Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


Tiers and music

Giorgio Buccellati – June 2002
Laerke Recht – November 2019

See also navigation.

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Pages on this website are structured along four major tiers, with the possibility of an additional fifth tier. They represent the logical hierarchy of topics treated.

The first tier is shown on the top bar and at the top of the left side bar, while the other three tiers are shown on the left side bar – number two and three being always present (in the short version of the left side bar), while number four can be shown on an optional basis (in the expanded version of the left side bar – where tier 4 entries appear in green). Here are the details.

  1. The highest tier is given on the top horizontal bar, with the relevant entry being also shown at the top of the left side bar. The sequence of these topics is briefly described in the introductory outline. The element that is currently active appears in larger characters, both on the top bar and at the top of the side bar.

  2. The next two tiers are found in the short version of left bar. Tier two is identified by small caps, while

  3. the third tier is indented and in upper/lower case.

  4. The fourth tier is shown only in the expanded version of the left bar. One obtains this expanded view by clicking on the top line of the left bar (“expand”), in green, which is also the color of the tier 4 entries; they are further indented and all in lower case letters. Clicking on the question mark to the left brings the reader to this page. Clicking again on the top green line (“remove tier 4”) toggles back to the reduced bar, which omits the fourth tier.
  5.      I have chosen this format over that of floating windows in order to facilitate a constant overview of the entire structure of each section.

  6. A fifth tier is added when needed to expand one of the entries in tier 4. This tier opens a new left side bar, with entries in green as for tier 4. For an example, see the list of links to other websites.
         Occasionally, tier 5 is present as a subdivision of tier 3, without tier 4 being present. This occurs when the listing of items would be too long to be included in main left bar, for example in the case of the Abstracts.

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In progress

Entries that are projected but not yet developed as regular website pages are preceded by a single dot.

Entries that are only partially completed are preceded by a colon.

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The musical background is operative only under the first tier, “Urkesh – Home.” To turn this off, click on the “no music” button at the top of the left side bar.

To hear the music again, and to read about it, you can go to the separate entry on music.

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