Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Equals other label | 2008-02-14 | jW | f30 (accumulation D), f257 (accumulation D) [Input: S214JW.j] |
Category | !! | !! | buildup |
Best definition | 2006-09-11 | eI | accumulation D [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Summary | 2012-10-07 | jW | Natural accumulation in k108 below accumulation f251 and above accumulation f261.. [Input: WX07JW1.j] |
Best image | 2008-03-14 | jW | v128 [Input: S314JW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-10-09 | jW | Natural accumulation in the southern part of k108 in the central sector of the unit. It is a continuation to the west of accumulations f272 in k106 and f257 further to the west in k109. All are lower in elevation than the south face of the revetment wall, f11, and were formed by a combination of soil carried by the wind, material that washed down from the BA temple mound, and material deposited by human activity in the plaza to the south of the wall. [Input: QX09JW.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2006-09-11 | eI | k108 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2007-03-06 | jW | r2153 (40652 48808 - 9138 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: R306JW1R.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2006-09-11 | eI | 9038 [Input: QX06EI.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 2006-10-04 | jW | f251 (accumulation D) covers f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] |
2006-10-04 | jW | f288 (isolated stone) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] | |
2006-10-04 | jW | f289 (isolated stone) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] | |
2006-10-04 | jW | f290 (isolated stone) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] | |
2006-10-04 | jW | f291 (isolated stone) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] | |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2006-09-11 | !! | q327.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] |
2006-09-12 | !! | q357.1 (kiln waste) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | !! | q357.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | !! | q357.3 (wheel) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | !! | q363.1 (figurine) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-13 | !! | q366.1 (kiln waste) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-14 | !! | q387.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-14 | !! | q387.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-14 | !! | q387.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-15 | !! | q389.1 (metal artifact) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-11 | eI | q327 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | cC | q357 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | cC | q363 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-13 | cC | q366 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-14 | bL | q387 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-14 | bL | q388 (pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-15 | bL | q389 (bones, pottery) sits in f254 (accumulation D) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
Type of contact: earliest events | 2006-10-04 | jW | f254 (accumulation D) covers f261 (accumulation D) [Input: QX04JW1.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-09 | jW | s122cJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-08-26 | !! | f538 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] |
2012-08-26 | !! | f573 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f575 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f576 (accumulation D) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f579 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f580 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f585 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f591 (stone installation) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f596 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f597 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f598 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f599 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f600 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f601 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f602 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f603 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f604 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f605 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f606 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f607 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f608 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f609 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f610 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f611 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f612 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f613 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f614 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f615 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f616 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f617 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f618 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f619 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f620 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f621 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f622 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f623 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f624 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f625 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f626 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f627 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f628 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f629 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f630 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f631 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-08-26 | !! | f632 (isolated stone) [Input: W826JW.j] | |
2012-09-09 | !! | h7vJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f30 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f39 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f40 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f47 (accumulation C) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f48 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f49 (accumulation C) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f56 (laminations) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f85 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f91 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f254 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f257 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f268 (installation) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f272 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f273 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f274 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f275 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f276 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f277 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f278 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f279 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f280 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f281 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f282 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f283 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f284 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f285 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f286 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f287 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f288 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f289 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f290 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f291 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
Strata (included within phase) | 2012-10-07 | jW | s122cJ3B [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2012-10-07 | jW | Natural accumulation below accumulation f251 and above accumulation f261.. [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Typological reasons for assignment | 2012-10-07 | jW | Ceramics not fully analyzed. Large number of clay and stone artifacts speak to occupational activity. The bird-like vessel may be from the Mittani period. [Input: WX07JW.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications | 2012-10-07 | jW | Dated primarily by its relative position in the stratigraphic column. The zoomorphic vessel may confirm that it is a Mittani stratum. [Input: WX07JW.j] |