Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-14

Date Author Record
2008-07-12 lH We took photographs for v1 and v2. v1 shows k23 and k24 before the start of excavation. v2 shows the condition of the northwestern part of J1 that became J5. [Input: S712LH.j]
2008-07-13 lH we cleaned plants and debris from k22, k21, k12, and k11. Then we took relays for the part of the revetment wall in the mentioned loci. We designated components of the wall as f3, f4, f5, and f6. [Input: S713LH.j]
2008-07-14 lH We took photographs for v3 and v4. v3 shows k24 with f7, f8 and k23 with f9. v4 shows the revetment wall with the western sharp corner in J5. [Input: S714LH.j]
2008-07-15 lH We started with taking v5 for f10, f11 in k23. [Input: S715LH.j]
2008-07-16 lH We started with taking photos for k24, v8, that shows a row of stones, f14, and its relationship with the temple. For the new squares in our unit, k34, k44, we`ve got photos that show them before excavation, v9. [Input: S716LH1.j]
2008-07-18 lH We started our day with taking photo for k23, v11, that shows the natural accumulation, f16, with many scattered stones among it - f19 for the northeastern stones and f20 for the northwestern stones - with their relationship with the limestone in the SW quadrant, f11 which we removed it after the photo. Then we divided k23 into two parts (southern and northern) using the plumb bob, so that the short border of the southern part was 200cm. Then we made the accumulation in this part a new feature, f23. Under stone, f11, we found powdery soft accumulation, f22, that covered three big limestones, f24. So we took a new photo, v13, before we removed f22, v12, Then we took another photo, v14, that displays the relationship between f16, f19 and f20 with f23 and f24. We cleaned around this three stones and we found a pit around them. The pit, a1, was filled with soft brown soil, f25. The cut of the pit is f26. [Input: S718LH.j]
2008-07-21 jW At the end of the day, excavation in five loci, k23, k24, k34, k44, and k54 has begun to clarify the stratigraphy associated with the occupation of this part of the [Input: S721JW.j]
2008-07-23 lH bWP put new markers to the south of k34 and k44, in order to open two new squares, k33 and k43. We photographed those two loci before starting to excavate them, v31. The purpose of digging the new squares is to follow the continuity of the new features in k23 and k44. [Input: S724LH.j]
2008-07-26 lH Today we excavated in loci k33, k43, k34. Also we started to remove the northern baulk of k22, so we can get a comparative view for the stratigraphical sequence in J1 and J5. In addition we would be able to follow the line of the western part of the revetment wall, f3. [Input: S726LH.j]
2008-07-27 jW Today, the unit archaeologists worked in the house rather than in the field. No workmen were present on site. We focused on drawing templates, entering data, processing objects, and stratigraphic analysis. There were several meetings in the house and in the field with gB, fAB, mKB and unit archaeologists to review progress to date and to revise the excavation strategy for the next period. [Input: S727JW1.j]
2008-08-24 lH We started our excavating day by taking relays, elevations and photos for the new q-lots and features. At about 0630, a strong sandy and rainy storm (see VC1, VC2, and VC8) came and disturbed our work, so we stopped our site-work and came back to the house to have a UGR day. [Input: S824LH2.j]
2008-08-25 lH Today we labeled the test probes which we opened yesterday as new loci. k101 includes f165 at the top and to the east of the revetment wall, f3, in k22. k102 includes f166 at the top and to the north of the revetment wall in k12. We opened also a new test probe as k103 includes f172 at the top of the staircase, f21, in k24. [Input: S825LH1.j]
2008-08-26 jW gB assigned a project to excavate a walkway along the south face of revetment wall, f3, from J1 into the southeastern corner of J5. Its purpose is to emphasize that the wall spans several excavation units. [Input: S826JW.j]
2008-08-31 lH At the first day of the study portion of our excavation season we have described the rest of the features which had no description on the browser. [Input: S903LH1.j]
2008-09-01 lH We drew the northern section of k44, w22. Then we finished drawing the rest of the templates. [Input: S903LH1.j]
2008-09-02 lH We drew the eastern section of k14, w23. In the afternoon work period we started entering the specific labels for groups of features. Then we went to the field, and took some final photos. [Input: S903LH1.j]
2008-09-03 lH We took the rest of the final photos. Then we had a meeting about the phase sequence for the Mittani horizon. After the meeting we went to the field and drew the northern section of k14, w24. In the afternoon we assigned tentative phases to the seven specific labels previously assigned and described. [Input: S903LH1.j]
2008-09-04 jW Today in the field we drew the east section of k14, w26. We recorded data for new features and described them. jW and lH met with gB and fAB to tentatively allocate features to the phases set forth in the Phase Sequence for Mittani Horizon, dated S902. [Input: S904JW.j]
