Urkesh (Version 2)

Topical index

February 2025

Total number of topics: 2605.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Topic Section Title
A12Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A12
A12: directories & talliesSite MapDirectories and tallies > Book A12 and related folders
A14Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A14
A16Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A16
A16: directories & talliesSite MapDirectories and tallies > Book A16 and related folders
A17Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A17
A18Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A18
A20Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A20
AAUrkesh Global Record / UnitsArea AA
Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A12
ābi: bibliographySiteExcavations > Bibliography and links
ābi: darknessSiteExcavations > The darkness
ābi: faunal remainsSiteExcavations > Faunal remains
ābi: objectsSiteExcavations > The objects
ābi: structureSiteExcavations > In contact with the beyond: a mysterious structure
ābi: three building phasesSiteExcavations > Three building phases
academic institutionsSupportAcademic institutions
accessOrganization of space > Access
StoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 7. Access
A Critique of Archaeological Reason (CAR)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Critique (CAR)
adherent coversSite ConservationAdherent covers
administrative textsTEXTSAdministrative texts
advanced readersEducationAdvanced readers
aggregationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Scalarity and aggregation
AgnewAbstractsNeville Agnew 2001
Neville Agnew 2001
Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006
Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006
Neville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004
Neville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004
AI: artificial intelligencePRINCIPLESDigital thought > This side of artificial intelligence
AieshAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
AkarAbstractsMurat Akar and Demet Kara 2020
Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022
AkkadianLANGUAGESLanguages in context > Akkadian
AkkermansAbstractsPeter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003
Peter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003
AkrawiAbstractsAysar Akrawi 2006
Aysar Akrawi 2006
AlbendaAbstractsPauline Albenda 2005
allotment of an unknown item, possibly barleyTEXTSAdministrative texts > a2 - A10.377 - Allotment of an unknown item, possibly barley
alphabetPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The alphabet
alphabetic characters on ceramics?TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics?
alterationSite ConservationProtective systems > Alteration
alternative sequences of sign components (palaeography)LANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Alternative sequences of sign components
AmietAbstractsPierre Amiet 1966
Pierre Amiet 1966
AmoriteLANGUAGESLanguages in context > Amorite
analytical sidebar (right-hand side)Urkesh Global RecordDetails of the page organization > The right sidebar (black): analytical
AnatiAbstractsEmmanuel Anati 1988
Emmanuel Anati 1988
ancient erosionPreservationThe document: ancient erosion
ancient UrkeshPrefaceA guide for first timers > Ancient Urkesh
animal combat (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
animal figurines: main typesOBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines > Main types represented
animal figurines: regularity & realismOBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines > Regularities and realism
animal figurines (typology)OBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines
animal figurines, typology (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines > Bibliography
annals: conceptsAnnalsConcepts
antecedents of writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The antecedents of writing
antecedents of writing (excursus: writing)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Antecedents of writing
applications: Urkesh: Urkesh applicationsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Urkesh applications
approachesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 4. Four types of digital texts
archaeological preservation: principlesPRINCIPLES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION
archaeological preservation: scopePrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation
archaeological preservation: theoryPrinciplesTheory of archaeological preservation
archaeological process: theoryPRINCIPLESTheory > Theory of the archaeological process
archaeological process: theory (excursus)ExcursusTheory of the archaeological process
archaeological reconstructionRECONSTRUCTION > Types of archaeological reconstruction
archaeological storage: principlesStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage
archaeological universalsUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Archaeological universals
archaeological websites: analysisEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > General Analysis
archaeological websites: appendixEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeological websites: audienceEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Audience
archaeological websites: brochureEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeological websites: comparative analysisEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeological websites: databasesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeological websites: PDFEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeological websites: theoryEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Theory
archaeological websites: visualEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
archaeologyUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Archaeology as archaeology
Archaeology for a young futurePROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Young Future
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsArchaeology for a young future
archaeology: perceptionPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > The archaeology of perception
ArchiAbstractsAlfonso Archi 2013
architecturePRINCIPLESThe role of perception > The built environment
architecture: constructional analysisPRINCIPLESConstructional analysis of architecture
architecture: constructional analysis ((excursus))BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture
architecture: EnglandBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture > England
architecture: generalBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture > General considerations
architecture: GermanyBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture > Germany
architecture: ItalyBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture > Italy
architecture (perception: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Architecture
archiveCurrent version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
archivesPRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication > Archives
argumentUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Documentation, narrative and argument
argumentationPRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication > Argumentation
argument: impressionistic publicationPRINCIPLES3. Narrative
argument: linearPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Linear and poly-segmental
argument: longPRINCIPLESDigital thought > “One long argument”
argument: polyhedralPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The polyhedral argument
argument: poly-segmentalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Linear and poly-segmental
argument: synthetic publicationPRINCIPLES2. Argument
art history (perception: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Art history
articles (general interest)OTHER PUBLICATIONSGeneral interest
articles (general interest): alphabeticalOTHER PUBLICATIONSGeneral interest: alphabetical
articles (general interest): chronologicalOTHER PUBLICATIONSGeneral interest: chronological
articles (Urkesh specific)OTHER PUBLICATIONSUrkesh specific
articles (Urkesh specific): alphabeticalOTHER PUBLICATIONSUrkesh specific: alphabetical
articles (Urkesh specific): chronologicalOTHER PUBLICATIONSUrkesh specific: chronological
articles (Urkesh staff)PROJECT PUBLICATIONSArticles
articles (Urkesh staff): alphabetical orderPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / ArticlesARTICLES – ALPHABETICAL
articles (Urkesh staff): chronological orderPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / ArticlesARTICLES – CHRONOLOGICAL
articulation of digital thoughtPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Articulation of digital thought
AruzAbstractsJoan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
Asher-GreveAbstractsJulia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013
Julia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013
AstourAbstractsMichael C. Astour 2002
Michael C. Astour 2002
Atal-šenTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r1 - Atal-šen
atomistic observationsUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Primacy of atomistic observations
attendants with globular objects (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
audiencesThe intended audiences
audience: typesPRINCIPLESCommunication > Types of audience
auditingStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 3. Auditing
authorshipNavigationPage structure > Path and authorship
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Authorship
authorship: contributorsIntroductionAuthorship
authorship (ethics: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Authorship
authorship: IT supportIntroductionAuthorship
authorship: main authors and editorsIntroductionAuthorship
authorship: overviewIntroductionAuthorship
authorship: section editorsIntroductionAuthorship
authorship: webmastersIntroductionAuthorship
authors index (bibliography)AUTHORS INDEX
automation: intellectual significancePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Intellectual significance of automation
automation of browser editionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Automatic production of the Browser Edition
awareness campaignDEVELOPMENTIn the village
axes (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Following the axes…
B6Urkesh Global Record / UnitsUnit B6
backfillSite ConservationBackfill
Protective systems > Backfill
Site conservation techniques: floors > Backfill
BaltacioğluAbstractsHatçe Baltacioğlu 2003
BaragAbstractsLeo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970
BarozziAbstractsSalvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
BarreletAbstractsMarie-Thérèse Barrelet 1978
Marie-Thérèse Barrelet 1978
BeckmanAbstractsGary Beckman 2003
Gary Beckman 2003
bending figures (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
Ben-ShlomoAbstractsDavid Ben-Shlomo 2010
David Ben-Shlomo 2010
BenzelAbstractsJoan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
BerlynAbstractsPatricia Berlyn 2005
Patricia Berlyn 2005
betiliUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J6
Between Syria and the Highlands (SANEM 3 = Fs. Buccellati/Kelly-Buccellati)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Other StudiesSANEM 3
BianchiAbstractsAlice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
bibliographical excursusesBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSES
bibliographical excursuses: built environmentBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment
bibliographical excursuses: constructional analysis of architectureBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture
bibliographical excursuses: ethics in archaeological practiceBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice
bibliographical excursuses: experienceBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESExperience
bibliographical excursuses: non-linearityBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESNon-linearity
bibliographical excursuses: perceptionBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception
bibliographical excursuses: readingBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESReading
bibliographical excursuses: writingBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting
bibliographical indicesLinear indices
bibliographical statusConceptsBibliographical status
bibliography: ābiSiteExcavations > Bibliography and links
bibliography: general interestOTHER PUBLICATIONSBibliography: general interest
bibliography: geographySettingGeography > Bibliography and links
bibliography: HurriansSettingHistory > Bibliography
bibliography: major themesMAJOR THEMES
bibliography: major themes (ceramics)MAJOR THEMESCeramics
bibliography: major themes (conservation)MAJOR THEMESConservation
bibliography: major themes (digital)MAJOR THEMESDigital
bibliography: major themes (glyptics)MAJOR THEMESSeals and sealings (i.e., glyptics)
bibliography: major themes (heritage)MAJOR THEMESHeritage
bibliography: major themes (site presentation)MAJOR THEMESSite Presentation
BietakAbstractsManfred Bietak 2018
Manfred Bietak 2018
Bingöl BGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian > Bingöl B
boar (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
BodensteinAbstractsVaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
Vaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
BonettiAbstractsSophie Bonetti and Giorgio Buccellati 2003
Sophie Bonetti and Giorgio Buccellati 2003
books: currentUrkesh Global RecordUrkesh Global Record > Current books
books (publications)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books
BottéroAbstractsJean Bottéro
Jean Bottéro
boundary: empireSettingHistory > At the boundary of the empire
boxingStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 5. Boxing
Braun-HolzingerAbstractsEva Andrea Braun-Holzinger 2013
Eva Andrea Braun-Holzinger 2013
bridging the dislocationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Bridging the dislocation
BridglandAbstractsNeville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006
Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland 2006
BrillAbstractsLeo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970
broad baseSite ConservationProtective systems > Broad base and localized shelters
broadcastsMEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos
broadcasts & videos: 2010MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2010
broadcasts & videos: 2012MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2012
broadcasts & videos: 2013MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2013
broadcasts & videos: 2014MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2014
broadcasts & videos: 2015MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2015
broadcasts & videos: 2016MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2016
broadcasts & videos: 2017MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2017
broadcasts & videos: 2018MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2018
broadcasts & videos: 2019MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos > 2019
broader publicIntroductionBroader public
broad horizonSettingHistory > The broad horizons
brochuresEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Brochure
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Brochure and PDF:
browser editionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Browser edition
Buccellati, F.AbstractsFederico Buccellati 1998
Federico Buccellati 1998
Federico Buccellati 2001
Federico Buccellati 2001
Federico Buccellati 2010
Federico Buccellati 2010
Federico Buccellati 2012
Federico Buccellati 2012
Federico Buccellati 2014a
Federico Buccellati 2014a
Federico Buccellati 2014b
Federico Buccellati 2014b
Federico Buccellati 2019
