Back to top: Phase 3fJ1A within Unit J1
Phase 3f (Ninevite 5) was not very well attested in J1 until the end of the 2008 season. This period was considered of minor importance at Tell Mozan (in the High Mound), but in the few last seasons many evidences were found (J1, J2, J6) showing a period of important occupation. Still many gaps in the chronological sequence have to be filled.
Back to top: Phase 3fJ1A within Unit J1
To this Phase there are some floors found in the southern half of J1. We think these floors were the floors of the Plaza, the same as the subsequent Mitanni. We suppose these floors were linked to the Late Chalcolithic structure that was still in use for the Temple terrace before of the major rebuilding of Phase 3mJ1A. The stratigraphic relationship is missing because of the later EDIII cuts.
More evidences of this Phase are found to the West of the Late Chalcolithic structure, where are many natural sloping floors and some accumulations with Ninevite sherds. They seem to abut wall f259 so probably are later. This wall was also damaged during this period as shown by the cut f344 and then filled by soft accumulations. To prevent this to happen again and to protect the wall from water seepage, two layers of baqaya (f342 and f353) were put to divert water coming from West.

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Objects. Many typical Ninevite incised and excised sherds were found. For a typological discussion of each sherd see the notes from M. Kelly-Buccellati in q1184, q1185, q1199, q1202, q1292, q1307, q1308, q1309, q1310, q1322, q1323.
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