Notes on typology |
2008-09-16 |
mKB |
Mittani shapes: body sherds from 2 vessels with ribbing on large parts of the body (Mittani?), straight sided deep bowl with applied "rope" decoration, bowl with wide depression below the rim, "pie crust" stand, gray ware body sherd. Phase 3 shapes and decoration: body sherd with combed decoration with very thick applied "rope" decoration (in the Mittani period incisions are done by a template not a comb but the thickness of the applied decoartion is unusual for Phase 3 so this may possibly be a Phase 6 imitation of a Phase 3 design, jar shoulder with two lines of combed decoaation (in Phase 3 this pattern usually has a combed wavy line between the horizontal combed lines, again an imitation?), jar with double rim typical for Phase 3 [Input: S914MKB.J] |