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Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2001-07-18 |
jlw |
began excavating topsoil, f311. [Input: L727JLW.j] |
2001-07-21 |
jlw |
we began clearing the topsoil, f311, from the west side of the locus. There was a large amount of pottery (5 q-lots) in just a few centimeters of cover, including an unusual bowl shape. In the SW quarter, the NE face of a NW to SE line of bricks, f329, appeared at the south baulk and disappeared into the west baulk. [Input: L721JLW.j] |
2001-07-23 |
jlw |
contined to remove accumulation on the west edge of the locus. Also, began to remove what remains of the north baulk from the MZ6 excavation. We can see the south face of a relatively crude wall, f , in section on the meddle of the north baulk. The wall complex, a25, definitely disappears into the west baulk, which we will not extend to the west this season. Also, we have uncovered organized lines of bricks, f332, f333, and f334, that are almost certainly part of a tomb, a37. Cleared the remaining backfill from the southeast quarter of the locus. [Input: L723JLW.j] |
2001-07-24 |
jlw |
excavated below the bricks in the grave, a37. No evidence of bones or artifacts were found. Cut sections on the north and west faces of the north baulk to look for traces of brickwork. Instead, found bands of light and dark accumulation, the dark having an ashy component that may have come from the large kiln excavated in A7 several seasons ago. At the end of the day, removed the baulk. At the end of the day, found evidence of a living accumulation, f337 between the grave, a37, and the north baulk. [Input: L724JLW.j] |