Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 3sJ2B within Unit J2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – November 2011

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Phase 3sJ2B is the period of intensive use of the monumental access. There is a sequence of multiple floors that build-up as a result of the use. The open area of the Plaza was susceptible to natural build-up which became packed into floors through usage as walking floors.

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Ceramics from the layers building up at the base of the apron are mid-EDIII in date and represent the transitional phase between EDIIIa and EDIIIb (see notes by M. Kelly-Buccellati on f357 and f364).

The recovered objects from this phase are primarily common lithic debitage.

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