Federico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
Federico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
Buccellati, G.AbstractsArwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017
Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017
Giorgio Buccellati 1966
Giorgio Buccellati 1966
Giorgio Buccellati 1973
Giorgio Buccellati 1977
Giorgio Buccellati 1977
Giorgio Buccellati 1981
Giorgio Buccellati 1981
Giorgio Buccellati 1982
Giorgio Buccellati 1988
Giorgio Buccellati 1988
Giorgio Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati 2003-2004
Giorgio Buccellati 2003-2004
Giorgio Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2006
Giorgio Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati 2010
Giorgio Buccellati 2010
Giorgio Buccellati 2010
Giorgio Buccellati 2010
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2012
Giorgio Buccellati 2013
Giorgio Buccellati 2013
Giorgio Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati 2015
Giorgio Buccellati 2015
Giorgio Buccellati 2015
Giorgio Buccellati 2015
Giorgio Buccellati 2018
Giorgio Buccellati 2018
Giorgio Buccellati 2019
Giorgio Buccellati 2019
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1977
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1991
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1991
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2017
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2017
M.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982
Sophie Bonetti and Giorgio Buccellati 2003
Sophie Bonetti and Giorgio Buccellati 2003
built environmentPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > The built environment
built environment (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment
built environment: functionBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment > Function and perception
built environment: generalBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment > General considerations
built environment: perceptionBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment > Function and perception
built environment: typologyBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment > Typology
CairnesAbstractsEdith Hamilton and Huntington Cairnes (eds.) 1961
CanbyAbstractsJeanny Vorys Canby 2003
Jeanny Vorys Canby 2003
Jeanny Vorys Canby 2003
capillarityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Capillarity
capillarity of informationUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > High nodes
CarandiniAbstractsAndrea Carandini 2000
Andrea Carandini 2017
ExcursusTheory of the archaeological process > Carandini
CarrAbstractsNicholas Carr 2008
CatagnotiAbstractsAmalia Catagnoti 1998
Amalia Catagnoti 1998
Çatal HöyükEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Çatal Höyük
Catholic Biblical Association (CBA)SupportCatholic Biblical Association
CaubetAbstractsAnnie Caubet and Patrick Pouyssegeur 1998
Annie Caubet and Patrick Pouyssegeur 1998
central windowUrkesh Global RecordDetails of the page organization > The central window
ceramic: horizonsHORIZONS > Ceramic horizons
ceramic libraryStorageStudy collections > The ceramic library
ceramicsSiteMajor finds
ceramics (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESCeramics
ceramics: conservationPreservationRestoration of ceramic vessels
ceramics: early third millenniumSiteMajor finds > Early third millennium
ceramics: multimediaMAJOR THEMESCeramics > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
ceramics: overviewSiteMajor finds > Overview
ceramics: second millennium: first halfSiteMajor finds > First half of second millennium
ceramics: third millennium (second half)SiteMajor finds > Second half of the third millennium
ceramics: visual walk-throughSiteMajor finds > Visual walk-through of selected Urkesh ceramics
certificatesThe faces of UrkeshThe UNICUM Gallery > The certificates
Chaves YatesAbstractsCaitlin J. Chaves Yates 2014
Caitlin J. Chaves Yates 2014
childrenThe intended audiences > Children
children: feedbackFeedback from children
children (Randolph): feedbackCenter Grove Elementary School, Randolph, NJ
children: roots of tomorrowAt the Roots of Tomorrow
children: Urkesh knowkingUrkesh knowking at schools
children: Urkesh through imaginationUrkesh through imagination
ChristieAbstractsAgatha Christie 1977
Agatha Christie 1977
chronology: UrkeshSettingHistory
circularity: styleART / StyleExperiments in style > Circularity
circulationOrganization of space > Circulation
ClarkeExcursusTheory of the archaeological process > Clarke
classroom to classroomEducationClassroom to classroom
climateSettingGeography > Climate
clips: usePRINCIPLESVideo and film > The use of clips
cognitive archaeologyPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Perception and perceptual analysis
collectionStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 1. Collection
collection: basicStorageStudy collections > The basic collection
collection: conservationStorageStudy collections > The conservation collection
collectionsThe collections
StorageThe Curators of the collections
collections: displayStorageDisplay collections
collections: facilitiesStorageFacilities that house the collections
collection: specialStorageStudy collections > The special collection
collections: typesStorageIn-house collections > Types of collections
collection: zoology & natural scienceStorageStudy collections > The zoology and natural science collections
CollinsAbstractsBillie Jean Collins 2004
Billie Jean Collins 2004
Billie Jean Collins 2004
Billie Jean Collins 2004
collocationPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Collocational vs. perceptual analysis
colonialismSITE PRESENTATION > Colonialism and not
colonialism (ethics: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Colonialism and not
commitmentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The difficulty of a new commitment
PrinciplesConservation as publication > Communication
communication: continuumPRINCIPLESCommunication > The communication continuum
communication: modesPRINCIPLESCommunication > Modes of communication
communication: naturePRINCIPLESCommunication > The nature of communication
communicationsPROJECT PUBLICATIONSCommunications
communitiesDEVELOPMENTThe communities
communityField staffThe community
community archaeologyCOMMUNITY ARCHEOLOGY
The intended audiences > Community archaeology
companion folderEarly printed materials > Companion folder
EducationCompanion folder
componentsSite ConservationThe record > Components
concept: horizonsHORIZONS > The concept
conceptsPRINCIPLESHumanities > Concepts and terminology
conceptual correlationsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Conceptual correlations
conceptual goalsPrefaceA "Guide for the Perplexed" > Conceptual goals
connectivityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Sequentiality and connectivity
ConnerAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
conservationConservation and presentation
The intended audiences > Excavations, presentation, conservation
PrinciplesConservation as publication
Theory of archaeological preservation
conservation: alteration (consolidation)PreservationSite conservation: alteration
conservation: alteration (over layering)PreservationSite conservation: alteration
conservation: alteration (overview)Site ConservationSite conservation techniques: alteration
conservation: beginningPrinciplesExtrinsicism and not > When does conservation begin?
conservation (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESConservation
conservation: bibliographyObject ConservationThe laboratory > Bibliography
conservation: conceptsPreservationThe document: concepts
conservation: developmentPreservationDevelopment
conservation: exposed stone wallsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques
conservation: fieldPreservationConservation: work in the field
conservation: floorsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors
conservation: floors (pavements and staircases)Site ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors
conservation: mud floorsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors
conservation: multimediaMAJOR THEMESConservation > 3. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
conservation: shelters (metal frames)Site ConservationSite conservation techniques: shelters
conservation: siteSite Conservation1. Overview
conservation: strategyPrinciplesConservation as part of the excavation strategy
conservation techniques: optionsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques
conservation techniques: sheltersSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: shelters
conservation techniques: side panelsPreservationSite conservation techniques
conservation techniques: top coversPreservationSite conservation techniques
conservation: volumes (aims)PreservationSite Conservation: The Volumes
conservation: volumes (color and texture)PreservationSite Conservation: The Volumes
conservation: volumes (results)PreservationSite Conservation: The Volumes
conservation: volumes (virtual reality)PreservationSite Conservation: The Volumes
conservation: wallsPreservationWALL CONSERVATION
conservatorObject ConservationThe conservator
consolidationPrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation > Consolidation of the initial state
constructional analysis of architecturePRINCIPLESConstructional analysis of architecture
constructional analysis of architecture (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESConstructional analysis of architecture
consulting vs. studyingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Consulting vs. studying
contents: detailed documentation and disseminationIntroductionContents
contents: introductory sectionsIntroductionContents
contents: overviewIntroductionContents
contents: specialized synthesisIntroductionContents
continuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The new continuity
continuity: gamblePRINCIPLESDigital thought > The gamble with continuity
contributors: draftingIntroductionAuthorship > Drafting
contributors: e-LibraryIntroductionAuthorship > E-Library
contributors indexSearchIndexed Items and Index Contributors
contributors: photographyIntroductionAuthorship > Photography
contributors: textIntroductionAuthorship > Text
contributors: UGRIntroductionAuthorship > UGR
control pointsTECHNIQUESTriangulation rod
control room8. The service wing of the Palace > A control room (PDF 552K)
core staffField staffCore staff
CortiAbstractsCarlo Corti and Franca Pecchioli–Daddi 2012
Cotsen Institute (UCLA)SupportThe Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
CourtaudAbstractsA. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
courtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
CrawfordAbstractsVaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
Vaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
Creekmore (III)AbstractsAndrew Theodore Creekmore (III) 2008
curatorsStorageThe Curators of the collections
curatorshipStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > Curatorship
current booksUrkesh Global RecordUrkesh Global Record > Current books
DalleyAbstractsStephanie Dalley 2001
Stephanie Dalley 2001
Dal profondo del tempoPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Dal Profondo
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsDal profondo del tempo
Dal profondo del tempo (Arabic)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsDal profondo del tempo
Dal profondo del tempo (Arabic: قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Dal profondo (Arabic: قدمت لها ميرلين كيللي بوتشيللاتي جورجيو بوتشيللاتي)
DarwinAbstractsCharles Darwin 1872
Charles Darwin 1958 (1887)
PRINCIPLESDigital thought > “One long argument”
dataPRINCIPLESCoherence > The data
Urkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension > The data
databasePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. The matrix
Urkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > Database and narrative
database: contentsUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases > Contents of the database section
database & narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Database and narrative
databasesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Databases:
PRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication > Databases
Urkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases
The UGR input: Databases > Ordered input files as database
data: graphic tabulationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Graphic tabulation of data
data: primaryPRINCIPLESPrimary data
DeckersAbstractsKatkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
deconstructionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure and deconstruction
deeper levelsIntroductionBroader public > Steps to deeper levels
definitionsPRINCIPLESPostulates and definitions
degli AbbatiAbstractsValeria degli Abbati 2011
Valeria degli Abbati 2011
Dell’UntoAbstractsFederico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
Federico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
DemasAbstractsNeville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004
Neville Agnew and Martha Demas 2004
depositionUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Emplacement and deposition
depositionUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Inferences about deposition
DercksenAbstractsJan Gerrit Dercksen (ed.) 2008
Jan Gerrit Dercksen (ed.) 2008
descriptive details (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Descriptive details
diacritics (texts)TEXTS > Diacritics
dialogThe itinerary as narrative > The narrative as dialog
digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Electronic vs. digital
Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative SlaveryEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > DAACS - Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery
digital argument: notionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The notion of digital argument
digital authorshipPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The risks of digital authorship
digital (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESDigital
digital discoursePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. Digital discourse
digital discourse: comparison of narrativesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A comparison of narratives
digital discourse: database & narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Database and narrative
digital discourse: digital vs. non-digital narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Digital vs. non-digital narrative
digital discourse: discourse & narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Discourse and narrative
digital discourse: historical backgroundPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Historical background
digital discourse: primary narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Primary narrative
digital discourse: sequentialityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Sequentiality
digital monographsIntroductionDigital monographs
digital narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Digital narrative
digital narrative: typesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Types of narrative
digital publishingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Digital thought in practice: digital publishing
digital publishing: processPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The process
digital publishing: risks (digital authorship)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The risks of digital authorship
digital readingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reading and digital reading
digital reading: actionsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The actions
digital reading: consulting vs. studyingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Consulting vs. studying
