Analogical Record
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View/drawing of aggregate | 2001-08-02 | jlw | a37 (doorway) a38 (room) a39 (room) a40 (burial) [Input: L929JW.j] |
View/drawing of features | 2001-08-02 | jlw | f321 (floor, type a) f322 (wall) f324 (floor, type c) f330 (wall) f338 (wall) f339 (wall) f340 (cut) f341 (wall) [Input: L929JW.j] |
View/drawing of item | 2001-08-02 | jlw | i154 (lithic artifact) [Input: L929JW.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 2001-08-02 | jlw | k51 k52 [Input: L929JW.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 2001-08-02 | jlw | looking east [Input: L929JW.j] |
General notes on photos | 2001-08-02 | jlw | locus k52, at the northern edge of the current season's excavations has the most complete set of Phase 5 architecture that we have found. Some structures have been damaged by previous excavations and weathering, but it is clear that there are the remains of two buildings that sit back-to-back, along with a late-phase re-use that added a rebuilt wall, f341, and floor, f324, to form a room, a38, with part of the Phase 5 wall, f322. There is also a simple, late burial, f340, that has been dug into the far NE corner. In the SE quarter there is the corner of a room formed by the southern part of N-S wall, f322, and E-W wall, f338. Another room seems to be formed by N-S wall, f341 (which abuts but does not join N-S wall, f322), and E-W wall, f330. Wall, f341, appears to be laid upon a thin layer of cement, which may signify that there is an entrance to a house or room just to the east. (It is not possible to say for certain, but there is an E-W line of bricks, a break, then a continuation to the west in k51, which has been cleaned, but not fully excavated, this season. [Input: L729JW1.j] |
2001-08-02 | jlw | locus k52, at the northern edge of the current season's excavations has the most complete set of Phase 5 architecture that we have found. Some structures have been damaged by previous excavations and weathering, but it is clear that there are the remains of two buildings that sit back-to-back, along with a late-phase re-use that added a rebuilt wall, f341, and floor, f324, to form a room, a38, with part of the Phase 5 wall, f322. There is also a simple, late burial, a40, that has been dug into the far NE corner. In the SE quarter there is the corner of a room, a39, formed by the southern part of N-S wall, f322, and E-W wall, f338. Another room seems to be formed by N-S wall, f339 (which abuts but does not join N-S wall, f322, and which has been cut by an intrusive burial, f342), and E-W wall, f330. N-S wall, f339, appears to be laid upon a thin layer of cement, which may signify that there is an entrance, a37, to a house or room just to the west. (It is not possible to say for certain, but there is an E-W line of bricks extending west from wall, f339, a break, then a continuation in wall, f323, to the west in k51, which has been cleaned, but not fully excavated this season. There is also a door socket, i154, in place at the SW corner of f339) A large E-W wall, f330, extends across the northern boundary of the locus and into k51 to the west. [Input: L929JW.j] | |
Text description of view | 2001-08-02 | jlw | final photographs of k52 showing Mitanni architecture [Input: L929JW.j] |
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