Unit Book A16

Version 1a


Processed on 2024-08-10


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! clay artifact
Best definition 2002-09-21 !! ^ seal impression [Input: M921MKB.j]
Best image 2007-08-11 sC [Input: R809SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2002-09-21 mKB ^ seal impression [Input: M921MKB.j]
Description (summary) 2002-09-12 lR animal scene [Input: M917LR.j]
2002-09-21 mKB door sealing but portion against door not preserved. clay very granular with portions secondarily fired. very large peg, one thick cord impression, a second smaller cord, rest unclear [Input: M921MKB.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2002-09-12 lR k203 [Input: M917LR.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2002-09-12 lr r357 (41646 37142 - 8513 / Relay location: @bottom) [Input: R7QFAB1R.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2002-09-12 lR i109 (^ seal impression) sits in f286 (^ accumulation C) [Input: M917LR.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Nature of association 2002-09-12 lR associated q-lot: 775 [Input: M917LR.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2015-05-20 !! s330AAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2015-05-20 !! h5hAAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Length 2002-09-21 mKB 3 [Input: M921MKB.j]
Width 1 or diameter of rim 2002-09-21 mKB 4.3 [Input: M921MKB.j]
Thickness 2002-09-21 mKB 1.6 [Input: M921MKB.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2002-09-21 mKB cl [Input: M921MKB.j]
2002-09-21 mKB part secondarily fired, clay very granular [Input: M921MKB.j]
Color 2002-09-21 mKB Pinkish Gray Dark Bluish Gray [Input: M921MKB.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2002-09-21 mKB 7.5YR7/2 5PB4/1 [Input: M921MKB.j]
Preservation 2002-09-12 sB whole large piece of door sealing [Input: MX05SB.j]
Iconographic description, specific 2002-09-12 sB 2 fighting animals plus a character [Input: N304LR.j]
2002-09-21 mKB part of two rollings both rolled in the same direction, top rolling: unclear but may be the head of a reversed lion, human in knee length skirt, caprid legs. Bottom rolling: rampant animal, possibly a lion facing right attacking? An unclear reversed animal that may be a bull with its head depicted top view on one side of the torso, rampant lion facing left also attacking the central animal, human holding a dagger facing left with the dagger raised against the lion [Input: M921MKB.j]
Style 2002-09-21 mKB dotted eye style figures with human body made with thin lines cut at right angles, few curved lines depicting the lion's bodies and bodies cut with sharp angle between surface of the figure and the background. Lion legs are long and very thin as are the appendages of the man. The four figures evenly distributed across the scene but from the top rolling it is not clear just how many figures there are in the scene. [Input: M921MKB.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Current conditions 2002-09-12 sB very encrusted; one half is light red clay, the other is burnt showing a greyish color [Input: MX05SB.j]
Procedures employed 2002-09-12 sB cleaned [Input: MX05SB.j]

Site Presentation

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on conservation or analysis 2002-09-12 sB 2 fighting animal plus a character [Input: MX05SB.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]

2002-10-14 fab [Input: W522LC.j]
Drawing of individual element (studio)

2002-09-22 fk2 [Input: A16W15.j]

2002-09-22 fk2 [Input: A16W15.j]

2002-09-22 fk2 [Input: A16W15.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Storage 2002-09-12 sB to mKB [Input: MX05SB.j]