2009-07-19 sE In the morning the unit archaeologists went to the field to decide the position of the new markers for the upcoming excavations. Then we came back and worked at home at the UGR. Late in the afternoon sE went to the field with jN and dM to take the first pictures of the area, v145 v146 and v147. [Input: T719SE.j]
2009-07-20 jW At the start of the day, we set all workmen to clean the area of J5, removing trash and green plants. Then, we organized into two groups to begin excavating the surface soil that had accumulated over the winter and covered the last features exposed in MZ21 (2008-S) to the south and west of the revetment wall system that we want to dig this year. To facilitate paperwork we designated this part of the area a separate locus, k104. When the surface soil, f201, was cleared, we began to excavate soil features f74 to the northwest and f158 to the southeast. We plan to leave baulks at the northwest and southeast extremities of this locus. [Input: T720JW.j]
2009-07-20 sE At the very beginning of the first day of excavation we defined the locus k104 and put the strings that will represent its northern edge. We stretched the rope from the old baulk keeping it as near to the section as possible and we put two nails that have been relayed (r1171, 1172), together with all the other boundaries of the locus. At the beginning of the morning the workmen started cleaning the whole area and after that we begun to remove the dirt in k104 giving it a new feature number f201 as natural accumulation due to the past winter. Near the southern section of k104 an almost complete animal skull was found, so we recorded it as i33. We took photographs of both the areas south and west of f3(v148 and v149) to show k104 before the beginning of the excavation. Then we removed f74 and at its bottom we found a new, sandy feature f202; this brings to the conclusion that f74 is not the equivalent of the Ninevite 5 escarpment of J1, but a part of the sequence of accumulation and sand visible in the western section. Almost at the end of the morning, excavating the south-eastern corner of f74 we noticed that f41 is a multiple-layer stone wall. [Input: T720SE.j]
2009-07-21 sE At the beginning of the day we removed the western berm of J5 for security reasons and we divided k104 in two new loci, k105 west to the revetment wall and K106 south to it. We fixed the new eastern baulk of k105 about 70 cm wide, that will be also useful in the next days for the shaffat. fAB suggested to excavate also k100 in the two small areas that were not fully excavated the past year, to follow the f239 of J1 that has been interpreted as an escarpment; we asked the surveyor to put some new control points and we took a picture of the locus before the removal of f204, v150. In f74 we found spots of ashes and reddish burnt soil, visible also in the western section; lens of ashy material has been also found in k100. In k106 we went on removing f158 and we also started to remove f203 in the S-W portion of k105. We gave new feature numbers to a big, flat stone west of the wall f41 (f205), and to the sandy soil that runs N-S through f74 (f206). We took a photo of the northern part of k105 to show the relation between f205, f74 and f206: v151. At the end of the morning we concluded that this f206 must be the same as f202, the point of contact has been found beyond the three stones f200. More stones are coming to light south of f205, but we still didn't give them a feature number; we took a picture of this area, v152, after the removal of f206 to show the new situation of k105. [Input: T721SE.j]
2009-07-22 sE This morning we removed part of the southern berm for security reasons and we put some cement blocks in the western part of the area to form a staircase, in order to protect the stones of f71 and f28. We took relays of f200 that we are going to remove in the next days (r1201 to r1211). In the northern part of k105, we excavated first the western side of f74 and then the eastern side: in this area more stones came to light, forming at least four steps of a staircase that is oriented parallel to f41. At the top and south of the second and of the third step we found four patches of sling balls (i39, i40, i41, i42), 31 of them were complete and there were several more fragments; they were lying horizontally and were surrounded by spots of a clay that seems similar to the material with which they are made of, so we kept a sample (q299.1). We took a photograph of the situation whit some of the sling balls already excavated, v153, and we created a new aggregate, a8, to indicate i39, i40, i41, i42 and q299.1; maybe this aggregate can be connected with the ashy spots, the two pestles and the bronze slags (i34 and i35) that have been found near the western section of f74 and can indicate a kind of factory area. In this feature were also many medium-size and very smooth pebbles. We excavated also f203 from the south-eastern section of k105 toward west and we found a piece of metal, i38. In k106, after jN draw the eastern section (also photographed, v154) we kept on removing f158 that presents the same layers of compact soil and sandy material that are visible in the southern section. [Input: T722SE.j]
