Back to top: Phase 3lJ2B within Unit J2
Phase 3 has several different subphases and strata. Phase 3lJ2A is equivalent to strata s665J2B and s660J2B. This phase is defined by the construction of several thin pebble and sherd pavements as well as the cut of these pavements by a straight cut in the Southeast corner.
Back to top: Phase 3lJ2B within Unit J2
The pebble floors define this Phase, as they continue to be built up in front of the lower staircase. Towards the end of the phase they are cut quite sharply in the southeast and the pit is filled with a softer brown soil. The purpose of this cut is still unknown.

Back to top: Phase 3lJ2B within Unit J2
The pebble floors are dated to this phase through the presence of early EDIII ceramics.
The small finds from the pebble floors and the cut and fill of the pit include the normal range of artifacts including lithic objects, clay lumps and an animal figurine. Additionally, two seal impressions were recovered (i21, i22). A small metal object (i18) was also recovered but it is not typologically significant.
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