Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Argument |
2010-01-15 |
sC |
Being f21 -stratigraphically- the sum of all the features dug in k73 (it consist of f3, f6, f9, f13 and f55), and, as such, an 'artificial' feature, we will not have a contact association between f21 and other features: we will take into consideration only the features dug within k73 and correlate them with features of neighbouring loci on the basis of the(ir) elevation and contact association. [Input: U115SC.j] |
Procedures |
2010-01-15 |
sC |
The N baulk of k73 has been partially excavated on Q816; on this day, we decided to 'cut' the baulk in half and use the other half as a ramp to remove the dirt from k72 and k73. We then finished to remove the portion of the baulk left as a ramp on Q823. [Input: U115SC.j] |
Notes on recovery |
2010-01-15 |
sC |
f21 was not excavated stratigraphically; all the q-items, pottery sherds and bone fragments have been collected in different q-lots. While studying this material must be kept in mind that it comes from different accomulations since f21 consists of f3, f6, f9, f13 and f55, the features dug within this locus previously. [Input: U115SC.j] |