Back to top: Phase 3pJ1A within Unit J1
Phase 3p is a period of modification in the whole JP area. In J1 the changes are due to problems arisen from the water flowing. We can identify two different moments:
- (s631J1A)A lot of water was supposed to come from West, causing a high damage to the surface of the First Escarpment. Following this damage there was probably a short period of abandonment, resulting in layers of debris and ash covering the eroded surface of the Escarpment.
- (s630J1A) Since the Escarpment was not acting its function any more, it was rebuilt. The Second Escarpment was much higher and irregular than the previous one, made of mud brick collapsed material.

Back to top: Phase 3pJ1A within Unit J1
A lot of pottery was recovered from the filling of the first and second Escarpment. The shape sherds are typical EDIII, more difficult instead is to isolate an Early and a Late EDIII assemblage. For single shape sherds see the description in mKB notes in qlots and assemblages (.....). Inside the filling of Second escarpment have been found many sealings and seal impressions (i72, i78, i79, i80......) typical of Early Dynastic style. These seal impressions are not in a primary context, but were part of the collapse of an earlier building, whose debris was used as filling material for the Second escarpment. We can assume the seal impression could be almost contemporary, or slightly earlier. Other objects found are metal objects, mainly pin (…), figurines (…) and lithic artifacts (…), unfortunatly not very distinctive tipologically.

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