Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) |
2011-02-10 |
lC |
s850J1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) |
2011-02-10 |
!! |
h2mJ1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Typological reasons for assignment |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
(q1299) -p70 bright red-orange polished body sherd with darker red slip on interior, carbon core large gray and white pebbles, medium to low fire, probably an initation of Uruk Red Ware but brighter in color and coarser in section than imported Uruk Red Ware excavated by us in Qraya. LCH coarse ware sherds: -p1 hammer rim bowl gray-brown slip interior and exterior, coarse surface texture but the interior somwhat smoother than exterior, -p3 small pointed rim bowl with wide carbon core, scrape marks on exterior body below rim, "exploded" calcite on exterior surface -p4 hole mouth jar with handle, shape unknown, wide dark carbon core, much chaff and large lithic inclusions, mostly light gray, medium fire. Number of coarse body sherds: 45, number of fine body sherds:1 [Input: T927MKB.j] |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
(q1301) -p3 thick walled coarse jar with much chaff, carbon core and gray-buff slip interior and exterior,smoother on interior than exterior -p1 hole mouth jar used as a cooking pot with thickened rim on interior and exterior, extrior is a light brown but interior completely blackened, no carbon core, much chaff and lithic temper, -p70 body shers with thick dark reddish paint in drips down the exterior, carbon core and medium gray interior. Fine ware -p2 small part of rim of bowl or cup. Number of coarse body sherds: 41, number of fine buff-green body sherds: 16. In addition 5 body sherds are thick and buff, 2 of these have scraped interiors, 2 others show the juncture between the neck and the body made in 2 separate parts. The construction of jars in separate parts is a characteristic of the jar production process from Ninevite V through the ED III period. [Input: T927MKB.j] |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
41 coarse body sherds, 16 fine buff body sherds [Input: T927MKB.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
2h [Input: T927MKB.j] |