Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-28


Roster Date Author Record
Included in other label 2011-06-10 jW a704 (volumetric material) [Input: V610JW.j]
2022-08-21 jW a18 (volumetric material) [Input: ZG821jW1.j]
Category !! !! other features
Best definition 2008-08-19 dL volumetric material [Input: S914LH.j]
Summary 2012-12-16 jW Undifferentiated soil in k100 extending from the surface to the top of undifferentiated soil f174. [Input: WZ16JW.j]
Best image 2008-09-22 lH
v125 [Input: S922LH.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-08-20 jW The volumetric material in an extension of locus 100 to the southwest by 150cm to improve the sightlines from the new observation platform south of k32. We plan to excavate the northeastern two thirds of the southwest extension to the level already excavated along the northeastern edge. Then, we will slope the remaing 50cm slice from the surface on the southwest to the lower level to the northeast. [Input: S820JW.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-08-19 dL k100 [Input: S914LH.j]
M#/elev @top 2008-08-19 dL 9243 [Input: S914LH.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2008-08-19 dL 9138 [Input: S914LH.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-08-25 !! q252.1 (shell artifact) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q252.2 (polishing stone) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q257.1 (blade) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q257.2 (figurine) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q257.3 (figurine) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-26 !! q265.1 (polishing stone) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S827DL.j]
2008-08-24 sNP q248 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S824DL.j]
2008-08-25 dL q252 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 dL q257 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 lH q259 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-26 lH q265 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S827DL.j]
2008-08-27 lH q281 (pottery) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S827DL.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p70 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p71 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p72 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p73 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p74 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-25 !! q259-p75 (body sherd) sits in f159 (volumetric material) [Input: S825DL1.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2008-09-12 lH f159 (volumetric material) abuts f110 (volumetric material) [Input: S915LH.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 jW s0J5B [Input: WX16JW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 !! h9sJ5B [Input: WX16JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2008-08-19 dL soil [Input: S914LH.j]
Texture, surface finish 2008-08-19 dL baulk-like soil [Input: S914LH.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2008-09-22 jW [Input: S922JW.j]

2008-09-22 jW [Input: S922JW.j]

2008-09-22 jW [Input: S922JW.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2008-08-19 dL S827 [Input: S914LH.j]