2009-07-23 sE We went on removing f74 in the northern part of k105 along the edge of f41, for a better comprehension of the accumulation above the staircase; in this way we also exposed the intersection between f205 and f41, dated respectively to the Mittani period and to the third millennium. We measured the slope of the first two steps: the first slopes 8 cm toward east, the second 3 cm. The small section of f74 north of f161 shows alternating layers of brownish and greyish soil, but there is no evidence of mudbricks: we took a picture to document it, v155. South of the third step a kind of surface with a patch of medium- and small-size pebbles and a fragment of grinding stone (i45) came to light. In the south-eastern part of k105 an ashy layer begun to appear, so we moved toward north to explore the ash. In k106 we removed more 20 cm of f158, that doesn't show any change. At the end of the morning, we removed f161 and f155, the latest addiction to the Mittani wall f3. [Input: T723SE.j]
2009-07-25 jW eA and sE drew the section of the east face of k106 in the afternoon so that removal of accumulation, f158, to trace escarpment, f169 to the west could continue. [Input: T725JW.j]
2009-07-25 sE We started removing f208 in k105 and removing 5 more cm of f158 in k106, looking for a possible layer of ash already visible all along the western side of k105 up to the corner of the Mittani wall. In the north-western corner it begun to appear instead the same kind of silty soil already found inside the channel, f206. We moved eastward and we exposed the reddish escarpment already identified in the past season, f184. We started to remove f209 in k105, the natural accumulation in the western part, to gain more space for a better comprehension of the area and to have a better view of the new staircase from the panorama. At the end of the morning we took a picture of the new situation in k106 with f210 and f211 (v157), and we removed the first one. [Input: T725SE.j]
2009-07-26 sE Today we went on removing f209, the accumulation in the western part of k105. We took a photograph of the eastern section of k106 nearby the revetment wall, that has been drawn yesterday afternoon. We started excavating f169 looking for the escarpment f184, working carefully with the trowel and the small pick: we could expose f184 in the north-eastern corner of k106, but we couldn't find it in its southern side where evidences of the presence of an old wadi are coming to light (difference of the soil in color, hardness and texture, and presence of lamination). We moved then to k100, where we started to remove f204 as a consequence of the last findings in J1 where a new surface has been found, that should continue below this square. [Input: T726SE.j]
2009-07-27 sE In k105 we continue to remove f209 with the big pick, while in k100 the goal is to find the continuation of the surface with sherds and bones already uncovered in J1f313. This locus will be also important to understand the relation between this surface and the stone-installation f188. Removing f204 a new layer of a sandy material came to light, similar to the ones visible in sections, that shows the presence of water in antiquity. The staff of the unit had a meeting in the field with gB and fAB about the stratigraphy and the possible strata sequence, especially in the area W of the wall f41 and of the staircase f21. In k105 we assigned new feature numbers to a silty layer f212 and to a yellowish lens f214 that cover the ashy f215. We also assigned a new feature number to a floor uncovered in k100, f213. [Input: T727SE.j]
2009-07-28 sE Today we took relays and photograph (v159) and then removed f212, the natural accumulation in the western half of k105, and the two features below: first f214 (the baqaya-like soil) and then f215 (the ashy layer). In this locus we have so exposed the top of f74, that as we expected is sloping down toward south. In f214 we found i48, a bronze pin, that must be in connection with q315.1, another piece of bronze found nearby. In k100 we took relays and photograph (v160) and then removed two big stones, f216 and f217. We removed their pedistal carefully, looking for the same floor already exposed in J1f313, equivalent to f213, but it seems to end, sloping up right below f216 without extending further west. We also removed the last patches of f158 in k106 and f211 (one big stone with several smaller ones underneath), looking for the escarpment f184. At the end of the morning we moved 10 cm north the section in k105, and we uncovered more stones that are at the same level of the higher step of the staircase f205. [Input: T728SE.j]
2009-07-29 jW High winds and blowing soil made outside work impossible today. [Input: T729JW.j]
