Unit Book A20


Processed on 2024-07-27



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2010-09-19 lC New excavation unit, N of k13 [Input: ZE806aMA.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2010-09-06 yM Today we started excavating in this locus by removing the top soil layer f155. For the first 5cm we did not collect the pottery because it is contaminated. [Input: U907YM.j]
2010-09-07 yM Today we continued with the top soil removal in k23. Going down we came across some patches of stones. Tomorrow we will continue removing the top soil revealing the stones better. [Input: U907YM.j]
2010-09-08 yM We proceeded in k23 by removing the last few cm of the top soil f155 to uncover the stones and the layer in which they are enbedded. We also found a small pebble and sherds pavement to which we gave a new feature number f162. [Input: U907YM.j]
2010-09-12 yM We began today by cleaning the square for pictures, then we gave to the stones and the pavement feature numbers and we relayed them. The isolated stone f161, sitting in the topsoil was removed. After that we started removing f157 which is the natural accumulation layer that sourrounds the stones f159 and the wall f168. We will probably finish the removal tomorrow. [Input: U907YM.j]
2010-09-14 yM Today we continued scraping the last few cms of f157 to reveal the brick melt like material under it that turned out to be a kind of floor similar to f169 but much more bad preserved. While we were scraping the eastern section of the square, next to wall f168 we found a pavement, probably the same as the pavement f165 in k24. To have a better understanding of the situation we decided to remove the eastern baulk of the square. We draw the section and we started to remove the topsoil f155. In the northern part of the baulk, under the top soil we found more stones which are the continuation of f164. Since we have the wall f168 in k23 that allines with the wall f171 in k24, we expected to find stones which are the continuation of the walls under the baulk, but we did not find any stones. While under the southern part of the baulk we found the continuation of the pavement f162 that goes further to the east and appears to be the same as f166 that was located on top of pavement f165 in the south west corner of k24. [Input: U907YM.j]
2010-09-15 yM Today we started by cleaning the area to take pictures, then we removed the part of pavement f162 that was under the baulk after we took a relay. Under pavement f162 we found another pavement that seems to be the continuation of the pavement f165. Its probable that this pavement which is very nicely layed (f165), rests on top of another pavement. This assumption was made due to the fact that we see another one under it but we are still not sure what is the relationship between the two. We also removed the stone installations f160 and f158 exposing the feature underneath it which is f173 that we also started to remove all the way to the edge of the floor surface f169. While excavating this feature f173 in the northern part of the square, we uncovered the top part of an oval shaped clay installation. For the moment we don't know what could it be nor the relationship between this installation, the floor surface f169 and the accumulations around them. [Input: U915YM.j]
2010-09-16 yM Today we took relays of features f168, f171, f164 and f169. Having that done we are able now to remove f169 which is the floor surface. Under this feature f169 we uncovered another hard surface to which we have not assigned a feature number yet. This hard surface seems to be going under the pavement f165. We will remove this pavement f165 in the next days then we can say for sure if the floor surface continues under it or not. [Input: U916YM.j]
2010-09-18 lC Today we just removed part of the filling f178 of the installation f174 in order to understand its not yet clear function. Then we sraw the wall f168 and we started to remove the pavement f165, mostly extended in the east baulk of k23 and in k24 toward east. [Input: U918LC.j]
2010-09-19 yM Today in this locus we only removed the wall f168. [Input: U919YM.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2010-09-14 yM i32 (grinding stone), i33 (ceramic vessel) [Input: ZE721yG.j]
2010-09-15 lC i35 (door socket) [Input: ZE721yG.j]
2010-09-18 jS q296.2 (door socket) [Input: ZE722yG.j]
2010-09-19 yM q306.2 (door socket) [Input: ZE722yG.j]
0000-00-00 lC q327.2 (pestle) [Input: ZE722yG.j]
2010-09-07 bH q264 (items, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-08 bH q266 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-12 1Hl q270 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-13 yM q271 (bones, pottery), q273 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-13 lC q274 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-14 yM q276 (bones, pottery), q279 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-15 lC q282, q283 (items, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-15 yM q286 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-16 lC q289 (items, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-16 jH q292 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-16 yM q293 (items) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-16 jH q294 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-18 yM q297 (items, pottery), q298 (pottery), q299 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-18 lC q300 (pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
2010-09-19 yM q304 (items, pottery) [Input: ZE724yG.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2010-09-19 lC m6307 [Input: ZE806aMA.j]
Length of two sides 2010-09-19 lC 400E [Input: ZE806aMA.j]
2010-09-19 lC 400S [Input: ZE806aMA.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2010-08-05 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-08-05 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-08-05 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-08-05 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-12 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-12 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-12 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-12 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-12 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-14 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-16 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-16 yM [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-18 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-18 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]

2010-09-19 lC [Input: ZE816aMA.J]