q767-p76 (body sherd)
q767-p77 (body sherd)
q767-p78 (body sherd)
q767-p79 (body sherd)
q768-p1 (cup)
q768-p2 (cup)
q768-p3 (cup)
q768-p4 (bowl)
q768-p5 (cup)
q768-p6 (bowl)
q768-p7 (bowl)
q768-p8 (jar)
q768-p9 (bowl)
q768-p10 (bowl)
q768-p11 (jar)
q768-p12 (jar)
q768-p13 (jar)
q768-p14 (jar)
q768-p15 (bowl)
q768-p16 (bowl)
q768-p17 (sq)
q768-p18 (sq)
q768-p19 (f)
q768-p20 (r)
q768-p21 (xfc)
q768-p22 (xfc)
q768-p23 (xfc)
q768-p24 (xf)
q768-p25 (tablet)
q768-p70 (body sherd)
q768-p71 (body sherd)
q768-p72 (body sherd)
q768-p73 (body sherd)
q768-p74 (body sherd)
q768-p75 (body sherd)
q769-p70 (body sherd)
q769-p71 (body sherd)
q770-p70 (body sherd)
q770-p71 (body sherd)
q771-p1 (bowl)
q771-p2 (bowl)
q771-p3 (bowl)
q771-p4 (bowl)
q771-p5 (bowl)
q771-p6 (bowl)
q771-p7 (bowl)
q771-p8 (cup)
q771-p9 (cup)
q771-p10 (cup)
q771-p11 (cup)
q771-p12 (cup)
q771-p13 (bowl)
q771-p14 (bowl)
q771-p15 (cup)
q771-p16 (bowl)
q771-p17 (strainer)
q771-p18 (n)
q771-p19 (xf)
q771-p20 (xf)
q771-p21 (xlf)
q771-p22 (xfx)
q771-p23 (xf)
q771-p24 (xf)
q771-p25 (xfx)
q771-p26 (xfx)
q771-p27 (xfc)
q771-p28 (xfx)
q771-p29 (xfx)
q771-p30 (bowl)
q771-p31 (i)
q771-p32 (jar)
q771-p33 (f)
q771-p34 (jar)
q771-p35 (jar)
q771-p36 (tablet)
q771-p37 (r)
q771-p38 (bowl)
q771-p70 (body sherd)
q771-p71 (body sherd)
q771-p72 (body sherd)
q771-p73 (body sherd)
q771-p74 (body sherd)
q771-p75 (body sherd)
q771-p76 (body sherd)
q771-p77 (body sherd)
q771-p78 (body sherd)
q771-p79 (body sherd)
q771-p80 (body sherd)
q772-p1 (jar)
q772-p2 (jar)
q772-p3 (bowl)
q772-p4 (bowl)
q772-p5 (bowl)
q772-p6 (bowl)
q772-p7 (bowl)
q772-p8 (bowl)
q772-p9 (cg)
q772-p10 (xfc)
q772-p11 (xrg)
q772-p12 (xfx)
q772-p13 (f)
q772-p14 (xfx)
q772-p15 (bowl)
q772-p16 (cup)
q772-p17 (cup)
q772-p18 (cup)
q772-p19 (cup)
q772-p20 (bowl)
q772-p21 (cup)
q772-p22 (cup)
q772-p23 (cup)
q772-p24 (cup)
q772-p25 (bowl)
q772-p26 (r)
q772-p27 (tablet)
q772-p28 (cup)
q772-p70 (body sherd)
q772-p71 (body sherd)
q772-p72 (body sherd)
q772-p73 (body sherd)
q772-p74 (body sherd)
q772-p75 (body sherd)
q772-p76 (body sherd)
q772-p77 (body sherd)
q772-p78 (body sherd)
q772-p79 (body sherd)
q772-p80 (body sherd)
q772-p81 (body sherd)
q772-p82 (body sherd)
q772-p83 (body sherd)
q772-p84 (strainer)
q773-p1 (jar)
q773-p2 (bowl)
q773-p3 (bowl)
q773-p4 (dp)
q773-p5 (xdf)
q773-p6 (worked disk)
q773-p7 (xf)
q773-p70 (body sherd)
q773-p71 (body sherd)
q773-p72 (body sherd)
q773-p73 (body sherd)
q773-p74 (body sherd)
q773-p75 (body sherd)
q773-p76 (body sherd)