digital reading: digital readingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reading and digital reading
digital reading (excursus: reading)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESReading > Digital reading
digital reading: inquiry pathsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Inquiry paths
digital reading: intersecting registersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dialectics of intersecting registers
digital reading: juxtaposed registersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dialectics of juxtaposed registers
digital reading: mechanismsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. The mechanisms
digital reading: posture of readerPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The posture of the reader
digital reading: reflectionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reflection
digital reading: risksPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Risks of uncritical digital reading
digital reading: search funcionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The search function
digital reading: userPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The persons
digital reading: user vs. readerPRINCIPLESDigital thought > User vs. reader
digital text: approachesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 4. Four types of digital texts
digital text: notionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The notion of digital text
digital text: structure: structure: digital textPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure of a digital text
digital text: UGRPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Global Record as a digital text
digital thoughtPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: alphabetPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The alphabet
digital thought: antecedents of writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The antecedents of writing
digital thought: application of theoryPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The application of the theory
digital thought: articulationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Articulation of digital thought
Digital thought > The articulation of digital thought proper
digital thought: automationPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: browser editionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Browser edition
digital thought: capillarityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Capillarity
digital thought: comparisonPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A comparison
digital thought: conceptsPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: conceptual correlationsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Conceptual correlations
digital thought: corollariesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Corollaries
digital thought: correlatesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Correlates and conclusion
digital thought: deconstructionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure and deconstruction
digital thought: definitionsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. Definitions
digital thought: digital publishingPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: digital readingPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: digital textPRINCIPLESDigital thought
Digital thought
digital thought: discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Discontinuity and non-linearity
Digital thought > Discontinuity
digital thought: discontinuity/reconfigurationPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: discontinuity/reconfiguration (definitions)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Definitions
digital thought: discourse and narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: dislocationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Bridging the dislocation
digital thought: dislocation of natural sequencePRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dislocation of the natural sequence
digital thought: examplesPRINCIPLESDigital thought
Digital thought > Examples
digital thought: flattening of levelsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The flattening of the three levels
digital thought: fluidityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Fluidity
digital thought: footnotesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Footnotes
digital thought: formalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Global Record
digital thought: frame & ToCPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The frame: site map and table of contents
digital thought: graphica tabulation of dataPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Graphic tabulation of data
digital thought: Gutenberg > EncyclopédiePRINCIPLESDigital thought > From Gutenberg to the Encyclopédie
digital thought: hierarchy of nodesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A hierarchy of nodes
digital thought: historical backgroundPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Historical background
digital thought: historical perspectivePRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: history > post-historyPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From history to post-history
digital thought: history (schematic overview)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > A schematic overview
digital thought: intuitionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Intuition
digital thought: ledgersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Ledgers
digital thought: linear & poly-segmentalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Linear and poly-segmental
digital thought: literacy (origins)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Becoming literate
digital thought: literacy (spread)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The spread of literacy
digital thought: long argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > “One long argument”
digital thought: mapsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Maps
digital thought: mechanisms (corollaries)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Mechanisms
digital thought: multi-layeringPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Multi-layering
digital thought: multi-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Multi-linearity
digital thought: nature of discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The nature of discontinuity
digital thought: new continuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The new continuity
digital thought: non-contiguityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Non-contiguity
Digital thought > Non-contiguity
digital thought: non-contiguity/capillarityPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: non-contiguity/capillarity (concept)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The concept
digital thought: non-digital multi-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Non-digital multi-linearity
digital thought: non-discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Discontinuity
digital thought: non-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Discontinuity and non-linearity
Digital thought > Non-linearity
Digital thought > Non-linearity
digital thought: non-linearity/multi-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought
digital thought: non-linearity/multi-linearity (concepts & terminology)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Concepts and terminology
digital thought: non-linearity/multi-linearity (mechanisms)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. Mechanisms
digital thought: notionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The notion of digital thought
digital thought: oralityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Orality
Digital thought > Premise: Orality
digital thought: para-digital (concept)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The concept of para-digital
digital thought: para-literate (concept)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The concept of para-literate
digital thought: perception (role)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The role of perception
digital thought: perceptual discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Perceptual discontinuity
digital thought: perceptual impact of writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The perceptual impact of writing
digital thought: polyhedral argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The polyhedral argument
digital thought: practicePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Digital thought in practice: digital publishing
digital thought: pre-configurated narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Pre-configured narrative
digital thought: pre-digital non-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Pre-digital non-linearity
digital thought: pre-digital > para-digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 4. From pre-digital to para-digital
digital thought: preface & statementPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Statement of purpose: preface
digital thought: prehistory > historyPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From prehistory to history
digital thought: pre-literate > para-literatePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. From pre-literate to para-literate
digital thought: properPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The articulation of digital thought proper
digital thought: reconfigurationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reconfiguration: the frame and the fragments
digital thought: reflectionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reflection
digital thought: scroll > codexPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From scroll to codex
digital thought: segmentationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Titled segmentation
digital thought: self-generated narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Self-generated narrative
digital thought: sequencePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The pre-configured narrative
digital thought: sequentialityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Sequentiality
digital thought: structural discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structural discontinuity: The three levels of interaction
digital thought: structurePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure: the three great disparities
digital thought: structure vs. narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure vs. function
digital thought: testPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A test
digital thought: updatesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Updates
digital thought: writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The introduction of writing
digital vs. electronicPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Electronic vs. digital
digital vs. non-digital narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Digital vs. non-digital narrative
DillemanAbstractsLouis Dilleman 1962
Louis Dilleman 1962
Di MartinoAbstractsSilvia Di Martino 2005
Silvia Di Martino 2005
directoriesSite MapDirectories and tallies
Di SalvoAbstractsSantina Di Salvo 2018
discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Discontinuity and non-linearity
Digital thought > Discontinuity
discontinuity (nature)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The nature of discontinuity
discontinuity: perceptualPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Perceptual discontinuity
discontinuity/reconfiguration (definitions)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Definitions
discontinuity: structuralPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Definitions
Digital thought > Structural discontinuity: The three levels of interaction
discoursePRINCIPLESDigital thought
Digital thought > Discourse and narrative
discursive sidebar (left-hand side)Urkesh Global RecordDetails of the page organization > The left sidebar (red): discursive
dislocation of natural sequencePRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dislocation of the natural sequence
displayConservation and presentation > Preservation and display
PRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication > Display
display collection: mainStorageDisplay collections > The main display collection
display collection: natureStorageDisplay collections > Nature of display collections
display collectionsStorageDisplay collections
dissertationsPROJECT PUBLICATIONSDissertations
divine names indexSearchUrkesh divine names
documentary publicationThe scholarly dimension > Site presentation as documentary publication
PRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication
documentary publication: naturePRINCIPLESThe nature of documentary communication > The nature of documentary communication
documentary websitesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Documentary
documentary websites: brochuresEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Brochure
documentary websites: databasesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Database
documentary websites: discursiveEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Discursive
documentary websites: linear (PDF)EvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Linear (PDF)
documentary websites: visualsEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Visuals
documentationPrinciplesConservation as publication > Documentation
StoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 4. Documentation
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Documentation, narrative and argument
documentation: reductionismUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Reductionist documentary approach
Dohmann-PfälznerAbstractsAlice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2000
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2000
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001
DolceAbstractsRita Dolce 2002
Rita Dolce 2002
DollAbstractsKatkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
door sealings9. Reception suite of the Palace > The protocol of the sealed doors (PDF 824K)
draped quiltsPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
DudayAbstractsA. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
dumu endan (= prince): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
durabilityUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases > Durability and portability
dynamic constructsIntroductionThe scholars > Dynamic constructs
early city-states (3200-2350 BC)SettingHistory > 3200-2350: Early city-states
eastern top of the main staircaseUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J4
eco-archaeological parkDEVELOPMENTThe park
IntroductionBroader public > Education
EdzardAbstractsDietz Otto Edzard and Annelies Kammenhuber 1972-1975
Dietz Otto Edzard and Annelies Kammenhuber 1972-1975
Dietz Otto Edzard and Gertrud Farber 1974
Dietz Otto Edzard and Gertrud Farber 1974
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
EidemAbstractsKlaas Veenhof and Jesper Eidem 2008
electronicPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Electronic vs. digital
electronic vs. digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Electronic vs. digital
empire: boundarySettingHistory > At the boundary of the empire
emplacementUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Emplacement and deposition
EncyclopédiePRINCIPLESDigital thought > From Gutenberg to the Encyclopédie
endansSettingHistory > The list of kings (endans)
endan (title = “king”)SearchUrkesh word index
envelope of a letter(?)TEXTSLetters > l2 - A7.324.2 - Envelope of a letter(?)
