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^wall1 | Revetment Wall | v500,v206 |
^wall3 | Western Flanking Wall | v502,v206 |
^wall2 | Eastern Flanking Wall | v514 |
^ctwl1 | Curtian Wall in front of Revetment Wall | v152c |
^ctwl2 | Curtian wall inside of brickfall | v514 |
^ctwl2 | Upper level of curtain wall west of flanking wall ^wall3 | v514 |
^stair1 | Early staircase, possibly LC | v517, v209 |
^stair2 | Monumental Staircase | v209,v206 |
^apr1 | First apron, part of monumental access | v206 |
^apr2 | Second apron | v500, v502 |
Back to top: Typology of the built environment in Unit J2 Structures
The structures of J2 are all related to the monumental access to the top of the temple terrace. The majority of the structures form a portion of the monumental access, while the remaining small curtain walls are part of the attempts to reclaim and reuse the access area.
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The revetment wall is a stone wall that extends along the southern edge of the temple terrace. It is a stone construction about 2.5 meters in height.
The apron is flanked by two walls, one in the east and one in the west. Although they are similar in shape they have different construction. The eastern wall is bonded to the original construction and has better shaped stones. It is also extends up higher above the staircase. The western flanking wall is thicker and built with rougher stones. It does not rise above the level of the apron but instead slopes up alongside the apron.
Curtain walls were built during the Mittani period both in front of the revetment wall and in front of the apron. These walls are generally 1-2 rows of stones high. They are composed of large stones placed in a line with the space between stones apparently filled with dirt.
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There are two staircases in J2. They are both stone constructions that lead up from the Plaza to the top of the temple terrace.
The first staircase is not well understood as it is underneath the second staircase and has not been fully exposed. It is built with three stepped rows of rectangular stones.
The second staircase is constructed of limestone blocks. Each step is constructed of 2-4 stones. The stones are roughly rectangular in shape.
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There are two structures that are referred to as aprons in J2. The first apron is associated with the monumental access. The second apron is north of the revetment wall and rests on the temple terrace.
The first apron is a stepped structure constructed of large stones that are relatively flat. There are 14 steps until it reaches the top of the revetment wall and then the apron extends another 7 steps above the wall. When viewed in kite photographs the steps of the apron appear not to be parallel to the axis of the apron itself.
The second apron is constructed in a similar way to the first apron but it extends up the terrace from the top of the revetment wall. It has 10 steps with the lowest step just touching the top of the revetment wall.
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