Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Strata for Unit J2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – January 2011

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The J2 stratigraphic sequence, although tied together as part of the overall sequence of the AP, JP and BA sequences, is currently based primarily on the data from J2. For this reason, the sequence used here is the J2B sequence. It is the second of the J2 sequences. The first sequence was J2A and can be found here. Eventually the sequence will be incorporated into a large JP sequence. The sequence has many gaps, as these strata are represented in other areas (notably the other J areas such as J1, J5 and J6.

The strata in J2 are divided amongst several phases. The majority of the J2 materials excavated so far date to Phase 3, or Phase 7. These phases correspond to the EDIII and Mittani periods respectively.

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The overall stratigraphic chart is given separately.

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The general overview of the history of the area of J2 is given in the Overview. A detailed description of the Depositional History is also given separately.

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Each phase is discussed separately under phases and can be acessed by clicking the links to the left.

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The strata given here are divided based on distinct chronological periods that are smaller than the larger phases. They are created based on the stratigraphic and ceramic data collected during the excavaitons which allows separate “events” to be divided into strata. Each strata is described in detail with the features assigned to the strata on the right-hand side, under strata.

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