Letters > l3 - A7.324.3 - Envelope of a letter(?)
environmental conditionsObject Conservation3. Environmental conditions
PreservationEnvironmental conditions
environment: fieldsGEOGRAPHYEnvironment > Fields
environment: overviewGEOGRAPHYEnvironment > Overview
environment: treesGEOGRAPHYEnvironment > Trees
ephemerisAnnalsConcepts > Ephemeris
epigonic factorPRINCIPLESTheory > The epigonic factor
ethics (excursus): authorshipBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Authorship
ethics (excursus): colonialismBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Colonialism and not
ethics (excursus): social responsabilityBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Social responsibility
ethics in archaeological practice (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice
evaluationSite ConservationEvaluation
evaluation (conservation): criteriaSite ConservationCriteria for evaluation
evaluation: criteriaPreservationCriteria for evaluation
EvansAbstractsJoan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel and Jean M. Evans 2008
excavationThe intended audiences > Excavations, presentation, conservation
excavation process = dataUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension > The excavation process as data
excavation strategyThe scholarly dimension > Integration within the excavation strategy
excavation techniquesEducationTraining in excavations techniques
excavation unitUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension > The centrality of the excavation unit
exhibit for the American Cultural Center in Damascus (poster)The projectReserved access to the Mozan staff
exhibitsPROJECT PUBLICATIONSGuide Books and Exhibits
exhibits: 2010-2011PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2010-2011
exhibits: 2012PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2012
exhibits: 2014PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2014
exhibits: 2014-2015PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2014-2015
exhibits: 2015PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2015
exhibits: 2016PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2016
exhibits: 2017PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2017
exhibits: 2018PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2018
exhibits: 2019PROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits > 2019
exhibits (Damascus, 2010-2011): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUrkesh Exhibit
exhibits (Domodossola, 2015): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUrkesh Exhibit
exhibits: projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits
exhibits (publications)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Guide Books and Exhibits
exhibits: QamishliDEVELOPMENTExhibits in Qamishli
exhibits: Qamishli 2017SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2017: The Exhibit in Qamishli
exhibits (Qamishli, 2017): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibits
exhibits: RiminiPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 9. Dall’alto
exhibits: Rimini (conferenze)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 10. Conferenze
exhibits: Rimini (effetti specialiPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 6. Effetti speciali
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 3): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 4 - Urkesh): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
Rimini Exhibit
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 6): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Rooms): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
exhibits: Rimini (guide)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 8. Le guide
exhibits: Rimini (ingressoPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 1. L’ingresso
exhibits (Rimini Meeting): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Meeting
exhibits: Rimini (piccoli visitatoriPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 5. I piccoli…
exhibits: Rimini (Room 2)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > Room 2
exhibits: Rimini (Room 3)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > Room 3
exhibits: Rimini (Room 4 - Urkesh)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > Room 4 - Urkesh
exhibits: Rimini (Room 5 - Urkesh)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > Room 5 - Urkesh
exhibits: Rimini (Room 6)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > Room 6
exhibits: Rimini (sostenitori)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 2. I panelli dei sostenitori
exhibits: Rimini (visitatori)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 3. Alcuni dei 25.000 visitatori
exhibits: Rimini (visitatori speciali)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 4. Visitatori speciali
exhibits: Rimini (volontari)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit > 7. I volontari durante l’installazione
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 10): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 11): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 12): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 13): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 14): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 15): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 1): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 2): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 3): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 4): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 5): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 6): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 7): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 8): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 9): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits: Subartu Exhibit (Urkesh)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit > Urkesh Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 10): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 11): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 12): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 13): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 14): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 15): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 16): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 17): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 18): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 19): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 1): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 2): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 3): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 4): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 5): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 6): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 7): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 8): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 9): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
exhibits: Subartu (Qamishli and Amuda, 2014-2015)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibits
exhibits (UCLA Open House, 2015): projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUCLA Open House
expansionPrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation > Expansion of the initial state
experience (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESExperience
experience (excursus): writing & cultureBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESExperience > Writing and culture
experimentation > implementationFor a chronicle of site presentation at Tell Mozan > From experimentation to implementation
experiments: styleART / StyleExperiments in style
explicitnessUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Explicitness about precision and strategy
extrinsicismPrinciplesExtrinsicism and not
faces of UrkeshThe faces of Urkesh
facilitiesStorageFacilities that house the collections
Facilities that house the collections > The facilities
FaivreAbstractsXavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007
Xavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007
FalbAbstractsChristian Falb 2009
FarberAbstractsDietz Otto Edzard and Gertrud Farber 1974
Dietz Otto Edzard and Gertrud Farber 1974
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
feedback: childrenFeedback from children
feedback: children (Randolph)Center Grove Elementary School, Randolph, NJ
FeinbergAbstractsEllery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
field conservationPreservationConservation: work in the field
fieldsGEOGRAPHYEnvironment > Fields
field schoolEducationField school
figurinesSiteMajor finds
figurines: animal (birds)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Typology of Birds
figurines: animal (typology)OBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines
figurines: animal, typology (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesAnimal Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: bibliographyOBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: birdsOBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female (cylindrical body)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, cylindrical body (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: female (depression on top of head)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, depression on top of head (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: female (flat body)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, flat body (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: female (holding breasts)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, holding breasts (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: female (pointed face figures)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, pointed face figures (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: female (realistic)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: female, realistic (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: humanOBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
Human Figurines
figurines: human (female typology)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Human Female Typology
figurines: human headsOBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: human (heads)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Typology of Human Heads
figurines: human heads (typology)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: human heads, typology (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: human (male)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Human Figurines: Typology of Males
figurines: male (typology)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
figurines: male, typology (bibliography)OBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines > Bibliography
figurines: measuringMETHODS: ANALYSISMeasuring figurines
figurines: measuring (Urkesh system)METHODS: ANALYSISMeasuring figurines > The Urkesh system
filmPRINCIPLESVideo and film
flattening of levelsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The flattening of the three levels
floors: conservationSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors
fluidityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Fluidity
flyersThe flyers
The itinerary as narrative > The flyers
EducationCurrent flyers
flyers: downloadThe flyers > Downloads
flyers: purposeThe flyers > Purpose
foliosThe faces of UrkeshThe Folios
fontsNavigationPage structure > Fonts
footnotesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Footnotes
Digital thought > The evidentiary base: links and footnotes
formal courtyard9. Reception suite of the Palace > The formal courtyard (PDF 213K)
ForteAbstractsFederico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
Federico Buccellati, Nicoló Dell'Unto, Maurizio Forte 2005
four horizons13. The broader limits > The four horizons (PDF)
fragmentary record of copperTEXTSAdministrative texts > a3 - A10.163 - Fragmentary record of copper
fragment of a letter-order(?)TEXTSLetters > l1 - A5.q846.1 - Fragment of a letter-order(?)