q774-p70 (body sherd)
q774-p71 (body sherd)
q774-p72 (body sherd)
q774-p73 (body sherd)
q775-p1 (bowl)
q775-p2 (bowl)
q775-p3 (cup)
q775-p4 (cup)
q775-p5 (bowl)
q775-p6 (r)
q775-p7 (cup)
q775-p8 (bowl)
q775-p9 (bowl)
q775-p10 (cup)
q775-p11 (plate)
q775-p12 (cup)
q775-p13 (bowl)
q775-p14 (jar)
q775-p15 (xfc)
q775-p16 (xf)
q775-p70 (body sherd)
q775-p71 (body sherd)
q775-p72 (body sherd)
q775-p73 (body sherd)
q775-p74 (body sherd)
q775-p75 (body sherd)
q775-p76 (body sherd)
q775-p77 (body sherd)
q776-p1 (jar)
q776-p2 (ri)
q776-p3 (xfx)
q776-p4 (bowl)
q776-p5 (cup)
q776-p6 (bowl)
q776-p7 (xdx)
q776-p8 (jar)
q776-p9 (strainer)
q776-p10 (bowl)
q776-p11 (bowl)
q776-p12 (dr)
q776-p13 (cup)
q776-p14 (xf)
q776-p15 (sq)
q776-p16 (bowl)
q776-p17 (n)
q776-p18 (r)
q776-p19 (other shape sherd)
q776-p20 (strainer)
q776-p70 (body sherd)
q776-p71 (body sherd)
q776-p72 (body sherd)
q776-p73 (body sherd)
q776-p74 (body sherd)
q776-p75 (body sherd)
q776-p76 (body sherd)
q776-p77 (body sherd)
q776-p78 (body sherd)
q776-p79 (body sherd)
q777-p1 (bowl)
q777-p2 (cup)
q777-p3 (bowl)
q777-p4 (cup)
q777-p5 (plate)
q777-p6 (xfc)
q777-p70 (body sherd)
q777-p71 (body sherd)
q777-p72 (body sherd)
q777-p73 (body sherd)
q777-p74 (body sherd)
q777-p75 (body sherd)
q778-p1 (xfc)
q778-p2 (bowl)
q778-p3 (i)
q778-p4 (bowl)
q778-p70 (body sherd)
q778-p71 (body sherd)
q778-p72 (body sherd)
q778-p73 (body sherd)
q778-p74 (body sherd)
q778-p75 (body sherd)
q778-p76 (body sherd)
q778-p77 (body sherd)
q778-p78 (body sherd)
q779-p1 (xrd)
q779-p70 (body sherd)
q779-p71 (body sherd)
q779-p72 (body sherd)
q779-p73 (body sherd)
q779-p74 (body sherd)
q779-p75 (body sherd)
q780-p1 (cup)
q780-p2 (bowl)
q780-p3 (jar)
q780-p4 (tablet)
q780-p5 (jar)
q780-p6 (strainer)
q780-p7 (bowl)
q780-p8 (jar)
q780-p9 (bowl)
q780-p10 (i)
q780-p11 (r)
q780-p12 (cg)
q780-p13 (bowl)
q780-p14 (xrd)
q780-p15 (jar)
q780-p16 (jar)
q780-p17 (dr)
q780-p18 (dp)
q780-p19 (sq)
q780-p20 (jar)
q780-p21 (xfx)
q780-p22 (xrd)
q780-p23 (xf)
q780-p24 (xrd)
q780-p25 (i)
q780-p26 (xfx)
q780-p27 (xf)
q780-p70 (body sherd)
q780-p71 (body sherd)
q780-p72 (body sherd)
q780-p73 (body sherd)
q780-p74 (body sherd)
q780-p75 (body sherd)
q780-p76 (body sherd)
q780-p77 (body sherd)
q780-p78 (body sherd)
q780-p79 (body sherd)
q780-p80 (body sherd)
q780-p81 (body sherd)
q780-p82 (body sherd)
q781-p1 (xf)
q781-p2 (jar)
q781-p3 (bowl)
q781-p4 (cup)
q781-p5 (cup)
q781-p6 (cup)
q781-p7 (xfx)
q781-p8 (cup)
q781-p9 (r)
q781-p10 (bowl)
