
The Terrace Edge, Center (Version 1a)


Phase 2iJ3B within unit J3

James L. Walker – October 2012

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     Phase 2i encompasses two strata (s864 and s866) that include the construction and use of a very large Late Chalcolithic structure (a25).
   Stratum 866 comprises the construction of the building a25. There is a brick foundation f363 and a brick wall f348. As we only have excavated the SW corner of the structure we do not know the extent or the use. However the thickness of the wall indicates it was large and important.
   Stratum 864 comprises the use of the structure. A series of floors and their accumulations have been excavated.

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Ceramics recovered were exclusively from the Late Chalcolithic period including several large jars. One jar contained an infant burial a20.Another significant item was a group of tokens (a35 and a36)

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