

Processed on 2024-12-11


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 2006-09-14 !! bin [Input: Q918PC.j]
Best image 2010-03-22 sC L_V19d3127 J4v62 Q906 dM [Input: U322SC2.j]
2010-03-22 sC L_V19d3252 J4v97 Qx08 sC [Input: U322SC2.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2006-09-14 pC bin [Input: Q918PC.j]
Description (summary) 2006-09-14 pC f93 is the bin in k73 (r92, r93, r94). f93 is a brick wall with stone foundations (40cm in dimension), semicircular in shape (max extension is 300cm): the wall consists in two brick lines on the top. It is not complete. Inside it, there is a pebble floor (f143), which continues to the W. On the N part of the bin there is a mud brick wall (f161 and f162): together with f161 and f162, f93 forms a half mond. [Input: Q918PC.j]
2010-02-14 sC f93 as been assigned to a mud-brick structure, semicircular in shape, that we defined as 'bin'. f93 is bounded -in the north- with a brick-wall f161-f162 (f162 is the less preserved portion of the mud-brick wall f161) which apparently, seems to have the function of being the north limit of the bin itself. This hypotesis is given by the fact that the bottom of wall f161 and f162 presents some small rounded stones (as it is visible in v61b and v61c) which characterized the lower portion of the bin walls as well (as visible in v70 and v74). The bin consists of 2 lines of medium small bricks, placed one on top of the other; the lower row of bricks is placed on top of a row of small-regular stones (as it is visible in v70 and v74); the two different construction materials have been probably used at the same time. At present is unclear whether the bin is damage or was open: it seems to be a bit damaged in its south-east extent, where the second line of bricks was not found in place while the first line of bricks was completely melted, disappearing completely in the floor surface (f171). It is however possible that the bin could have been open in its west extent, aprox. at the same point where the north baulk of k84 is located, which gives to the structure a half-moon shape. The bin floor is made of soil in the east and of pebbles (f143) in the west; while digging, some pottery sherds were found within the pebbles of floor f143. f143, the pebble floor, however, is not limited to the bin but it extends toward the west (in locus k83) where it is surrounded by medium-sized stones and partially covered by large stones (in the north portion of locus k83). All the feature connected with the bin have been grouped into a2. [Input: U214SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on recovery 2010-02-14 sC All of the pottery sherds found within the pebble floor of the bin (f143) have been collected and analyzed by mKB. [Input: U214SC.j]
2010-02-14 sC The bin was empty and the funcion of this structure is unclear; however, given this structure and the structures found in locus k62 and the tannurs located on top of walls f161-f162 and on the E baulk of k73, we assumed that it could have been used for storage purposes. [Input: U214SC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2006-09-04 sc k73 [Input: Q904SC3.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2006-08-12 bWP r105 (39280 52076 - 9081 / Relay location: W corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r106 (39323 52161 - 9076 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r92 (39383 52310 - 9115 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r93 (39245 52217 - 9103 / Relay location: E corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
2006-08-12 bWP r94 (39223 52058 - 9070 / Relay location: S corner) [Input: Q914RE.j]
M#/elev @top 2006-09-04 sc m4442 [Input: Q904SC3.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2006-09-04 sc m4445 [Input: Q904SC3.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2010-03-05 sC f143 (pavement, type c) abuts f93 (bin) [Input: U305SC.j]
2010-03-05 sC f171 (layer) abuts f93 (bin) [Input: U305SC.j]
2006-10-08 sC f89 (accumulation D) covers f93 (bin) [Input: QX08SC.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2006-10-08 sC f93 (bin) bonds with f161 (wall) [Input: QX08SC.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2010-06-25 sC a2 (bin installation) [Input: U625SC3.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2010-02-14 sC s14cMZA (Rebuilding phase) [Input: U214SC2.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2010-02-14 !! h65MZA [Input: U214SC2.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2010-03-10 sC Assignment based on elevation and pottery analysis. f93, being associated with other features in a2, shares elevation of dateable features in adjacent loci (k73-k83); in particular, it is bounded with f161-f162, abuts f154 on the E and rest on f143 on the W and is built on top of f146. [Input: U310SC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2010-01-20 sC mud brick [Input: U120SC.j]
Hardness, compaction 2010-01-20 sC very compact [Input: U120SC.j]
Texture, surface finish 2010-01-20 sC very fine [Input: U120SC.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Notes on disposition 2010-01-20 sC Not removed in the 2006 excavation season [Input: U120SC.j]