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Phase 2 marks the period of main occupation of the Palace in its original function. It has very little to show besides the pavement itself.
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The stone pavment a12 appears to have been laid all at once (see under typology for an examination of its structural coherence).
A substantial red subfloor (baqaya, f344) belongs to the construction phase of the pavement.
There are no Phase 2 features associated with the pavement, except for two holes (a26), located at what is presumably the center of the courtyard, and possibly serving to hold some sort of standards.
Given the nature of the pavement as a hard surface and the need to keep it clean as long as the Palace was used in its formal function, it is understandable that no phase 2 object should be associated with it.

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An underground tank?
If not belonging to an earlier phase, the baked brick structure a24 is likely to have been set in place at the same time as the pavement, hence in Phase 2, to serve as an underground tank or possibly as an underground chamber for other purposes.
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