Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | 2020-08-24 | jW | buildup [Input: ZE824jW.j] |
Best definition | 2006-08-28 | mO | accumulation D [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Summary | 2012-09-07 | jW | Natural accumulation in k106 that underlies the foundation for Mittani period apron f556. [Input: W907JW.j] |
Best image | 2007-07-20 | mO | v549 [Input: R720MO.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2006-08-28 | vVE | Accumulation f570 is a very light reddish light grey deposit that is slightly ashy. It is the same deposit as the ashy deposit in the East section of the East baulk of k107. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. No pits were visible at the top of f570 and the bones were lying very scattered. These observations and the information from the section indicate that f570 is a wash layer that lies under the second apron f556. hPU remarked also after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and after an initial review said that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3. At the bottom of f570 we found a baqaya surface most likely the glacis. Two pits seem to have been dug into the baqaya but most of these pits remains hidden under the stones of f556. [Input: Q828VE1.j] |
2006-08-30 | vVE | The wash layer of f570 runs under the mud bricks of f583 (and therefore also under f556) and on top of the baqaya and the remains of the mud brick surface f582. It is not clear yet whether or not this deposit lies against the top of the revetment wall or actually runs under the top stone of the revetment wall. [Input: Q830VE1.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-28 | vVE | In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. [Input: Q828VE1.j] |
2006-08-30 | vVE | We continued to remove the little that remained of the greyish deposit f570 in q578 in order to clear the baqaya f581. When we found the remains of several mud bricks f582 at the eastern edge of k107 we decided to extend f570 further to the East (into J2) with q579 in order to clean the surface there in the gap between the revetment wall f569 and the second apron f556 and to find the possible continuation of the mud bricks. [Input: Q830VE1.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2006-08-28 | mO | k107 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @top | 2006-08-28 | mO | m4391 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2006-08-28 | mO | m4391 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 2006-08-28 | !! | q563.1 (clay lump) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] |
2006-08-28 | !! | q563.2 (clay lump) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-28 | !! | q563.3 (figurine) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-28 | !! | q563.4 (blade) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-28 | !! | q563.5 (kiln waste) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-28 | mO | q563 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-30 | mO | q578 (bones, pottery) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] | |
2006-08-30 | eI | q579 (p-b) sits in f570 (accumulation D) [Input: Q918EI5.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-09 | jW | s160cJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-09-08 | !! | f570 (accumulation D) [Input: W908JW2.j] |
2012-09-09 | !! | h7jJ3B [Input: W909JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f38 (fill) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f76 (pavement) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f77 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f78 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f79 (isolated stone) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
2012-10-07 | !! | f121 (accumulation D) [Input: WX07JW.j] | |
Strata (included within phase) | 2012-08-26 | jW | s160J3B [Input: W826JW.j] |
2012-09-08 | jW | s160cJ3B [Input: W908JW2.j] | |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment | 2007-07-31 | mO | under f583 [Input: R731MO1.j] |
2012-08-26 | jW | Natural accumulation beneath floor f568 in a gap between the stones of the second apron and the revetment wall. [Input: W826JW.j] | |
Typological reasons for assignment | 2012-08-26 | jW | Ceramics were determined to be mixed from the Late Chalcolithic and Mittani periods, yielding an opinion that this deposit occurred in the Mittani period. [Input: W826JW.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications | 2012-08-26 | jW | One issue is whether this accumulation was sufficiently sealed from intrusions above. Starting from the tell surface there were 170 cm of accumulation above this accumulation. Each of the 6 layers was carefully excavated and cleaned before the excavation of the next began. Contamination from above is therefore unlikely. [Input: W826JW.j] |
Notes on time sequencing | 2006-08-28 | vVE | mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and her initial (preliminary) view was that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3. [Input: Q828VE1.j] |
2006-08-30 | mKB | Mittani but mixed. [Input: Q830MKB.j] | |
2006-09-04 | vVE | f570 was covered by f568 (s12c) and f583 (s12d). The sherds were briefly analyzed by mKB and her preliminary conclusion was that it is phase 3, perhaps 4. Because this is a wash layer the pottery might have eroded/washed down from real phase 3 deposits. It remains hard to give an absolute assignation, but I would assign it to phase 4. [Input: Q904VVE.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2006-08-28 | mO | cl [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color | 2006-08-28 | mO | pale brown [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Color number (Munsell) | 2006-08-28 | mO | 10YR 6/3 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Hardness, compaction | 2006-08-28 | mO | 2.5 [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Texture, surface finish | 2006-08-28 | mO | crumbly with small pebbels and a lot of pottery [Input: Q918EI3.j] |
Notes on typology | 2006-08-28 | vVE | hPU remarked after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. [Input: Q828VE1.j] |