q781-p70 (body sherd)
q781-p71 (body sherd)
q781-p72 (body sherd)
q781-p73 (body sherd)
q781-p74 (body sherd)
q781-p75 (body sherd)
q781-p76 (body sherd)
q781-p77 (body sherd)
q781-p78 (body sherd)
q781-p79 (body sherd)
q782-p1 (bowl)
q782-p2 (cup)
q782-p3 (bowl)
q782-p70 (body sherd)
q782-p71 (body sherd)
q782-p72 (body sherd)
q782-p73 (body sherd)
q782-p74 (body sherd)
q782-p75 (body sherd)
q783-p1 (cup)
q783-p2 (bowl)
q783-p3 (bowl)
q783-p4 (bowl)
q783-p5 (cup)
q783-p6 (bowl)
q783-p7 (jar)
q783-p8 (jar)
q783-p9 (root)
q783-p10 (jar)
q783-p11 (jar)
q783-p12 (r)
q783-p13 (i)
q783-p14 (xfc)
q783-p15 (xf)
q783-p70 (body sherd)
q783-p71 (body sherd)
q783-p72 (body sherd)
q783-p73 (body sherd)
q783-p74 (body sherd)
q783-p75 (body sherd)
q783-p76 (body sherd)
q783-p77 (body sherd)
q783-p78 (body sherd)
q783-p79 (body sherd)
q784-p1 (root)
q784-p2 (pot)
q784-p3 (cup)
q784-p4 (jar)
q784-p5 (bowl)
q784-p6 (xf)
q784-p7 (xrd)
q784-p70 (body sherd)
q784-p71 (body sherd)
q784-p72 (body sherd)
q784-p73 (body sherd)
q784-p74 (body sherd)
q784-p75 (body sherd)
q784-p76 (body sherd)
q784-p77 (body sherd)
q785-p1 (root)
q785-p2 (bowl)
q785-p3 (bowl)
q785-p4 (cup)
q785-p5 (plate)
q785-p6 (jar)
q785-p7 (i)
q785-p8 (bowl)
q785-p9 (bowl)
q785-p10 (xfc)
q785-p11 (xrd)
q785-p12 (xfc)
q785-p70 (body sherd)
q785-p71 (body sherd)
q785-p72 (body sherd)
q785-p73 (body sherd)
q785-p74 (body sherd)
q785-p75 (body sherd)
q785-p76 (body sherd)
q785-p77 (body sherd)
q786-p1 (bowl)
q786-p2 (xlf)
q786-p3 (xf)
q786-p4 (bowl)
q786-p5 (bowl)
q786-p6 (bowl)
q786-p7 (bowl)
q786-p8 (jar)
q786-p9 (bowl)
q786-p10 (tablet)
q786-p70 (body sherd)
q786-p71 (body sherd)
q786-p72 (body sherd)
q786-p73 (body sherd)
q786-p74 (body sherd)
q786-p75 (body sherd)
q786-p76 (body sherd)
q786-p77 (body sherd)
q786-p78 (body sherd)
q786-p79 (body sherd)
q788-p1 (cup)
q788-p2 (cup)
q788-p3 (jar)
q788-p4 (jar)
q788-p5 (xfc)
q788-p70 (body sherd)
q788-p71 (body sherd)
q788-p72 (body sherd)
q788-p73 (body sherd)
q788-p74 (body sherd)
q788-p75 (body sherd)
q788-p76 (body sherd)
q788-p77 (body sherd)
q791-p1 (pot)
q791-p2 (r)
q791-p3 (f)
q791-p4 (ri)
q791-p5 (r)
q791-p6 (i)
q791-p7 (jar)
q791-p8 (bowl)
q791-p9 (bowl)
q791-p10 (bowl)
q791-p70 (body sherd)
q791-p71 (body sherd)
q791-p72 (body sherd)
q791-p73 (body sherd)
q791-p74 (body sherd)
q791-p75 (body sherd)
q791-p76 (body sherd)
q791-p77 (body sherd)
q792-p1 (xf)
q792-p2 (xf)
q792-p70 (body sherd)
q792-p71 (body sherd)
q792-p72 (body sherd)
q792-p73 (body sherd)