FrahmAbstractsEllery Frahm 2014
Ellery Frahm 2014
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm and Joshua M. Feinberg 2013
Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
frame and ToCPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The frame: site map and table of contents
FranklinAbstractsKristine L. Franklin and Nancy McGirr (eds.) 1995
frontality, double (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Double frontality
frontality, full (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Full frontality
frontality (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Frontality
fruitionPrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation > Statics and dynamics: the things and their fruition
Fs. Buccellati, Kelly-BuccelatiPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > SANEM 3
functionPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Function and perception
futureThe impact of tourism > The future
GaddAbstractsCyril John Gadd 1940
Cyril John Gadd 1940
Cyril John Gadd 1971
Cyril John Gadd 1971
gamble with continuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The gamble with continuity
GelbAbstractsIgnace Jay Gelb 1944
Ignace Jay Gelb 1944
general layoutNavigationPage structure > General layout
general overviewIntroductionBroader public > General overview
general principlesEducationGeneral principles: An overview
geographical backgroundSetting
geography: bibliographySettingGeography > Bibliography and links
Georgia. Paese d’oro e di fedePROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Georgia
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsGeorgia. Paese d'oro e di fede
GerthAbstractsHand H. Gerth and Charles Wright Mills 1958
Gianmaria BuccellatiSupportGianmaria Buccellati
GiorgieriAbstractsClelia Mora and Mauro Giorgieri 2016
Mauro Giorgieri 2000
Mauro Giorgieri 2000
Mauro Giorgieri 2000
Mauro Giorgieri 2000
Mauro Giorgieri 2013
Mauro Giorgieri 2013
GladwellAbstractsMalcolm Gladwell 2005
GlazierAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
global recordSite ConservationRecording > The global record
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Global record
glyptics: animalsSearchGlyptics > Animals
glyptics (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESSeals and sealings (i.e., glyptics)
glyptics: lionsSearchGlyptics > Lions
glyptics: no iconography preservedTEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
goalsGoals and procedures
god with raised foot (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
GoetzeAbstractsAlbrecht Goetze 1953
Albrecht Goetze 1953
GoodyAbstractsJack Goody 1986
GraftonAbstractsAnthony Grafton 1997
grammarUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > The grammar
grammar: index (manual)SearchTopical index (grammar)
grammar of spaceUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Grammar of space
grammatology (excursus: writing)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Grammatology
graphemicsLANGUAGES / WritingGraphemics
graphemics: symbolsLANGUAGES / WritingSymbols and Conventions > Graphemics
graphemics: symbols and conventionsLANGUAGES / WritingSymbols and Conventions
graphicsNavigationPage structure > Photos and graphics
graphic tabulationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Graphic tabulation of data
Great PlazaUrkesh Global Record / UnitsArea JP
GreeceYoungsters without borders
SCHOOLSHigh schools
group to groupGroup to group
guidePrefaceA guide for first timers
guidebookEarly printed materials > Guidebook
guide booksPROJECT PUBLICATIONSGuide Books and Exhibits
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Guide Books and Exhibits
guide for ‘perplexed’PrefaceA "Guide for the Perplexed"
GutenbergPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From Gutenberg to the Encyclopédie
GüterbockAbstractsHans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1951-1952
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1954-1955
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1954-1955
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1954-1955
Hans Gustav Güterbock 1965
HalloAbstractsWilliam Wolfgang Hallo 1962
William Wolfgang Hallo 1962
William Wolfgang Hallo 1962
William Wolfgang Hallo 1964
William Wolfgang Hallo 1964
William Wolfgang Hallo 1978
William Wolfgang Hallo 1978
HamiltonAbstractsEdith Hamilton and Huntington Cairnes (eds.) 1961
HarperAbstractsVaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
Vaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
HarrisAbstractsEdward Cecil Harris 1989
ExcursusTheory of the archaeological process > Harris
Hassaka MuseumFor a chronicle of site presentation at Tell Mozan > Collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art
EducationThe Hassaka Museum
The provincial Museum at Hassaka
HauserAbstractsJ. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014
J. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014
Rick Hauser 1998
Rick Hauser 1998
Rick Hauser 2015
Rick Hauser 2015
HawkinsAbstractsDavid Hawkins 2007
David Hawkins 2007
heritage (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESHeritage
heritage: multimediaMAJOR THEMESDigital > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
Heritage > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
hierarchy of nodesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A hierarchy of nodes
higher nodesPRINCIPLES2. Argument > The higher nodes
High MoundThe panels of the welcome cluster > 2. Entering the High Mound
high nodesUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > High nodes
high schoolsSCHOOLSHigh schools
hinterlandDEVELOPMENTThe everlasting hinterland
historical backgroundSetting
historyDEVELOPMENTThe park
history: overviewSettingHistory
history: political developmentSettingHistory
history > post-historyPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From history to post-history
history: Urkesh chronologySettingHistory
HollandAbstractsThomas A. Holland 2006
horizons: ceramicsHORIZONS > Ceramic horizons
horizons: conceptHORIZONS > The concept
horizons: main frameHORIZONS > The main frame
horizons: subdivisionsHORIZONS > Subdivisions
HroudaAbstractsBarthel Hrouda 1958
Barthel Hrouda 1958
human figurinesOBJECTS / FigurinesHuman Figurines
Human Figurines
humanities: bibliographyPRINCIPLESHumanities > Bibliography
humidityGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
HurrianLANGUAGESLanguages in context > Hurrian
Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a1 - A7.341 - Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)
Hurrian musicPoetsHurrian music, reinterpreted
The projectA solo reading in English
A solo rendering in Hurrian
UrkeshpublicHurrian music
HurriansSettingHistory > Hurrians
Hurrians: bibliographySettingHistory > Bibliography
Hurrian styleART / StyleExperiments in style
Hurrians: UrkeshSettingHistory
Hurrian ‘urban ledge’SettingHistory > The Hurrian “urban ledge”
ideological landscapesSettingHistory > Ideological landscapes of the third millennium
illegible textsTEXTS / Other textsIllegible texts
I millenni per l’oggiPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > I millenni per l’oggi
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsI millenni per l'oggi
I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic: جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic:جورجيو بوتشيالتي ستيفانيا إرميدورو ياسمين محمود)
I millenni per l’oggi (Arabic: األلفية منأجل اليوم علم اآلثار يف مواجهة الحرب: أوركيش األمس يف سوريا اليوم)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsI millenni per l'oggi
impactThe itinerary as narrative > The impact
imperial experiment (2350-2100 BC)SettingHistory > 2350-2100: The imperial experiment
implementationThe "site as a book": the concept > Implementation
impressionistic publicationPRINCIPLES3. Narrative
impressionistic publication: examplesPRINCIPLES3. Narrative > Examples
impressionistic publication: naturePRINCIPLES3. Narrative > The nature of impressionistic publication
impressionistic publication: valuePRINCIPLES3. Narrative > The value of impressionistic publication
incised sherd (from Urkesh)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Urkesh
incised sherds (from Kamid el-Loz)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Kamid el-Loz
incised sherds (from Tell Chuera)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Tell Chuera
incomprehensible textsTEXTS / Other textsIncomprehensible texts
index: authors (bibliography)AUTHORS INDEX
index: contributorsSearchIndexed Items and Index Contributors
index: divine namesSearchUrkesh divine names
index: itemsSearchIndexed Items and Index Contributors
index: labelsSearchIndex to labels
Topical index
index: lightUrkesh_lightlight_index
ineludibilityPRINCIPLESPrimary data > Irreplaceability and ineludibility of primary observation
inferencesUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Inferences about deposition
in-house collection: collections: in-houseStorageIn-house collections
in-house collection: goalsStorageIn-house collections > Goals
in memoriamDoersIN MEMORIAM
in memoriam: Barbara PritzkatIN MEMORIAMPritzkat, Barbara Ruth Wynn
in memoriam: Rick HauserIN MEMORIAMHauser, Rick
in memoriam: William OrrangeIN MEMORIAMOrrange, William
Innin-shadu: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
in progress (website development)NavigationTiers and music > In progress
input filesUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases > Ordered input files as database
input = publicationUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > The input as publication
inquiryPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 4. The self-generated narrative
inquiry pathsInquiry paths
DesignInquiry paths
PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Inquiry paths
integrationThe scholarly dimension > Integration within the excavation strategy
PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Intrinsic vs. extrinsic integration
interactionPrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation > Interaction
interactive websitesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Visual or Interactive
interested adultsThe intended audiences > Scholars and interested adults
interested groupsThe intended audiences > Special interest groups
internal recordSite ConservationRecording > The internal record
SITE PRESENTATION > Interpretation and site presentation
PrinciplesConservation as publication > Interpretation
interpretive framePRINCIPLESCoherence > The interpretive frame
intersecting registersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dialectics of intersecting registers
in the eye of the stormPreservationIn the Eye of the storm
introductory clips: UGRPrefaceA "Guide for the Perplexed" > Introductory clips to the Urkesh Global Record
introductory clips: websitePrefaceA "Guide for the Perplexed" > Introductory clips to the website
intuitionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Intuition
inventoryPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The tally
Invitation to MozanPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Invitation to Mozan
Invitation to Tell MozanPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsInvitation to Tell Mozan
irreplaceabilityPRINCIPLESPrimary data > Irreplaceability and ineludibility of primary observation
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Irreplaceability of original observations
ItalyYoungsters without borders
SCHOOLSHigh schools
item indexSearchIndexed Items and Index Contributors
itineraryThe itinerary as narrative
The stations on the itinerary > The itinerary as narrative
J1Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J1
J2Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J2
J3Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J3
J4Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J4
J5Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J5
J6Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J6
J7Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J7
JamesAbstractsPeter James and Anthony Marinus van der Sluijs 2012
JonesAbstractsSiân Jones 1997
Joyce, JamesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Historical background
JPUrkesh Global Record / UnitsArea JP
juxtaposed registersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The dialectics of juxtaposed registers
kaleidoscopeThe faces of UrkeshKaleidoscope
Kamid el-Loz: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Kamid el-Loz
KammenhuberAbstractsDietz Otto Edzard and Annelies Kammenhuber 1972-1975
Dietz Otto Edzard and Annelies Kammenhuber 1972-1975
KaraAbstractsMurat Akar and Demet Kara 2020
Murat Akar and Demet Kara 2022
Kelly-BuccellatiAbstractsEllery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1967
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1977
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1991
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1991
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1994
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1995
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1997
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1999
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2000
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2003
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2007
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2009
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2014
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2017
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2017
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1977
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1990
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1996
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 1998
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2002
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2006
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2006
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2010
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2012
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2012
