Unit Book A12


Processed on 2024-07-10


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of context (v view)

2000-08-04 okk [Input: A12_VWX.j]

2000-08-04 okk [Input: A12_VWX.j]
View/drawing orientation 2000-08-07 smp looking overheadeast [Input: K807SMP.j]
General notes on photos 2000-08-07 jl This is a final phot of the excavated limits of k26. Note, f353, f354 and f355, the remains of a previous structure of similar shape. v143 ph is view of the location of the mud plaster on the wall in the NW corner, v142b is a closesup of the thickness itself. [Input: K807SMP1.j]
Web view

2000-08-04 okk [Input: A12_VWX.j]

2000-08-04 okk [Input: A12_VWX.j]