2009-07-30 sE This morning we drew the northern section of k105 and we photographed it (v163); we gave a new feature number to a soft, sandy soil seen in the western part of the section, f222. In the southern half of the same locus we removed the last part of k214, and we uncovered a patch of a very black ash with few sherds: we gave it a new feature number, f220; in the same area we found also evidence of an old channel that runs SE-NW through f218, and we called it f221 (v162). In the southern section near the western corner now are visible two layers of different soils: the first is black, ashy and very soft (f223) and underneath there is a brownish, harder soil (f224). In k106, we photographed the floor surface f213 (J1f313) completely uncovered, with some patches of reddish soil approximately in the area where the big stone f217 was. Then we started to remove the floor collecting all the bones and the sherds: we found also a figurine of a chariot, i49. We gave new feature numbers to the accumulation under the pavement, f226, and to a new stone-installation, f225: this consists in two more rows of flat stones probably connected with f188, sloping down toward south. From the removal of f226 we found i50, a stone tool. [Input: T731SE.j]
2009-08-01 sE At the beginning of the morning we took pictures of the southern part of k33, to document the area on top of the first step of f205 (v164); we photographed also the western section of k105 (v165) and the two rows of stone f225 now completely uncovered in k100, (v166). In k106 looking for the southern face of the escarpment, we found in the south-western corner of this locus a pit (f228) that cuts f184 with sharp edges: we started removing its fill, that is a soft and brown soil (f227) in which we found i51, a wheel. In k33, beginning from its southern section we removed the soil on top of the staircase f229, and f218 in the western half of the same locus. At the end of the day we took v167 to document the new surface uncovered, a very hard and compact surface (f230), and the continuation of the wall f41 under the stones of f126. [Input: T801SE.j]
2009-08-02 sE This morning we cleaned and photographed both k33 to show the new stone-installations (f231, f232 and f233) and their relation with the hard surface f230, and k106 with the pit-cut f228: v168 and v169. Then we finished removing f229 in the northern part of k33, in order to expose f230, and we moved northward to the height of the second stone and a half of f21. In the western half of the same locus, we removed the last patch of the channel f222, that contained many sherds and bones, and f218. We noticed in the northwest corner of this area a harder, brown accumulation, we gave it a new feature number f234 and removed it. We made a probe under the staircase f21 between the first and the second stone, and we collected few sherds that may help to define the stratigraphy of this area; we have also been able to understand the relation between f21, f41 and f230. At the end, we placed two cement blocks to support the stones: we documented all this phases with views v171, v171a and v171b. In k106, we went on looking for the escarpment f184 removing carefully f158: we found a hard layer, reddish-brown but certainly not baqaya, with some charcoals and ashy spots; in both the southern section and the section of the pit doesn't seem to be any evident trace of f184. We found i52, an almost complete cup, lying between the escarpment and the Early-Dynastic wall f189: this maybe will help to date with certainty f184. [Input: T802SE1.j]
2009-08-03 sE This morning we photographed the new area of excavation (v172) and begun to remove the high southern baulk of k100, in the area east to J1k7 .We gave a new feature number to the natural accumulation that was on top of it, f235, and used big picks and a new shafat installed in J1k7 to remove the dirt. In k33, we kept removing f299 from the western half of the locus trying to follow the floor surface f230 already uncovered in its eastern side; we found instead new evidence of a water-course with a softer soil that contains many sherds and small pebbles, f238. It is possible both that f238 cuts f230, or that it covers it: we will investigate this area in the next days. We removed also part of f70 in k34 (a square about 100x100 cm), to have more space to study the relation of the different features in this area and to eliminate a step left from the last year's excavations. [Input: T803SE.j]
2009-08-05 sE In k100 we keep on removing f235, the natural accumulation on top of the baulk, maintaining the three different levels present in J1k7. We wanted to follow the escarpment f184 from east to west in k106, so we removed 2 cm. of the accumulation on top of it due probably to its exposure on weather in the past years, f236; then it appeared a clear line that divides the reddish material that abuts the wall f189 and a greyish soil south to it, where the escarpment slopes down. In k33 we removed the last part of f229 in its north-eastern corner, to expose the surface f230: it slopes down both toward west and south, and it ends east of f239, while the western half of this square shows clearly the presence of an old channel. We cleaned the probe made in the past days under the staircase f21 and we could see that f230 abuts the wall f41, showing a relation between this two. During the morning the unit staff met with gB and mKB for a stratigraphic review and for the strata assignment. We finished working at 12.00 to let the workmen free to take part in the general explanation of the site made by gB and fAB. [Input: T805SE.j]
