Roster |
Date |
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Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2001-07-16 |
jlw |
cleared up to a meter of backdirt from an overhanging berm and plastic sheeting that had covered the topsoil in preparation for full excavation on L717. [Input: L716JLW.j] |
2001-07-17 |
jlw |
began removing topsoil, f307, after removing up to 1 meter of overburden, consisting of backdirt and part of a berm. [Input: L717JLW.j] |
2001-07-18 |
jlw |
finished removing topsoil, f307, and began removing accumulation, f312. [Input: L727JLW.j] |
2001-07-19 |
jlw |
continued to dig down to find the first evidence of wall tops along the northern extension of the MZ12 excavation limits of A11. Found a layer of pebbles, f318, in the NW corner just under the topsoil, f307. On the last pick run of the day, began to see bricks that correspond to those of wall, f309, in k15. [Input: L720JLW.j] |
2001-07-21 |
jlw |
continued to look for brickwork, which we expect by analogy to locus 15 to the south. One large wall, f328 is now clearly defined in the SE quarter. In the NW quarter, below the sherd and pebble layer, f318, was a flat floor surface of fist-sized pebbles, f326, which seems to match in section a similar surface in k24. Between the wall and the floor surface is a very dense, hard accumulation containing bits of charcoal. This is typical of a living accumulation and may be evidence of late scattered occupational use of the site. [Input: L721JLW.j] |
2001-07-22 |
jlw |
concentrated on defining the set of late phase features encountered below the first layer of accumulation, f312, under the topsoil, f307. These inclued a sherd and pebble floor, f326 in the NW corner, a very hard accumulation, f329, in the middle of the eastern half and the top of a substantial mudbrick structure, probably a wall, f328, in the SE corner. Ceased excavation in this locus to preserve the wall for future season's excavation of this portion of the unit. [Input: L722JLW1.j] |