Description (summary) |
2003-08-05 |
jl |
This view shows the newly uncovered black seed layer in the north of the circle. As in the south-east, the seeds lean against a ledge of earth f423, stopping a few centimeters from the walls of the structure, as if this ledge had existed before the seeds were deposited within the structure. This could possibly mean that f423 represents the cut of a pit, not a small pit as previously hypothesized, but a pit almost as large as the circle, into which the offerings of the ritual (in this case, burned seed) were dropped. It also shows the distinction between the very dark seed layer, f419, which I presume to represent the initial deposit of the seeds in the structure, and the light black seed layer, f416, on top of it, which I interpret as the result of later accumulation mixing with the black seeds. This distinction was not originally made if f408, but it is now clear to me that they are two separate events. Also visible is the last remaining area of f413, the laminations. [Input: N805JL.j] |