q792-p74 (body sherd)
q793-p1 (jar)
q793-p2 (i)
q793-p3 (xfc)
q793-p4 (xrg)
q793-p5 (xfc)
q793-p6 (cup)
q793-p7 (cup)
q793-p8 (dr)
q793-p9 (f)
q793-p10 (bowl)
q793-p11 (f)
q793-p70 (body sherd)
q793-p71 (body sherd)
q793-p72 (body sherd)
q793-p73 (body sherd)
q793-p74 (body sherd)
q793-p75 (body sherd)
q793-p76 (body sherd)
q793-p77 (body sherd)
q793-p78 (body sherd)
q793-p79 (body sherd)
q794-p1 (bowl)
q794-p2 (bowl)
q794-p3 (bowl)
q794-p4 (bowl)
q794-p5 (bowl)
q794-p6 (bowl)
q794-p7 (bowl)
q794-p8 (bowl)
q794-p9 (bowl)
q794-p10 (bowl)
q794-p11 (bowl)
q794-p12 (bowl)
q794-p13 (bowl)
q794-p14 (bowl)
q794-p15 (bowl)
q794-p16 (bowl)
q794-p17 (n)
q794-p18 (n)
q794-p19 (n)
q794-p20 (n)
q794-p21 (bowl)
q794-p22 (n)
q794-p23 (cup)
q794-p24 (cup)
q794-p25 (cup)
q794-p26 (cup)
q794-p27 (cup)
q794-p28 (cup)
q794-p29 (cup)
q794-p30 (bowl)
q794-p31 (cup)
q794-p32 (xrd)
q794-p33 (xfx)
q794-p34 (xfc)
q794-p35 (xfc)
q794-p36 (xrg)
q794-p37 (xfc)
q794-p38 (xf)
q794-p39 (xf)
q794-p40 (xfx)
q794-p41 (jar)
q794-p42 (jar)
q794-p43 (jar)
q794-p44 (dr)
q794-p45 (jar)
q794-p46 (bowl)
q794-p47 (r)
q794-p48 (bowl)
q794-p49 (bowl)
q794-p50 (r)
q794-p51 (n)
q794-p52 (tablet)
q794-p53 (specimen)
q794-p70 (body sherd)
q794-p71 (body sherd)
q794-p72 (body sherd)
q794-p73 (body sherd)
q794-p74 (body sherd)
q794-p75 (body sherd)
q794-p76 (body sherd)
q794-p77 (body sherd)
q794-p78 (body sherd)
q795-p1 (worked disk)
q795-p2 (bowl)
q795-p3 (xf)
q795-p70 (body sherd)
q795-p71 (body sherd)
q795-p72 (body sherd)
q795-p73 (body sherd)
q795-p74 (body sherd)
q798-p1 (cup)
q798-p2 (bowl)
q798-p3 (bowl)
q798-p4 (bowl)
q798-p5 (jar)
q798-p6 (sq)
q798-p7 (xf)
q798-p8 (xf)
q798-p9 (xfx)
q798-p70 (body sherd)
q798-p71 (body sherd)
q798-p72 (body sherd)
q798-p73 (body sherd)
q799-p1 (jar)
q799-p2 (cup)
q799-p3 (bowl)
q799-p4 (bowl)
q799-p5 (cup)
q799-p6 (bowl)
q799-p7 (bowl)
q799-p8 (i)
q799-p9 (bowl)
q799-p10 (bowl)
q799-p11 (xf)
q799-p12 (bowl)
q799-p13 (bowl)
q799-p14 (xf)
q799-p15 (xfx)
q799-p16 (bowl)
q799-p17 (bowl)
q799-p18 (n)
q799-p19 (xfc)
q799-p20 (bowl)
q799-p21 (bowl)
q799-p22 (bowl)
q799-p23 (bowl)
q799-p24 (bowl)
q799-p70 (body sherd)
q799-p71 (body sherd)
q799-p72 (body sherd)
q799-p73 (body sherd)
q799-p74 (body sherd)
q799-p75 (body sherd)
q799-p76 (body sherd)
q799-p77 (body sherd)
q802-p1 (bowl)
q802-p2 (bowl)
q802-p3 (bowl)
q802-p4 (xrg)
q802-p70 (body sherd)
q802-p71 (body sherd)
q802-p72 (body sherd)
q802-p73 (body sherd)
q802-p74 (body sherd)
q802-p75 (body sherd)
