Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | buildup |
Best definition | 2006-08-27 | rE | accumulation D [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Summary | 2012-10-07 | jW | Natural accumulation in k109 under topsoil f189 and atop accumulation f193. [Input: WX07JW1.j] |
Best image | 2008-03-08 | jW | w24 [Input: S308JW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-08-29 | bL | Feature in k109 under the topsoil. It is granular and there are few small stones, sherds and some roots. It comes out in little chunks. It is compact and hard an some pottery, even in big sherds, is present. It covers f193. [Input: Q829BL.j] |
2006-10-09 | jW | feature in k109 under the topsoil, it is granular and there's few small stones sherds and some roots. It comes out in little chunks. It is compact and hard and present some pottery even in big sherds. It covers f193. [Input: QX09JW.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2006-08-27 | rE | k109 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2006-08-27 | iI | r855 (41390 48432 - 9268 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: Q829JW4R.j] |
2006-08-27 | iI | r856 (41511 48090 - 9256 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: Q829JW4R.j] | |
2006-08-27 | iI | r857 (41349 48055 - 9251 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: Q829JW4R.j] | |
2006-08-27 | iI | r858 (41218 48364 - 9251 / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: Q829JW4R.j] | |
M#/elev @top | 2006-08-27 | rE | 9268 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2006-08-27 | rE | 9222 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 2006-10-04 | jW | f189 (topsoil) covers f191 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2006-08-27 | !! | q243.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f191 (accumulation D) [Input: Q829JW1.j] |
2006-09-04 | !! | q288.1 (metal artifact) sits in f191 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-08-27 | aA | q243 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation D) [Input: Q829JW1.j] | |
2006-09-04 | eDB | q288 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-04 | eDB | q289 (pottery) sits in f191 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
Type of contact: earliest events | 2006-10-04 | jW | f191 (accumulation D) covers f193 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-09 | jW | s30J3B [Input: W909JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-08-26 | !! | f513 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] |
2012-08-26 | !! | f522 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f531 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f540 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f558 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f634 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-09-09 | !! | h9mJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f8 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f53 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f54 (stone installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f100 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f101 (lens type d) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f106 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f129 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f136 (installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f138 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f140 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f165 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f171 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f174 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f177 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f183 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f190 (installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f191 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f199 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f220 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f221 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f223 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f226 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f234 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f235 (installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f239 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f271 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f336 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f338 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f341 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f342 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f343 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f344 [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
Strata (included within phase) | 2012-10-07 | jW | s30J3B [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2012-10-07 | jW | Natural accumulation in under topsoil f189 and atop accumulation f193. [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Typological reasons for assignment | 2012-10-07 | jW | Ceramics mixed from Ninevite V to Mittani. Sole item was modern nailhead. [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications | 2012-10-07 | jW | Dated primarily by its relative position in the stratigraphic column. Modern item and mixed ceramics signify short late stays and natural accumulations. [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Color | 2006-08-27 | rE | pale brown [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2006-08-27 | rE | 10YR 6/3 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2006-08-27 | rE | 4.5 [Input: QX06EI.j] |