2009-08-06 sE Today we removed the last step of f70 in k34 left from the last year, in order to expose f128 in front of the first step of the staircase f21 (v176). In k33 we removed the two stones f232 and f237 together with its pedestal f240; moving southward, in k105 we removed f200 to gain more space for a better comprehension of the area west to the stone-installation f205. Cleaning the area at the bottom of the third step of the same feature, we uncovered some horizontal bricks (v178). We then started removing the higher part of f74 in the west part of this locus. In k106, removing f226 we found a surface with big sherds and pebbles, f242, in wich i55 was embedded (v 175). To investigate the relation between this new floor and the escarpment f184, we cut a small section in f241: that showed alternating gray and red layers that may indicate different phases of the re-building of the escarpment itself; mKB looked at the pottery coming from this feature and recognized it as phase 3. In k100, we are still removing f235. [Input: T808SE.j]
2009-08-08 sE In k105 we removed f74 west to the steps of f205, and under a brownish and softer accumulation f244 we uncovered a pebble-stone pavement that may be connected with the third step (f246, v181). In k106, we cleaned the surface f242 and we gave a new feature number to a soft, brown accumulation at its south, probably due to water: f243. Then we removed f226 starting from its easternmost side, and we found a pavement covered with rather big pebbles and bones, f247, that is equivalent to J1f322: we took a picture (v180) and then started to remove it; from the same f226 came i56, a bronze pin. After a meeting on the field with gB and fAB, we decided to enlarge the section of f241 already cut last Thursday, to understand better the relation between it and the escarpment f184. Cleaning the southern section of the escarpment itself, we saw the same alternating layers of gray and red materials already visible in f241, and in particular two rows of flat sherds that separate the three layers at the bottom. Since this may change our comprehension of f184, we will investigate this area in the next days with a particular attention on the pottery, trying to avoid any contamination between feature 184, 141 and the others around. In k100 we are still removing f235. [Input: T808SE1.j]
2009-08-09 sE This morning we uncovered completely f247 and we photographed it (v183), to show its continuation in J1 and its relation with the stone-escarpment f225. In k106 we also cleaned the southern section of f184 toward east, looking for the two layers of sherds visible in the western section of k241. We found the sherds, but their presence doesn't seem to be regular along all the escarpment. We investigated the material between the two rows of stones of f186 (f248) to look for an eventual presence of an old channel as fAB suggested; we didn't find any trace of water, but a reddish soil and some lower stones. In k105, we removed the features on top of the floor surface f246 (v184), to expose it; accidentally, during the excavation of f244 we removed also part of the pavement itself and exposed a harder, gray and flat surface that will be investigated in the next days. In k100 we are still excavating f235; we removed also the higher baulk between this square, k106 and J1, to open the view from the panorama to J1. [Input: T809SE.j]
2009-08-10 sE In k106 we excavated a probe in f184 going S-N to the wall f189, to investigate the nature of the escarpment and to verify the presence of baqaya in it, since the small section cut in f241 in the past days doesn't show any pure baqaya. We removed the different red and gray layers one by one, and they all abut the revetment wall without any internal "core" (v189). We removed all the sherds lying on top of the pavement f242, to avoid any contamination of pottery during the excavation of the next days. In k105 we photographed f246 at the beginning of the day, v185, and after we completely uncovered it, v187. Then we started removing it, and we removed also the accumulation under the pavement, f250: this feature was a fill with many sherds and bones, used to bring at the same level the surface that under it was sloping down probably toward west, to build the pavement f246. In k100, we removed the two eastern and northern baulk, opening the view from the panorama to J1. [Input: T810SE.j]
2009-08-11 jW In k106 we completed the test probe towards the wall by excavating the balance of the f241 layered escarpment toward the revetment wall, f189. There was no evidence of a single, sloping mass of baqaya as the layers each continued northward against the wall face. At the bottom, we noticed that the stone escarpment, ^esc1, had another row of stones to the north which either abutted or bonded with the wall. We removed the remaining Mittani accumulation of f243, south of the Third Millennium sherd layer, f242. Then, we excavated f242 westward, uncovering additional stones of the sloping part of the stone escarpment, ^esc1. Also, we removed an additional layer of Mittani accumulation, f252, from atop the Third Millennium layered escarpment, ^esc2, so that when we excavate it we will minimize any chances of contamination with later material.