q803-p1 (cup)
q803-p2 (specimen)
q803-p3 (xfx)
q803-p70 (body sherd)
q803-p71 (body sherd)
q803-p72 (body sherd)
q803-p73 (body sherd)
q803-p74 (body sherd)
q805-p1 (bowl)
q805-p2 (bowl)
q805-p3 (bowl)
q805-p4 (bowl)
q805-p5 (cup)
q805-p6 (cup)
q805-p7 (cup)
q805-p8 (cup)
q805-p9 (pot)
q805-p10 (i)
q805-p11 (bowl)
q805-p12 (i)
q805-p13 (f)
q805-p14 (i)
q805-p15 (bowl)
q805-p70 (body sherd)
q805-p71 (body sherd)
q805-p72 (body sherd)
q805-p73 (body sherd)
q805-p74 (body sherd)
q806-p1 (cup)
q806-p2 (bowl)
q806-p3 (xf)
q806-p4 (xf)
q806-p70 (body sherd)
q806-p71 (body sherd)
q806-p72 (body sherd)
q806-p73 (body sherd)
q806-p74 (body sherd)
q806-p75 (body sherd)
q806-p76 (body sherd)
q807-p1 (bowl)
q807-p2 (i)
q807-p70 (body sherd)
q807-p71 (body sherd)
q807-p72 (body sherd)
q807-p73 (body sherd)
q808-p1 (cup)
q808-p2 (xfx)
q808-p3 (jar)
q808-p4 (xfx)
q808-p5 (tablet)
q808-p6 (other shape sherd)
q808-p70 (body sherd)
q808-p71 (body sherd)
q808-p72 (body sherd)
q808-p73 (body sherd)
q808-p74 (body sherd)
q808-p75 (body sherd)
q808-p76 (body sherd)
q812-p1 (r)
q812-p2 (jar)
q812-p3 (bowl)
q812-p4 (bowl)
q812-p5 (xrg)
q812-p6 (cup)
q812-p7 (bowl)
q812-p8 (bowl)
q812-p9 (jar)
q812-p10 (bowl)
q812-p11 (r)
q812-p12 (bowl)
q812-p13 (r)
q812-p14 (xf)
q812-p70 (body sherd)
q812-p71 (body sherd)
q812-p72 (body sherd)
q812-p73 (body sherd)
q812-p74 (body sherd)
q812-p75 (body sherd)
q819-p1 (cup)
q819-p2 (jar)
q819-p3 (cup)
q819-p4 (cup)
q819-p5 (cup)
q819-p6 (cup)
q819-p7 (r)
q819-p8 (cup)
q819-p9 (bowl)
q819-p10 (bowl)
q819-p11 (f)
q819-p12 (xfc)
q819-p13 (xsc)
q819-p70 (body sherd)
q819-p71 (body sherd)
q819-p72 (body sherd)
q819-p73 (body sherd)
q849-p1 (cup)
q849-p2 (cup)
q849-p3 (bowl)
q849-p4 (jar)
q849-p5 (bowl)
q849-p70 (body sherd)
q849-p71 (body sherd)
q849-p72 (body sherd)
q849-p73 (body sherd)
q864-p1 (bowl)
q864-p2 (bowl)
q864-p3 (bowl)
q864-p4 (jar)
q864-p5 (bowl)
q864-p6 (bowl)
q864-p7 (jar)
q864-p8 (bowl)
q864-p9 (jar)
q864-p10 (bowl)
q864-p11 (jar)
q864-p12 (pot)
q864-p13 (r)
q864-p70 (body sherd)
q864-p71 (body sherd)
q864-p72 (body sherd)
q864-p73 (body sherd)
q864-p74 (body sherd)
q864-p75 (body sherd)
q864-p76 (body sherd)
q866-p1 (r)
q866-p2 (bowl)
q866-p70 (body sherd)
q866-p71 (body sherd)
q866-p72 (body sherd)
q866-p73 (body sherd)
q866-p74 (body sherd)
q869-p1 (jar)
q869-p2 (jar)
q869-p3 (cup)
q869-p4 (jar)
q869-p5 (xrd)
q869-p6 (xrd)
q869-p70 (body sherd)
q869-p71 (body sherd)
q869-p72 (body sherd)
q869-p73 (body sherd)
