Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2001-07-07 | cI | North section of k3 with section string at 9139 drawn by cI. The section shows the brickfall leveling off and the melted brick and top soil layers above. Composite drawing w41 contains this section with the sections below added and the entire north section of A16. [Input: W314LC.j] |
Analogical Record
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
View/drawing of aggregate | 2001-07-07 | cI | a4 (^ brickfall) [Input: W314LC.j] |
View/drawing of features | 2001-07-07 | cI | f2 (^ topsoil) f47 (^ brickfall) f55 (^ layer) [Input: W314LC.j] |
View/drawing of locus | 2001-07-07 | cI | k3 [Input: W314LC.j] |
View/drawing orientation | 2001-07-07 | cI | n [Input: W314LC.j] |
Photo of view | |||
Notes on analogical record | 2001-07-07 | cI | Refer to composite w41 [Input: W314LC.j] |