In k105 we removed an accumulation, f253, which covered what appears to be a pebble floor, f254, and its retaining wall, f255. We also uncovered a fourth stone, f257, which may be associated with stone stairs, f205. The stone, f257, is perpendiclar to stone wall, f41. [Input: T811JW.j]
2009-08-11 sE Today we removed f242 from the probe that we already excavated yesterday running N-S through f184, and under it we could see a flat stone, probably part of the stone escarpment composed by both f188 and f225 (v190). We removed f243 south to the floor surface f242, to avoid any contamination of pottery and looking for the relationship between the two; then we removed also f242, going east-west toward the western section created by the step of f252. We investigated also this accumulation, for a better comprehension of its nature and to get some sherds for pottery analysis; our aim was also to find the southern surface of the f241, that is part of the second escarpment together with f184. In k105 we removed the last part of f250 in the north-western corner, and then a brown compact soil f253 that covered a pavement made of many middle-size and big pebbles in the northern area, f254, and on the southern half a reddish soil, f246. From f253 came two items, i57 and i58. f254 and f256 are separated by a mudbrick wall running NW-SE, that is probably the continuation of f235: they have the same elevation, orientation and widht, but they haven't any point of connection because the water probably made the wall collapse, and so the pebbles of f254 continue through the breaking of the wall (v191). At the end of the morning we started to remove f254, that seems to be rather thick and full of stones and sherds. [Input: T811SE.j]
2009-08-12 jW In k106 we continued to excavate west in f252 and f242 in a strip about one meter wide next to the north baulk of k100. The purpose was to expose the southernmost rows of stones of ^esc1, f225. As we proceeded northward, the lowest row of stones disappeared, and the next highest was covered by a dense layer of sherds. This may indicate that we are reaching the west end of the Third Millennium revetment wall, f189.
In k105 we cleared the last of the sloping surface, f251 from atop the brick wall, a11. [Input: T812JW.j]
2009-08-12 sE In k106 today we kept on investigating the first and the second escarpment, removing the softer f241 south of the revetment wall. We uncovered part of the higher row of stone of ^esc1, f255, and we found the end of the lower stone; since in the eastern side of this installation the stones are organized in a similar way, we will concentrate on this area in the next days trying to find the point of contact between the first revetment wall f189 and its the Mittani extension, f3. We also recognized an unusual concentration of sherds in the portion of f242 that was right on the west of the flat stone uncovered today, q407 and q409. In k105 we excavated the area south to a11 removing f251 and a dark brown soil f258. We then removed f256, looking for the southern face of the mudbrick wall f245 and f255; we measured the bricks and they are 40 cm wide as we expected, for a total width of 102 cm (two rows and a half of bricks). We uncovered some stones in the southern corner of the locus that seem to be organized in a kind of installation, f261: we'll try to verify if they are part of the structure of one of the two escarpments. At the end of the morning, removing f256 we reached what seems to be the bottom of the wall f41: we gave a new feature number to the yellowish-brown soil that abuts some smaller stones right under the last big row of stone of f41, f259. [Input: T812SE.j]
2009-08-13 jW In k105, we concentrated our attention in three areas, north and south of the brick wall, f255; and in the southeastern corner, near the baulk separating k105 from k106 to the east. In the southeast corner of pebble fill, f254, adjacent to f255, we exposed a fifth "step" of the stepped stone structure, f205. It was below and south of the fourth "step" f257. To the south of the southeast corner of wall, a11, we made a small test probe to find the bottom of wall, f41. The accumulation just above what we believe to be the bottom was very clean and had few sherds. However, mKB and hQ evaluated them as from Phase 3 (JPB sequence). This is the earliest material found so far in k105. At this level, we also discovered a large, flat stone oriented, southeast to northwest, f265, about 50cm west of wall, f41. Between this stone and the wall was a surface of broken stones, f267. In the southeast corner we continued to remove accumulations above what we hypothesize is the stone escarpment to the revetment wall, f189, assuming that it continues to the west from k106 into k105.In k106 we continued to excavate to the west, following the southernmost line of stones of ^esc1. We also began to excavate a two-meter wide sounding next to the entire extent of the west baulk of k106. After one pick run we encountered a hard, reddish mass of soil, f268, which may have served as part of ^esc2 during one of the use phases of the revetment wall, f189. [Input: T813JW.j]
