Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace - Version 2

A16 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phases for unit A16

Caitlin Chaves Yates – June 2016

A first overview of the A16 phases is given in the introduction to the A16 digital book. A more detailed overview is given under depositional history. Here one will find a summary of the data given separately in full detail for each the individual phases.

The earliest attested features from A16 date to Phase 4AAH. The earliest preserved remains are dated to Phase 4jAAH when the paved courtyard was constructed. Earlier occupations are suggested by the EDIII sealings (Phase 4cAAH) found near the pits that cut through thePhase 4jAAH pavement. Additionally, baked bricks below the pavement may either be contemporary with the construction of the pavement or may represent an earlier construction (alternatively dated to phase 4fAAH). During Phase 4 the pavement was constructed (Phase 4jAAH), then kept clean while in use preventing any build-up or accumulation (Phase 4kAAH), before finally being re-used for non-Palace related activites (Phase 4mAAH).

In Phase 5 the Palace is no longer used as a structure and begins to collapse. Phase 5cAAH represents the first collapse and reshaping after the abandonment of the Palace. During this phase accumulations, particularly of the bricky material of the Palace walls, begins to build up. Toward the middle of Phase 5, during Phase 5hAAH, the area begins to be used for small pits and burials, some of which cut through the earlier pavement. Scatterd occupations including pebble lenses and tannurs are found across the area.

During Phase 6 the area continues to be used for dumping and numerous pits are constructed. Intermixed with the pits and dumping are several burials. There are three sub-phases indicated in the remains. Phase 6cAAH represents the earliest phases of dumping and some small pits burials. In the subsequent phase, Phase 6hAAH, several burials are constructed. In the following phase, Phase 6mAAH, small house tumuli burials are constructed before the area is eventually abandoned. The end of Phase 6 is marked by the Phase 6sAAH brickfall which covers the area effectively sealing the Phase 6 remains.

After the brickfall, the only remains are dated to modern periods and topsoil, all subsumed under Phase 9AAH.

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