q869-p74 (body sherd)
q869-p75 (body sherd)
q869-p76 (body sherd)
q869-p77 (body sherd)
q871-p1 (bowl)
q871-p2 (jar)
q871-p3 (bowl)
q871-p4 (bowl)
q871-p5 (bowl)
q871-p6 (bowl)
q871-p7 (bowl)
q871-p8 (bowl)
q871-p9 (bowl)
q871-p10 (jar)
q871-p11 (jar)
q871-p12 (xdx)
q871-p13 (worked disk)
q871-p14 (jar)
q871-p15 (sq)
q871-p16 (worked disk)
q871-p17 (worked disk)
q871-p70 (body sherd)
q871-p71 (body sherd)
q871-p72 (body sherd)
q871-p73 (body sherd)
q871-p74 (body sherd)
q871-p75 (body sherd)
q877-p1 (other shape sherd)
q880-p1 (jar)
q880-p2 (bowl)
q880-p3 (bowl)
q880-p4 (bowl)
q880-p5 (bowl)
q880-p6 (cup)
q880-p7 (jar)
q880-p8 (sq)
q880-p9 (bowl)
q880-p10 (jar)
q880-p11 (xf)
q880-p12 (xfx)
q880-p13 (jar)
q880-p14 (xf)
q880-p15 (xf)
q880-p16 (xf)
q880-p70 (body sherd)
q880-p71 (body sherd)
q880-p72 (body sherd)
q880-p73 (body sherd)
q880-p74 (body sherd)
q880-p75 (body sherd)
q880-p76 (body sherd)
q881-p1 (sq)
q881-p2 (cup)
q881-p3 (bowl)
q881-p4 (cup)
q881-p5 (tablet)
q881-p6 (bowl)
q881-p7 (cup)
q881-p8 (bowl)
q881-p9 (cup)
q881-p10 (bowl)
q881-p11 (bowl)
q881-p12 (cup)
q881-p13 (xf)
q881-p14 (xf)
q881-p15 (xf)
q881-p16 (xf)
q881-p17 (tablet)
q881-p18 (cup)
q881-p19 (bowl)
q881-p20 (sq)
q881-p21 (r)
q881-p70 (body sherd)
q881-p71 (body sherd)
q881-p72 (body sherd)
q881-p73 (body sherd)
q881-p74 (body sherd)
q881-p75 (body sherd)
q881-p76 (body sherd)
q881-p77 (body sherd)
q881-p78 (body sherd)
q883-p1 (jar)
q883-p2 (jar)
q883-p3 (bowl)
q883-p4 (jar)
q883-p5 (sq)
q883-p6 (bowl)
q883-p7 (pot)
q883-p8 (jar)
q883-p9 (bowl)
q883-p10 (r)
q883-p11 (xdf)
q883-p12 (xf)
q883-p13 (bowl)
q883-p14 (bowl)
q883-p15 (jar)
q883-p70 (body sherd)
q883-p71 (body sherd)
q883-p72 (body sherd)
q883-p73 (body sherd)
q883-p74 (body sherd)
q883-p75 (body sherd)
q883-p76 (body sherd)
q885-p1 (cup)
q885-p2 (cup)
q885-p3 (r)
q885-p4 (cup)
q885-p5 (cup)
q885-p6 (bowl)
q885-p7 (jar)
q885-p8 (sq)
q885-p9 (xfc)
q885-p10 (xfc)
q885-p11 (specimen)
q885-p70 (body sherd)
q885-p71 (body sherd)
q885-p72 (body sherd)
q885-p73 (body sherd)
q885-p74 (body sherd)
q885-p75 (body sherd)
q886-p1 (xfc)
q886-p2 (bowl)
q886-p3 (bowl)
q886-p4 (bowl)
q886-p5 (xdc)
q886-p6 (bowl)
q886-p7 (bowl)
q886-p8 (jar)
q886-p9 (xrg)
q886-p10 (bowl)
q886-p11 (jar)
q886-p12 (xf)
q886-p13 (xlf)
q886-p70 (body sherd)
q886-p71 (body sherd)
q886-p72 (body sherd)
q886-p73 (body sherd)
q886-p74 (body sherd)
q886-p75 (worked disk)
q886-p76 (body sherd)
q888-p1 (xrd)
q888-p2 (xfx)
q888-p3 (bowl)
q888-p4 (bowl)
q888-p5 (bowl)
