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In J2 there is relatively little intentional discard. Most of the unorganized deposits are collapse or brickfall which are discussed under disaggregation. There are a few fills of pits which appear to be intentional. There is only one feature in J2 which might indicate dumping. Overall, the lack of intentional discard indicates the reverence with which the area was treated. During J2’s use for the monumental access the area was kept relatively clean with only the build-up of floors in front of the apron and the staircase. Only after the large brickfall covered portions of the area do we begin to see some small shallow pits and associated fills.
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In J2 the majority of features classified as fills are attributed to the dirt that filled in holes carved into the stones of the apron. These fills are not an intentional result of filling, however, and are more properly attributed to disaggregation. The pit fills, such as f55, f255, f299, f301 and f311, represent an intentional filling-in of the pits after the pits have been used. Most of the pits are fairly shallow and so likely were filled quickly after they were constructed.
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Dumping is very rare in J2, a result of the area being used as a sacred space over an extended period of time. Only one feature, f235, might possibly be attributed to dumping and it is a tentative assignment.
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