Unit Book A20

The eastern sector of the Palace - Version 1a

A20 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 4aAAC within Unit A20

Giorgio Buccellati – June 2010

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     Phase 4 marks marks the new, post palatine occupation of the area. There are two main sub-phases.

The first is the covering of the courtyard, presumably resulting from the collapse of the Palace walls to the East. No attempt is made at reclaiming the courtyard.

The second represents the full transition to outdoor accumulations, presumably coming from a residential area to the north.

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Collapse of Palace walls

We assume that the red material a27 reflects a collapse of the Palace walls to the east and northeast of the courtyard.

There is a typological correlation between this deposit and the one at the bottom of the sounding in A19, and since the elevation is also teh same, we assume that they reflect the same event at the two opposite ends of the Palace.

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