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2013
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2013
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2015
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2015
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2016
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2016
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2018
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2019
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2019
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2019
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2020
Kenneth L. GarrettThe faces of UrkeshKenneth L. Garrett
Khabur (river and region)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
KharobiAbstractsA. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
A. Kharobi, P. Courtaud, and H. Duday 2014
Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017
Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati 2017
kingsSettingHistory > The list of kings (endans)
King’s QuestPRINCIPLESDigital thought > King’s Quest: early game theory implementations of discontinuity and dynamic aggregation
kinship (‘secret’)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The “secret kinship”
kiosk2. The Temple "panorama" > The kiosk setup
6. The Palace "panorama" > The kiosk set-up
KumarbiSearchUrkesh divine names > Kumarbi
Kumarbi (divine name)SearchUrkesh divine names
KupperAbstractsJean-Robert Kupper 1998
Jean-Robert Kupper 1998
labels indexSearchIndex to labels
Topical index
laboratoryObject ConservationThe laboratory
laboratory: ceramicsObject ConservationThe laboratory > Types of material: ceramics
laboratory: clay objectsObject ConservationThe laboratory > Types of material: clay objects
laboratory: facilitiesObject ConservationThe laboratory > The facilities
laboratory: metal objectsObject ConservationThe laboratory > Types of material: metal objects
laboratory: processObject ConservationThe laboratory > The process
laboratory: recording systemObject ConservationThe laboratory > Recording system
laboratory: staffObject ConservationThe laboratory > The staff
LaneriAbstractsNicola Laneri (ed.) 2015
languages in contextLANGUAGESLanguages in context
larger nexusMonuments and stratigraphy > The larger nexus
later periods (after the Palace)The itinerary as narrative > 11-14. The later periods
The stations on the itinerary > Third cluster: the later periods
later settlementsUrkesh Global Record / UnitsArea AA
LawlerAbstractsAndrew Lawler 2008
Andrew Lawler 2008
lectures: projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONSLectures
ledgersPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Ledgers
levels of interactionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structural discontinuity: The three levels of interaction
LewyAbstractsHildegard Lewy 1971
Hildegard Lewy 1971
light indexUrkesh_lightlight_index
linear argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Linear and poly-segmental
LinicktAbstractsM.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982
lion of Tish-atalSiteExcavations > The lion of Tish-atal
Glyptics > Lions
lions of Tish-atal5. The Temple of the Lion > The lions of Tish-atal (PDF 595K)
The stations on the itinerary > 5. The Temple of the Lion (signpost and setup)
lions of Tish-atal: bibliographyWRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal > Bibliography
lions of Tish-atal: chronologyWRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal > Chronology
lions of Tish-atal: descriptionWRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal > Description
lions of Tish-atal: inscriptionsWRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal > Inscriptions
lions of Tish-atal: provenienceWRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal > Provenience
lion: templeSiteExcavations > The temple’s lion
literacy: originsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Becoming literate
literacy: spreadPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The spread of literacy
LiveraniAbstractsMario Liverani 1968
Mario Liverani 2003
Mario Liverani 2003
living museumsEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Parks and Living Museums:
L. J. Skaggs and Mary D. Skaggs FoundationSupportThe L. J. Skaggs and Mary D. Skaggs Foundation
localizationThe "site as a book": the concept > Localization as semiotics
localized sheltersPreservationLocalized shelters
Site ConservationLocalized shelters
Protective systems > Broad base and localized shelters
local trainingLocal training
logogramsLANGUAGES / WritingGraphemics
long argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > “One long argument”
long-term planningStorageFacilities that house the collections > Long term planning
lower sacral areaUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A14
lyre (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
MacaulayAbstractsDavid Macaulay 1979
MacDougalAbstractsRenata MacDougal 2014
main filesSite MapMain files
main frame (horizons)HORIZONS > The main frame
main sectionsIntroductionOutline
MaiocchiAbstractsMassimo Maiocchi 2011
Massimo Maiocchi 2011
major themes (bibliography)MAJOR THEMES
major themes: ceramics (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESCeramics
major themes: conservation (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESConservation
major themes: digital (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESDigital
major themes: glyptics (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESSeals and sealings (i.e., glyptics)
major themes: heritage (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESHeritage
major themes: site presentation (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESSite Presentation
MakowskiAbstractsMaciej Makowski 2013
MallowanAbstractsMax Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1937
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1937
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1947
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1947
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1971
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1971
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1977
Max Edgar Lucien Mallowan 1977
MansfeldAbstractsGünter Mansfeld 1970
manual artsEducationTraining in manual arts
Man with a TurbanThe faces of UrkeshThe UNICUM Gallery > The James L. Walker “Man with a Turban”
mapsPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Maps
materials: websiteEducationMaterials on the website
matrixPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. The matrix
MatthiaeAbstractsPaolo Matthiae 2018
McCarthyAbstractsAndrew McCarthy 2012
McDonaldAbstractsDavid Oates, Joan Oates and Helen McDonald 1997
McGirrAbstractsKristine L. Franklin and Nancy McGirr (eds.) 1995
media coverageMEDIA COVERAGE
media coverage: blogsMEDIA COVERAGEBlogs
media coverage: broadcasts and videosMEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos
media coverage: on the fringesMEDIA COVERAGEOn the fringes
media coverage: pressMEDIA COVERAGEPress
media: typesPRINCIPLESCommunication > Types of media
MesopotamiaSettingHistory > Mesopotamia
Metropolitan Museum of ArtFor a chronicle of site presentation at Tell Mozan > Collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)SupportThe Metropolitan Museum of Art
MichalowskiAbstractsPiotr Michalowski 1951
Piotr Michalowski 2003
Piotr Michalowski 2003
middle schoolsSCHOOLSMiddle schools
middle schools: 2017/2018SCHOOLSMiddle schools > School year 2017/2018
MilanoAbstractsLucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Lucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
MillsAbstractsHand H. Gerth and Charles Wright Mills 1958
Mittani11. The great Mittani shift
The stations on the itinerary > 11. The great Mittani shift (signpost and setup)
Mittani kingdom (1500-1300 BC)SettingHistory > 1500-1300: The Mittani kingdom
Mittani staircaseUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J5
modern erosionPreservationThe document: modern erosion
modern Urkesh = urkesh.orgPrefaceA guide for first timers > Modern urkesh.org
monitoringSite ConservationMonitoring
monitoring project: chroniclePreservationChronicle of the monitoring project
monitoring project: historyPreservationHistory of the monitoring project
monitoring through reconstructionRECONSTRUCTION > Monitoring through reconstruction
monumentsMonuments and stratigraphy
monuments: accessEducationDirect access to the monuments
MoraAbstractsClelia Mora and Mauro Giorgieri 2016
MoserAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
MousaAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
movement (style)ART / StyleExperiments in style > Movement
Mozan 1AbstractsMozan 1
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Mozan 1
Mozan 2AbstractsMozan 2
PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Mozan 2
multi-layeringPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Multi-layering
Digital thought > Scalarity and multi-layering
multi-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Multi-linearity
multi-linearity: non-digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Non-digital multi-linearity
multimediaPROJECT PUBLICATIONSMultimedia
multimedia: ceramicsMAJOR THEMESCeramics > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
multimedia: conservationMAJOR THEMESConservation > 3. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
multimedia: heritageMAJOR THEMESDigital > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
Heritage > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
multimedia: site presentationMAJOR THEMESSite Presentation > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
MuscarellaAbstractsVaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
Vaughn Emerson Crawford, Prudence Oliver Harper, Oscar White Muscarella & Beatrice Elizabeth Bodenstein 1966
musealizationSITE PRESENTATION > “Musealization”: site presentation as education
NavigationTiers and music
Tiers and music > Music
The projectA solo reading in English
A solo rendering in Hurrian
WRITINGThe lions of Tish-atal
musical tablet from UgaritMUSIC > A tablet from Ugarit
musical tablet from Ugarit: interpretationMUSIC > The music
musical tablet from Ugarit: wordsMUSIC > The words of the song
music in Urkesh PalaceUrkeshpublicHurrian music > Music in the Urkesh palace
music: PalaceMUSIC > Music in the Urkesh palace
music tablet from UgaritUrkeshpublicHurrian music
Hurrian music > A tablet from Ugarit
music tablet from Ugarit (interpretation)UrkeshpublicHurrian music > The music
music tablet from Ugarit (words)UrkeshpublicHurrian music > The words of the song
NadaliAbstractsDavide Nadali 2014
Davide Nadali and Andrea Polcaro (eds.) 2015
narrativeThe itinerary as narrative
The itinerary as narrative > The narrative
The stations on the itinerary > The itinerary as narrative
PRINCIPLESDigital thought
Digital thought > Discourse and narrative
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Documentation, narrative and argument
The UGR concept > Database and narrative
narrative & databasePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Database and narrative
narratives: comparisonPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A comparison of narratives
narrative: thematicPRINCIPLES2. Argument > A thematic narrative
narrative vs. structurePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure vs. function
Nasser el NemrAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
National Geographic SocietySupportThe National Geographic Society
natural resourcesGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian
Nemrut DağıGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian > Nemrut Dağı
NergalSearchUrkesh divine names > Nergal
Nergal (divine name)SearchUrkesh divine names
Netherworld7. Descent to the Netherworld
The stations on the itinerary > 7. Descent to the Netherworld (signpost and setup)
neurological considerations (excursus: writing)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Neurological considerations
newsThe projectNews
NicolleAbstractsXavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007
Xavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007
NikolaidouAbstractsEllery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Ellery Frahm, Marianna Nikolaidou and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2008
non-contiguityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Non-contiguity
Digital thought > Non-contiguity
non-dataUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension > Non-data
non-digital multi-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Non-digital multi-linearity
non-discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Discontinuity
non-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Discontinuity and non-linearity
Digital thought > Non-linearity
non-linearity (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESNon-linearity
non-linearity (excursus): non-linear timeBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESNon-linearity > Non-linear time
non-linearity: pre-digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Pre-digital non-linearity
non-linear time: non-linearity (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESNon-linearity > Non-linear time
northern coresGEOGRAPHYThe northern cores
northern cores: conceptGEOGRAPHYThe northern cores > The concept
north-south realignment (2100-1600 BC)SettingHistory > 2100-1600: The north-south realignment
NougayrolAbstractsAndré Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948
André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948
Jean Nougayrol 1960
Jean Nougayrol 1960
OakesAbstractsGuy Oakes and Arthur J. Vidich 1999
OatesAbstractsDavid Oates, Joan Oates and Helen McDonald 1997
objectivityPRINCIPLESCoherence > Objectivity
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Objectivity and transparency
Principles > Objectivity of the record
objects: ābiSiteExcavations > The objects
objects: contextThe collections > The objects in their context
objects: entitiesThe collections > The objects as autonomous entities
objects: in spacePRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Objects in space
obsidianGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian
OD50Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook OD50
Book OD50
OG50Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook OG50
one-on-one: phase 0One-on-One: Phase 0
one-on-one: phase 1One-on-One: Phase 1
one-on-one: phase 2One-on-One: Phase 2
one-on-one: phase 3One-on-One: Phase 3
one-on-one: phase 4One-on-One: Phase 4
One-on-One projectSCHOOLSUrkesh One-on-One
onomastics: UrkeshSearchUrkesh onomastics
on-site workshopSCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2017: The on-site workshop
on the fringes (media)MEDIA COVERAGEOn the fringes
ontologiesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > “Ontologies”
open accessEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Theory on Digital Publication/Open Access
Open Context ProjectEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > The Open Context Project
operational difficultiesUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Operational difficulties of stratigraphic analysis
operational goalsPrefaceA "Guide for the Perplexed" > Operational goals
OppenheimAbstractsLeo Oppenheim 1958
Leo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970
optimumSite ConservationPlanning > Optimum
oralityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Orality
Digital thought > Premise: Orality
organization: temperature and humidityGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > Organization
OrsiAbstractsValentina Orsi 2010
Valentina Orsi 2010
other publicationsOTHER PUBLICATIONS
other studies (publications)PROJECT PUBLICATIONSOther Studies
Outer CityThe panels of the welcome cluster > 1. Entering the Outer City
Urkesh Global Record / UnitsThe Outer City
outer ‘fertile crescent’SettingHistory > The “Outer Fertile Crescent”
PRINCIPLESCommunication > Publication and outreach
ÖzyarAbstractsAslı Özyar 2014
page: organizationUrkesh Global RecordDetails of the page organization > Organization of the page
pagesThe signage system > Panels and pages
page structureNavigationPage structure
Palace10. The Palace asleep
The itinerary as narrative > 6-10. The Palace
The stations on the itinerary > Second cluster: the Palace of Tupkish and the - abi
Palace courtyardUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A16
Palace (eastern sector)Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A20
Palace (formal wing)Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A18
Palace: musicMUSIC > Music in the Urkesh palace
Palace: panorama6. The Palace "panorama"
Palace ‘panorama’The stations on the itinerary > 6. Projecting the Palace – Palace “panorama” (signpost and setup)
Palace “Panorama”EducationThe Palace "Panorama"
Palace: panoramaEducationThe Palace "panorama"
Palace: reception suite9. Reception suite of the Palace
The stations on the itinerary > 9. Reception suite of the Palace (signpost and setup)
Palace: seat of power8. The service wing of the Palace > The Palace as seat of power (PDF 869K)
Palace: service wing8. The service wing of the Palace
The stations on the itinerary > 8. The service wing of the Palace (signpost and setup)
Palace > settlement10. The Palace asleep > From Palace to settlement (PDF 824K)
Palace (southeastern sector)Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook A17
Palace: wall conservationPreservationCONSERVATION OF THE PALACE WALLS
palaeographyLANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography
palaeography: alternative sequences of sign componentsLANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Alternative sequences of sign components
palaeography: splitting of signs within linesLANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Splitting of signs within lines
palaeography: vertical flippingLANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Vertical flipping
panelsThe signage system > Panels and pages
panels: full displayA full thumbnail display of all panels
panels: typesThe signage system > The three types of panels
panels: welcome clusterThe panels of the welcome cluster
panorama: Palace6. The Palace "panorama"
EducationThe Palace "panorama"
panorama: Palace and TempleEducationThe "panorama" between Palace and Temple
panoramas: current"Panoramas" > The current three panoramas
panoramas: function"Panoramas" > Function
panorama: Temple2. The Temple "panorama"
EducationThe Temple "panorama"
para-digital (concept)PRINCIPLESDigital thought > The concept of para-digital
para-literate: conceptPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The concept of para-literate
ParayreAbstractsDominique Parayre 1912
Dominique Parayre 1912
parksEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Parks and Living Museums:
ParrotAbstractsAndré Parrot 1954
André Parrot 1954
André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948
André Parrot and Jean Nougayrol 1948
past (staging)EducationStaging the past
pathNavigationPage structure > Path and authorship
path to the Palace panoramaUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook S6
paversSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors > Pavers
PDFEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Brochure and PDF:
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Linear (PDF)
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > PDF
Pecchioli-DaddiAbstractsCarlo Corti and Franca Pecchioli–Daddi 2012
PecorellaAbstractsPaolo Emilio Pecorella 2000
Paolo Emilio Pecorella 2000
perceptionPRINCIPLESThe role of perception
perception: built environmentBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESThe built environment > Function and perception
perception (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception
perception (excursus): architectureBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Architecture
perception (excursus): art historyBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Art history
perception (excursus): virtual realityBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Virtual reality
perception of space2. The Temple "panorama" > 2. The perception of space (PDF 395K)
perception of taxonomical classesGEOGRAPHYPerceptual geography > Perception of taxonomical classes
perception: rolePRINCIPLESDigital thought > The role of perception
perception: taxonomical classesPRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Perception of taxonomical classes
perceptual analysisThe scholarly dimension > Perceptual analysis
GEOGRAPHYPerceptual geography > Perceptual analysis
PRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Perception and perceptual analysis
perceptual discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Perceptual discontinuity
perceptual geographyGEOGRAPHYPerceptual geography
PRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Perceptual geography
perceptual impactPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The perceptual impact of writing
perceptual impact of writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The perceptual impact of writing
personal aidsEducationPersonal aids
PfälznerAbstractsAlice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner and Peter Pfälzner 2002
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2000
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2000
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner & Peter Pfälzner 2001
Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Peter Pfälzner 2008
Peter Pfälzner 2008
Peter Pfälzner 2012
Peter Pfälzner 2012
phasesSettingHistory > Phases and strata
PhillipsAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
philosophical systemsPRINCIPLESPhilosophical systems
phonemics: symbolsLANGUAGES / WritingSymbols and Conventions > Phonemics
photosNavigationPage structure > Photos and graphics
physical anthropologySAMPLES AND SPECIMENSPhysical anthropology
Site ConservationPlanning
plansSite PresentationPlans for the future
plates2. The Temple "panorama" > The plates
PlazaPreservationThe Temple Terrace and Plaza
PolcaroAbstractsDavide Nadali and Andrea Polcaro (eds.) 2015
polyhedral argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The polyhedral argument
poly-segmental argumentPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Linear and poly-segmental
Pompeii DatabaseEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Pompeii Database
portabilityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Portability
Urkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases > Durability and portability
postersPRINCIPLES2. Argument > Posters
posters: 2007PROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters > 2007
posters: 2010PROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters > 2010
posters: 2012PROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters > 2012
posters: 2017PROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters > 2017
posters: forthcomingPROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters > Forthcoming
posters: projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters
post-excavationUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Stratigraphic understanding after excavations
PostgateAbstractsJohn Nicholas Postgate (ed.) 2007
John Nicholas Postgate (ed.) 2007
postulatesPRINCIPLESPostulates and definitions
posture of readerPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The posture of the reader
potter’s marksTEXT / Other textsCeramics
potter’s marks: bibliographyTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Bibliography
potter’s marks: reference to contentTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to content
potter’s marks: reference to makerTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to maker
potter’s marks: reference to userTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to user
pottery workshop (2016)SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2016: The Pottery Workshop
pottery: workshop (2016)SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2016: The Pottery Workshop
PouyssegeurAbstractsAnnie Caubet and Patrick Pouyssegeur 1998
Annie Caubet and Patrick Pouyssegeur 1998
practiceTheory and practice
precisionUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Explicitness about precision and strategy
pre-configurated narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. Pre-configured narrative
pre-digital non-linearityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Pre-digital non-linearity
pre-digital > para-digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 4. From pre-digital to para-digital
prehistory > historyPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From prehistory to history
pre-literate > para-literatePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. From pre-literate to para-literate
presentationConservation and presentation
The intended audiences > Excavations, presentation, conservation
PrinciplesConservation as publication > Presentation
presentations: projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONS
preservationConservation and presentation > Preservation and display
preservation: concurrentPrinciplesExtrinsicism and not > Extrinsic, concurrent, integrated
preservation: extrinsicPrinciplesExtrinsicism and not > Extrinsic, concurrent, integrated
preservation: integratedPrinciplesExtrinsicism and not > Extrinsic, concurrent, integrated
preservation: presuppositionsPrinciplesTheory of archaeological preservation > Presuppositions
press: 1995MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 1995
press: 1997MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 1997
press: 1999MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 1999
press: 2003MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2003
press: 2006MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2006
press: 2011MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2011
press: 2012MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2012
press: 2014MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2014
press: 2015MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2015
press: 2016MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2016
press: 2017MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2017
press: 2018MEDIA COVERAGEPress > 2018
primary dataPRINCIPLESPrimary data
primary data: confrontationPRINCIPLESPrimary data > The initial confrontation
primary data: dichotomyPRINCIPLESPrimary data > A basic dichotomy
primary data: role (in documentation)PRINCIPLESPrimary data > The role of primary data in documentary publications
primary narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Primary narrative
primary observation: atomistic naturePRINCIPLESPrimary data > Atomistic nature of primary observations
primary observation: ineludibilityPRINCIPLESPrimary data > Irreplaceability and ineludibility of primary observation
primary observation: irreplaceabilityPRINCIPLESPrimary data > Irreplaceability and ineludibility of primary observation
primary schoolsSCHOOLSPrimary schools
principles: archaeological preservationPRINCIPLES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION
principles: archaeological storageStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage
printed materialsEarly printed materials
problemsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors > General problems
problems of the electronic culture (excursus: reading)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESReading > Problems of the electronic culture
proceduresGoals and procedures
procedures: temperature and humidityGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > Procedures
profane3. Facing the transcendence > Sacred and profane (PDF 681K)
project: exhibitsPROJECT PRESENTATIONSExhibits
project: exhibits (Damascus, 2010-2011)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUrkesh Exhibit
project: exhibits (Domodossola, 2015)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUrkesh Exhibit
project: exhibits (Qamishli, 2017)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibits
