Roster |
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Space definition (2st degree of specificity) |
1999-07-20 |
GB |
The high symbolic valence of the dorrway to which the platform is attached strenghens the opinion I have entertained all along that the portion of the palace to the East is the most improtant one. An imporytant new question is whether we have a connection between this access and a possible access from the South in A12. The monumentality of the access in A9 suggests that there should be a considerable amount of space to the East of this access. If so, one mught expect that the building extendes further East than the perimetral wall of AK. The extension to the south suggested by A12 may indeed provide such a space. We cannot prove that circulation between the two portions of the palace (AR and AK) did indeed exist, but we may be able to do so through our current excavations in A10 and A13. See new Projections floor plan dated J720. [Input: J720GB.j] |
1999-07-20 |
gb |
the high symbolic valence of the doorway to which the platform is attached strengthens the opinion I have entertained all along that the portion of the palace to the East is the most important one. An important new question is whether we have a connection between this access and a possible access from the South in A12. The monumentality of the access in A9 suggests that there should be a considerable amounr of space to the East of this access. If so, one might expect that building extends further East than the perimetral wall of AK. The extension to the South suggested by A12 may indeed provide such a space. We cannot prove that circulation between the two portions of the palace (AR and AK) did indeed exist, but we may be able to do so through our current excavations in A10 and A13. See new Projections floor plan dated J720. [Input: J729JLW.j] |
Activity definition (2st degree of specificity) |
1999-07-20 |
GB |
It is clear that this platform places a great symbolic significance on this doorway (and probably its matching doorway to the North). What exactly it might have served for remains uncertain. As a pedestal for guards seems unlikely given the elaborate color pattern. For a statue? For a water jar to greet incoming visitors? Possibly also a statue with water like the one at the side of the throne room in the palace of Zimri-Lim, echoed on our seal k2. [Input: J720GB.j] |
1999-07-20 |
gb |
it is clear that this platform places a great symbolic significance on this doorway (and probably its matching doorway to the North). What exactly it might have served for remains uncertain. As a pedestal for guards seems unlikely given the elaborate color pattern. For a statue? For a water jar to greet incoming visitors? Possibly also a statue with water like the one at the side of the throne room in the palace of Zimri-Lim, echoed on our seal k2. [Input: J729JLW.j] |