2009-08-13 sE We keep investigating the two escarpments south of the revetment wall f189: today we removed first a new feature, f264, and then we opened a new probe that runs NE-SW following the western baulk of k106, going against the wall. We stopped as we saw the same red soil of the layered escarpment f241, and we moved east to uncover it. In k105, we excavated the last patch of f254 uncovering f266, a fifth "step" connected to the stone-installation f205 that seems quite different from the others, since it is made of one big stone and some smaller ones. We investigate the area between the brickwall f245 and the corner of the stone-wall f3, to see if we can find the bottom of the wall f41: we removed f259 and we collected some sherds that mKB looked in the field and recognized as phase 3. Then we excavated the feature below, f264: from this q-lot q416 didn't come any sherd, but we uncovered more stones: one big and flat, f265, and some smaller and more irregular, f267. [Input: T814SE.j]
2009-08-15 sE Today we excavated the area east and west to the eastern baulk of k105, to clarify the relationship between the features of the two loci and trying to find the continuation of the stone escarpment. In k106 we excavated the probe that we opened yesterday (v195) removing the stone f273 and the soil f268, and we uncovered two rows of big and flat stones that we think are the continuation of f188 and f225 and that seem to make a corner going north-west (v197). Since we still don't have any point of connection between the two, we decided to enlarge east the probe to find it, but first we removed the part of 242 that was exposed, to avoid contamination of pottery. In k105, we removed some floating stones that sit on f271 (f261 and f269, v196) and a big stone in the baulk (f272) and we removed also f271, from wich came i60. Then we removed f259 below it, looking for some connection between this area and the western portion of k106. In k105 we also removed the last part of f254, in the north-western corner, and we cleaned this area from some pebbles left from the past days. [Input: T815SE.j]
2009-08-16 jW In the northern sector of k105 we removed the last of the river pebbles, f254, revealing a surface of greenish yellow soil, f279. On the south this surface was bounded by a line of cut stones, f277. On the east this surface was bounded by another line of stones, f276. The stones did not abut in a SE corner. Immediately to the south of a11, we uncovered two additional lines of stones to the west of f265. We continued to excavate accumulation, f259, in anticipation of reaching companion stones to f265, which are expected to continue to the southeast. In k106 we continued to expose stones which are a part of the first escarpment, ^esc1. [Input: T816JW.j]
2009-08-16 sE In k106 we removed the last portion of f268 in the probe running NE-SW near the section, uncovering the connection between the stones of ^esc1 and the two rows that we begun to see yesterday. These big, flat stones make clearly a corner that goes toward north-west, following the direction of the revetment wall and going under the western baulk of this locus. Then south to this newly uncovered stones we removed f274, that contained many sherds and bones. In the northern area of k105 we removed more pebbles still part of f254, and at the bottom of this feature we found a natural accumulation and two rows of stones: f276 that runs N-S west to the stairs f205, and f277 that runs E-W under the bricks of f255. The two don't have any point of connection or clear corner. South of the brickwall of a11 we removed f259 and we uncovered two more rows of flat and big stones going SE-NW, very similar and possibly still part of f265. South-west of this stones, at the beginning of the morning we begun to find a surface covered with small pebbles, f278, that will be investigated tomorrow. During the day we also draw the western section of k106 (v199), and we removed the two stones of f270 (v198). [Input: T816SE.j]
2009-08-17 jW In k105 we removed the balance of accumulation, f280, from atop the pebble natural floor, f278. Pickman Su'ar noticed that there was an ashy accumulation, f282, to the southwest of the stones of ^esc1 under the natural floor, f278. In k106, we removed the baulk between k105 and k106 in two parts: first the volumetric material above the red "escarpment," then f268 itself. Further east we removed the layered escarpment, f241, from the west baulk to the exploratory cut to the east. [Input: T817JW.j]
2009-08-18 jW Removed the remaining soil and stones from the afternoon excavations of T817. Removed the remaining portion of the red soil, f268 from the bottom of the north part of the east baulk of k106. Excavated the sherd layer, f242, a part of the layered second escarpment, ^esc2. Cleaned the natural floor, f278, atop the stones of the first escarpment, f265, then began to remove it to expose the stones and the ashy accumulation to the southwest, f282. In the afternoon session we finished removing f278 and f242. Then we cleaned thoroughly the numerous exposed stones of ^esc1, which stretch from the east end to almost the northern end of the unit. In the north sector, we removed the bricks of f245, the east end of a11, in order to determine if the stone first escarpment, ^esc1, rose to the north at that point to the level of the f266 "step." We found another large, high-founded flat stone at the same elevation to the south of f266, but not the rise in the first escarpment that we hypothesized. If ^esc1 does rise, it must occur further to the north. However, it is possible that the two stones of f255 are part of a stone second escarpment, installed after the first escarpment was covered in that region. [Input: T818JW.j]
