General notes on photos |
1999-08-04 |
jlw |
we have for some time presumed that the bi-colored baked brick platform was built in conjunction with the baked brick floor, f84. However a test section at the northwest corner shows that the platform is associated with the pebble floor, f80. We did confirm that floor, f84, does extend east aat least as far as the stub wall, f93. The photograph, from a high angle, shows the relationship between the platform, the bricks in the bottom of the test section and the bricks exposed in k5 at the close of the 1997 excavation season. v51a shows that the platform rests on fill associated with the pebble floor. v51b is a tight view of the bricks in the trench. v51c shows the platform and its relationship with the pebble floor. [Input: J804JLW3.j] |