Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


The Samuel H. Kress Foundation

Giorgio Buccellati – June 2002


     Two concerns have been central to our efforts since the beginning of our project: conservation and education.
     These are the goals that Kress has come to epitomize in our field, and we are especially proud of the long association that has translated a commonality of interests into a working partnership.

     Our interests in this area go back to our earlier work at Terqa, when Franklin D. Murphy was at the helm of Kress. Through him, we obtained our first substantial grants in these areas. We are now continuing, with
  • an aggressive and innovative approach to wall conservation,
  • a first class conservation laboratory associated with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, and
  • a large participation of students in both the excavations and the conservation program.
The enlightened support that Kress has given to these endeavors makes it possible to hand the past over to the future. With the special support of the Kress Foundation, we have recently held a Conference published a special conference was held in November 1999 at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, the proceedings of which were published as UMS 4.

     Conservation ensures permanence – the ruin being preserved and interpreted as a monument.
      Education builds on dynamics – the training of those who will interact with what has been left behind.
     As we share the past, we know that, with the help of the Kress Foundation, we can also share the future.
Photo V13d8415 G. Buccellati
Wall conservation in the Royal Palace

Photo V13d8148 O. Khalsa
One of the rooms of the conservation lab at Tell Mozan