2009-08-18 sE In this last day of the excavation period, we focused our attention on two areas of the unit: in k106 we removed the very last part of f242, including a big stone that was covered by the ^esc2 (f283), while in k105 we wanted to understand the relation between the fifth step of f205 and the ^esc1 that seem to continue going north-west. We collected great quantities of sherds coming from f242, together with many bones, as we expected, and we exposed completely the stone escarpment; between the first line of big flat stones of f188 and the revetment wall f189 we uncovered a line of smaller stones. In the same locus we also finished to remove the western baulk. In k105 we took a photo to document the relation between the surface of f278 and the stone escarpment that is underneath (v204), and then we removed f278. After a meeting in the field with gB and fAB, we decided to excavate also in the afternoon with a smaller number of workmen. We removed part of the brick wall f245, looking for the connection between the steps of f205 and the ^esc1: we found a big, flat stone south of f266 that seem to be still part of the fifth step and that is not-founded or high-founded: the two stone-installations don't seem to be directly connected with each other. [Input: T819SE.j]
2009-08-24 sE Today the unit staff went to the field to excavate some areas that may give a better understanding of the stratigraphy, in particular of the ^esc1. In k106, we gave a new feature number (f287) and excavated the natural accumulation between the stone escarpment f188 and the line of smaller stones f284. We found some deeper small stones, and we collected few sherds that will be analyzed by mKB. In the western portion of the same locus we removed 10 cm of f274 to expose completely the third row of stones of f255, and we uncovered a fourth line of big, flat stones. In k105 we finished to remove all a11: under f255 we exposed the stones of f277, while under f260 and f245 we went down at the same level of the ^esc1, that seems to continue with a surface paved by flat stones and that goes on north-west. We removed f231 on top of f205, and in k33 we made a small trench following the line of the stairs of f205 moving north, to investigate the relationship between the steps and the southern stones of f239 and to understand the nature of f205. We removed the shaffat and took relays with the surveyor of all the area excavated during MZ22 and of the stones of f205, f257,f266 and f275. [Input: T824SE.j]
2009-08-25 sE Today in k106 we removed more of f287 to comprehend the nature of f284: we found that the stones are quite big and deep, and have a southern face that may suggest that it is a wall. Between the stones of f284 and the ones of f188 we uncovered three more flat blocks, that seem to be allineated but with a different orientation than the other two installations. In k105 we documented with photos the situation in the northern portion of the locus (v208, v209) and then we removed the last part of a11, f255, and the stones of f277 that appeared to be very big (v210). Then we excavated the accumulation under the bricks and the stones, f285, and we uncovered one more flat limestone block. South of this area we excavated f282 and we found one big stone that can be the continuation of the fourth line of ^esc1, but that slopes down toward west. [Input: T825SE1.j]
2009-08-26 jW In k105 we removed the pedestal of accumulation, f289, under the shaffatshaffat. We learned little new about the deposition process beneath the f3 Mittani revetment wall in the process. [Input: T826JW.j]
2009-08-26 sE In k106 we removed more of f287, to get some more sherds that will be analyzed for a better understanding of the chronology of this area and to understand the nature of f284, that seem to be a wall with a southern face quite smooth and regular (v211). In k105 we first removed the final western part of the accumulation f285 and then f282 that was covered by it. We uncovered another line of flat stones running SE-NW, still part of the ^esc1, together with a floor surface with small- and medium-size pebbles (f288), that abuts this last row of limestone blocks. In the afternoon we photographed it (v212) and we collected the sherds on the surface, to have them analyzed and to avoid any contamination from the excavation of tomorrow. In this same locus we also removed f289, the volumetric material that was under the stone f275. [Input: T826SE2.j]
2009-08-27 jW Removed the northeast corner of the high baulk in k100 to improve sight-lines down and to the north so that the first escarpment, ^esc1 could be seen in conjunction with the revetment wall, f189. Backfilled the previously excavated exploratory trench, f286, in k33. Straightened sections along the north baulk of k100 and the west baulk of k105. Finished drawing the southern half of the southwest section of k106. [Input: T827JW.j]
2009-09-01 jW We are nearing the end of the First Study Period, having already finished the Second UGR period. Except for a brief time when we performed additional field work, the staff has worked in the house to prepare the first draft of the final UGR. It includes entering and checking all logs, checking relays and making plots, finishing templates, processing objects, drawing sections, and stratigraphic analysis. So far, there have been no significant problems. In the next study period we will cross-check entries and correct discrepancies. jW will prepare the discursive side for publication. [Input: T901JW1.j]