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Daily notes about recovery of elements |
2001-07-19 |
jlw |
thoroughly cleaned this locus, which included a large portion of one of the step trench loci excavated in 1990 during MZ6. So far, we have found a very large E-W wall, f322, a small, late occupation floor surface, f324, and a well-made cement plaster floor, f321. A human statuette fragment of a complete man's head, i149, was found in topsoil just under the surface of the tell. [Input: L720JLW.j] |
2001-07-22 |
jlw |
removed backfill in preparation for excavation on L723. [Input: L722JLW1.j] |
2001-07-23 |
jlw |
after removing a berm on L722, we began to excavate the eastern half of the locus which had not been touched in the MZ6 excavations. Immediately, under the topsoil in the southeast quarter, f316, we found what appears to be the eastern face of an E-W wall, f330, which was badly damaged in MZ6, probably because the excavators did not recognize the bricks, which are the color of the surrounding loess. Just to the east of this face, we encountered relatively clean accumulation, f331, which suggests the possibility of a room that is contained on the west by wall, f322, and on the north by wall, f330. Wall, f322, appears to be built upon a fine floor surface, f321, elevation 9304, which in turn suggests that the room may be formed by reuse of the original wall and floor complex. [Input: L723JLW.j] |
2001-07-24 |
jlw |
better defined the nature of the possible room on the eastern edge of the locus. It appears to be an amalgam of phases of occupation. For example, there appears to be an inferior addition to N-S wall, f322, built onto the south face. We further clarified the north face of E-W wall, f330, which appears to extend into the east baulk. In the SE corner we found at least one double row of bricks that may be the southern boundary of accumulation, f331. [Input: L724JLW.j] |