Template |
Photo of context (v view) |
View/drawing of features |
2008-08-06 |
yM |
f56 (brick pile), f62 (accumulation), f63 (wall) [Input: S812LC.j] |
View/drawing of locus |
2008-08-06 |
yM |
k14, k15 [Input: S812LC.j] |
View/drawing orientation |
2008-08-06 |
yM |
looking south [Input: S812LC.j] |
Text description of view |
2008-08-06 |
yM |
View showing the a2 and its relationship with the features north to it. The accumulation f62 is abutting the a2 and the big W-E wall dosn't seem to have a link with it because it is separated by a iatus filled with a softer layer, but this contact has still to be checked. [Input: S812LC.j] |
Web view |
Photo of view |