q888-p6 (xfc)
q888-p7 (jar)
q888-p8 (jar)
q888-p9 (jar)
q888-p10 (jar)
q888-p11 (bowl)
q888-p12 (bowl)
q888-p13 (jar)
q888-p70 (body sherd)
q888-p71 (body sherd)
q888-p72 (body sherd)
q888-p73 (body sherd)
q888-p74 (body sherd)
q888-p75 (body sherd)
q888-p76 (body sherd)
q889-p1 (bowl)
q889-p2 (jar)
q889-p3 (f)
q889-p4 (x)
q889-p5 (xf)
q889-p6 (xfx)
q889-p7 (xfx)
q889-p8 (xfx)
q889-p78 (body sherd)
q889-p79 (body sherd)
q889-p80 (body sherd)
q889-p81 (body sherd)
q889-p82 (body sherd)
q889-p83 (body sherd)
q889-p84 (body sherd)
q890-p1 (jar)
q890-p2 (jar)
q890-p3 (xfx)
q890-p4 (bowl)
q890-p5 (jar)
q890-p6 (jar)
q890-p7 (bowl)
q890-p8 (jar)
q890-p9 (strainer)
q890-p10 (bowl)
q890-p11 (bowl)
q890-p12 (tsp)
q890-p13 (sq)
q890-p14 (xlf)
q890-p15 (worked disk)
q890-p16 (worked disk)
q890-p17 (worked disk)
q890-p18 (worked disk)
q890-p19 (worked disk)
q890-p20 (worked disk)
q890-p21 (worked disk)
q890-p22 (worked disk)
q890-p23 (worked disk)
q890-p24 (worked disk)
q890-p25 (worked disk)
q890-p26 (worked disk)
q890-p27 (worked disk)
q890-p70 (body sherd)
q890-p71 (body sherd)
q890-p72 (body sherd)
q890-p73 (body sherd)
q890-p74 (body sherd)
q890-p75 (body sherd)
q890-p76 (body sherd)
q890-p77 (body sherd)
q897-p1 (jar)
q897-p2 (bowl)
q897-p3 (bowl)
q897-p4 (bowl)
q897-p5 (pot)
q897-p6 (xf)
q897-p7 (xfc)
q897-p8 (jar)
q897-p9 (sq)
q897-p10 (xf)
q897-p11 (jar)
q897-p12 (bowl)
q897-p13 (jar)
q897-p14 (jar)
q897-p15 (xrg)
q897-p16 (bowl)
q897-p17 (bowl)
q897-p18 (cup)
q897-p19 (bowl)
q897-p20 (xfx)
q897-p21 (xf)
q897-p22 (xfx)
q897-p23 (xfc)
q897-p24 (xfx)
q897-p25 (xf)
q897-p26 (xfx)
q897-p27 (xfx)
q897-p70 (body sherd)
q897-p71 (body sherd)
q897-p72 (body sherd)
q897-p73 (body sherd)
q897-p74 (body sherd)
q897-p75 (body sherd)
q897-p76 (body sherd)
q897-p77 (body sherd)
q897-p78 (body sherd)
q897-p79 (body sherd)
q897-p98 (body sherd)
q899-p1 (bowl)
q899-p2 (bowl)
q899-p3 (bowl)
q899-p4 (i)
q899-p5 (jar)
q899-p6 (jar)
q899-p7 (xf)
q899-p8 (xlf)
q899-p9 (jar)
q899-p10 (bowl)
q899-p11 (jar)
q899-p70 (body sherd)
q899-p71 (body sherd)
q899-p72 (body sherd)
q899-p73 (body sherd)
q899-p74 (body sherd)
q899-p75 (body sherd)
q899-p76 (body sherd)
q900-p1 (bowl)
q900-p2 (bowl)
q900-p3 (bowl)
q900-p4 (bowl)
q900-p5 (bowl)
q900-p6 (bowl)
q900-p7 (bowl)
q900-p8 (bowl)
q900-p9 (bowl)
q900-p10 (cup)
q900-p11 (xrg)
q900-p12 (xfx)
q900-p13 (xf)
q900-p70 (body sherd)
q900-p71 (body sherd)
q900-p72 (body sherd)
q900-p73 (body sherd)
q900-p74 (body sherd)
q900-p75 (body sherd)
