
The Terrace Edge, Center (Version 1a)

J3 Synthetic Overview / Introduction

Input for Unit J3

Giorgio Buccellati, Caitlin Chaves Yates, James L. Walker – February 2006, November 2010, March 2018

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The nature of the UGR input is described within the general website. Here we refer only to the data that are specific to the current book.

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Random input (the primary format)

The individual files of the primary input are not published within the purview of the Gobal Record. There are however three windows that open onto the primay database:

  1. A complete list of random input text files that were processed to produce the current version of the J3 Browser Edition.
  2. A list of files with entries authored by individual J3 staff members. The list is found by clicking on any given J3 member’s name in the Staff section of the J3 Introduction.
  3. A list of all authored entries by individual J3 staff member. The list is found by clicking on any given J3 member’s name in the Staff section of the J3 Introduction.

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Ordered input (the intermediate format)

The files of the ordered input are published in their totality within the Urkesh Global Record (see the lower portion of the right hand vertical bar). The section on the Data Set (accessed from the Tabulations in the lower portion of the left hand side vertical bar) gives an overview of the various components.

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