q900-p76 (body sherd)
q900-p77 (body sherd)
q901-p1 (bowl)
q901-p2 (jar)
q901-p3 (jar)
q901-p4 (jar)
q901-p5 (fd)
q901-p6 (jar)
q901-p7 (bowl)
q901-p8 (cup)
q901-p9 (xrg)
q901-p10 (r)
q901-p11 (bowl)
q901-p12 (jar)
q901-p13 (xf)
q901-p14 (xsc)
q901-p15 (xf)
q901-p16 (worked disk)
q901-p17 (worked disk)
q901-p18 (worked disk)
q901-p19 (worked disk)
q901-p20 (worked disk)
q901-p70 (body sherd)
q901-p71 (body sherd)
q901-p72 (body sherd)
q901-p73 (body sherd)
q901-p74 (body sherd)
q903-p1 (jar)
q903-p2 (jar)
q903-p3 (bowl)
q903-p4 (bowl)
q903-p5 (bowl)
q903-p6 (bowl)
q903-p7 (r)
q903-p8 (jar)
q903-p9 (xrg)
q903-p10 (xdf)
q903-p11 (xrd)
q903-p12 (worked disk)
q903-p70 (body sherd)
q903-p71 (body sherd)
q903-p72 (body sherd)
q903-p73 (body sherd)
q903-p74 (body sherd)
q903-p75 (body sherd)
q903-p76 (body sherd)
q903-p77 (body sherd)
q903-p78 (body sherd)
q904-p1 (jar)
q904-p2 (bowl)
q904-p3 (worked disk)
q904-p4 (worked disk)
q904-p5 (worked disk)
q904-p6 (worked disk)
q904-p70 (body sherd)
q904-p71 (body sherd)
q904-p72 (body sherd)
q904-p73 (body sherd)
q904-p74 (body sherd)
q904-p75 (body sherd)
q904-p76 (body sherd)
q904-p77 (body sherd)
q904-p78 (body sherd)
q906-p1 (jar)
q906-p2 (jar)
q906-p3 (bowl)
q906-p4 (jar)
q906-p5 (xfx)
q906-p6 (xf)
q906-p7 (jar)
q906-p8 (jar)
q906-p9 (worked disk)
q906-p10 (worked disk)
q906-p11 (worked disk)
q906-p12 (worked disk)
q906-p13 (worked disk)
q906-p14 (worked disk)
q906-p15 (worked disk)
q906-p16 (worked disk)
q906-p17 (worked disk)
q906-p70 (body sherd)
q906-p71 (body sherd)
q906-p72 (body sherd) [Input: S-CUMUL.j]
2015-05-20 cJC f203 (^ burial)
f216 (^ fill)
f217 (^ pit)
f220 (^ fill)
f223 (^ accumulation)
f227 (^ fill)
f228 (^ fill)
f229 (^ fill)
f230 (^ fill)
f232 (^ layer)
f236 (fill)
f250 (^ pit)
f251 (^ various)
f263 (^ accumulation C)
f264 (^ accumulation C)
f265 (^ accumulation C)
f266 (^ accumulation C)
f267 (accumulation C)
f268 (^ accumulation C)
f272 (^ pit)
f273 (^ pit)
f274 (^ pavement, type b)
f276 (^ pit)
f277 (^ fill)
f278 (^ layer)
f282 (^ layer)
f285 (^ accumulation C)
f286 (^ accumulation C)
f288 (^ wall)
f289 (^ fill)
f291 (^ pit)
f292 (^ layer)
f293 (^ layer)
f294 (^ layer)
f295 (^ fill)
f296 (^ pit)
f297 (^ wall)
f298 (^ pit)
f299 (^ pit)
f304 (^ fill)
f306 (^ layer)
f310 (^ layer)
f320 (^ fill)
f321 (^ layer)
f342 (^ pit)
f343 (^ fill) [Input: ZA520CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2015-05-20 cJC h5hAAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]