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 3)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 4 - Urkesh)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 5 - Urkesh)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Room 6)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Exhibit: Rooms)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Exhibit
project: exhibits (Rimini Meeting)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsRimini Meeting
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 1)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 10)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 11)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 12)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 13)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 14)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 15)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 2)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 3)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 4)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 5)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 6)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 7)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 8)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Tell She’ir poster 9)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 1)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 10)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 11)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 12)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 13)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 14)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 15)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 16)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 17)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 18)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 19)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 2)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 3)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 4)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 5)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 6)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 7)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 8)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (Subartu Exhibit: Urkesh poster 9)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
project: exhibits (UCLA Open House, 2015)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsUCLA Open House
project: lecturesPROJECT PRESENTATIONSLectures
project: postersPROJECT PRESENTATIONSPosters
project: presentationsPROJECT PRESENTATIONS
project: publicationsPROJECT PUBLICATIONS
project: reportsPROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports
prosopography: UrkeshSearchUrkesh prosopography
protective systemsSite ConservationProtective systems
protective systems: overviewSite ConservationOverview of protective systems
publicationPRINCIPLESCommunication > Publication and outreach
PrinciplesConservation as publication
Urkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > The input as publication
publications: abstractsABSTRACTS
publications: booksPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books
publications: keywordsKEYWORDS
publications: otherOTHER PUBLICATIONS
publications: other studiesPROJECT PUBLICATIONSOther Studies
publications: projectPROJECT PUBLICATIONS
Qamishli: exhibitsDEVELOPMENTExhibits in Qamishli
RaccidiAbstractsMattia Raccidi 2014
Mattia Raccidi 2014
readind stands: late periodsThe reading stands of the late periods cluster
readind stands: Palace clusterThe reading stands of the Palace cluster
readind stands: Temple clusterThe reading stands of the Temple cluster
readind stands: welcome clusterThe reading stands of the welcome cluster
reading: digitalPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reading and digital reading
reading (excursus): digital readingBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESReading > Digital reading
reading (excursus): problems of the electronic cultureBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESReading > Problems of the electronic culture
reading standsReadind stands
reading stands: characteristicsReadind stands > Characteristics
reading stands: clustersReadind stands > Clusters
reading stands: functionReadind stands > Function
realitySite ConservationPlanning > Reality
RechtAbstractsLaerke Recht 2014
Laerke Recht 2014
Laerke Recht 2014
Laerke Recht 2014
Laerke Recht 2015
Laerke Recht 2015
Laerke Recht 2018
Laerke Recht 2018
Laerke Recht 2019
Laerke Recht 2019
Laerke Recht 2019
Laerke Recht 2019
reclining lion (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
reconfigurationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reconfiguration: the frame and the fragments
Site ConservationThe record
The record
recordingSite ConservationRecording
record: integrationStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 8. Integration in the record
record: objectivityUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Objectivity of the record
record: overviewSite Conservation9. The record
record: temperature and humidityGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > The full record
recursive auditingStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 9. Recursive auditing and transparency
reductionist approachUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Reductionist documentary approach
referencesUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > References
reflectionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Reflection
Digital thought > Reflection
regionSettingThe region
registrationStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 2. Registration
reliefSettingGeography > Relief and water use
reports: 2014PROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports > 2014
reports: 2015PROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports > 2015
reports: 2017PROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports > 2017
reports: 2019PROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports > 2019
reports: 2021PROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports > 2021
reports: projectPROJECT PRESENTATIONSReports
research center14. Beyond the dig
The stations on the itinerary > 14. The research center (signpost and setup)
reserved (staff)The projectSection reserved for the staff
restoration: ceramicsPreservationRestoration of ceramic vessels
restoration: wallsPreservationWall restoration
RichardsonAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
RiehlAbstractsKatkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Katkleen Deckers, Monika Doll, Peter Pfälzner and Simone Riehl 2010
Simone Riehl 2000
Simone Riehl 2000
RinaldiAbstractsGiovanni Rinaldi 1968
Giovanni Rinaldi 1968
RistvetAbstractsLauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001
roadsSettingGeography > Roads
RobinsonAbstractsSpencer M. Robinson 2006
Spencer M. Robinson 2006
RohnAbstractsKarin Rohn 2011
role of perceptionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The role of perception
royal inscriptionsTEXTSRoyal inscriptions
royal kitchen8. The service wing of the Palace > The royal kitchen (PDF 900K)
Royal PalaceSiteExcavations
Royal PalaceUrkesh Global Record / UnitsArea AA
Royal Palace: futureSiteExcavations > The future
royal wardrobe (?)8. The service wing of the Palace > The royal wardrobe (?) (PDF 623K)
S6Urkesh Global Record / UnitsBook S6
sacred3. Facing the transcendence > Sacred and profane (PDF 681K)
safekeepingPrinciplesScope of archaeological preservation > Safekeeping
SallabergerAbstractsLucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Lucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Walther Sallaberger 2004
Walther Sallaberger 2004
Walther Sallaberger and Aage Westenholz 1999
SalviniAbstractsMirjo Salvini 2000
Mirjo Salvini 2000
Mirjo Salvini 2000
Mirjo Salvini 2000
Samuel H. Kress FoundationSupportThe Samuel H. Kress Foundation
San Carlos FoundationSupportSan Carlos Foundation
sandstormsGEOGRAPHYWeather > Sandstorms
Šaumšen (personal name)SearchUrkesh onomastics
Urkesh prosopography
Urkesh word index
scalarityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Scalarity and aggregation
Digital thought > Scalarity and multi-layering
Schmandt-BesseratAbstractsDenise Schmandt-Besserat 1977
Denise Schmandt-Besserat 1992
Denise Schmandt-Besserat 2007
scholarly dimensionThe scholarly dimension
scholarsThe intended audiences > Scholars and interested adults
IntroductionThe scholars
scholars: frameworkIntroductionThe scholars > The framework
schools: highSCHOOLSHigh schools
schools: middleSCHOOLSMiddle schools
schools outreachSCHOOLS OUTREACH
schools: primarySCHOOLSPrimary schools
school textsTEXTSLetters
SchroerAbstractsSilvia Schroer (ed.) 2006
SchwartzAbstractsPeter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003
Peter M.M. Akkermans and Glenn M. Schwartz 2003
SchwemerAbstractsDaniel Schwemer 2001
scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s1 - A5.126 - Scribal exercise(?)
scribal exerciseTEXTSLetters > s2 - A7.429 - Scribal exercise
scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s3 - A17.q133.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
Letters > s4 - A18.q536.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
scroll > codexPRINCIPLESDigital thought > From scroll to codex
sculptureSiteMajor finds
seal impressionsSiteMajor finds
seal legends: courtiers of Tupkish and UqnitumTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: dumu endan (= prince)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Innin-shaduTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tar’am-Agade (daughter of Naram-Sin)TEXTS / Seal legendsTar'am-Agade
seal legends: throne-bearerTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tuli (cook)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tupkish (king of Urkesh)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
seal legends: UnapTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Uqnitum (queen of Urkesh)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
sealsSiteMajor finds
seals legends: Zamena (nurse)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
search functionPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The search function
season profilesHistoryThe season profiles
sectionsMonuments and stratigraphy > Sections
PreservationThe document: sections
SedláčekAbstractsTibor Sedláček 2012
Tibor Sedláček 2012
Tibor Sedláček 2014
Tibor Sedláček 2014
Tibor Sedláček 2017
Tibor Sedláček 2017
segmentationPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Titled segmentation
selectivityStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > Stockage and selectivity
self-generated narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 3. Self-generated narrative
Digital thought > 4. The self-generated narrative
seminar (2019)SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2019: The research seminar
seminarsYoungsters without borders
SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria
semioticsThe "site as a book": the concept > Localization as semiotics
sensitivityPrinciplesConservation as part of the excavation strategy > A question of sensitivity
sequencePRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The pre-configured narrative
sequentialityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Sequentiality
Digital thought > Sequentiality
Digital thought > Sequentiality and connectivity
SeymourAbstractsStephanie Moser, Darren Glazier, James E. Phillips, Lamya Nasser el Nemr, Mohammed Saleh Mousa, Rascha Nasr Aiesh, Susan Richardson, Andrew Conner and Michael Seymour 2002
shelvingStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 6. Shelving
signageThe itinerary as narrative > The signage
The "site as a book": the concept > Integration of site and signage
signage: currentThe stations on the itinerary > The current status of signage at the site
signage systemThe signage system
sign = objectsThe signs as objects: technical details
signpost 11. Facing the centuries
signpost 1010. The Palace asleep
signpost 1111. The great Mittani shift
signpost 1212. The last stand in the service of the gods
signpost 1313. The broader limits
signpost 1414. Beyond the dig
signpost 22. The Temple "panorama"
signpost 33. Facing the transcendence
signpost 44. The great ascent
signpost 55. The Temple of the Lion
signpost 66. The Palace "panorama"
signpost 77. Descent to the Netherworld
signpost 88. The service wing of the Palace
signpost 99. Reception suite of the Palace
Signposts > The signposts
The itinerary as narrative > The signposts
ŠimiganSearchUrkesh divine names > Šimigan
Šimigan (divine name)SearchUrkesh divine names
Urkesh word index
site as a book: conceptThe "site as a book": the concept
site conservationSite Conservation1. Overview
site conservation: adherent coversSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Adherent covers
site conservation: alterationSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Alteration
site conservation: backfillSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Backfill
site conservation: broad baseSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Broad base and localized shelters
site conservation (concepts): overviewSite ConservationSite conservation concepts
site conservation: criteria (goals)Site ConservationSite conservation: criteria
site conservation: dataPreservationGeneral overview > The data
site conservation: draped coversSite ConservationAdherent covers > Draped covers on walls
site conservation: evaluationPreservationEvaluation: introduction
site conservation: goalsPreservationGeneral overview > Specific goals
site conservation: historyPreservationHistory of the project: overview
site conservation: localized sheltersSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Broad base and localized shelters
site conservation: maintenanceSite Conservation6. Maintenance: introduction
site conservation: methodsSite Conservation4. Methods: overview
site conservation: overviewPreservationGeneral overview
site conservation: principlesSite Conservation2. General principles: overview
site conservation: strips on stone jointsSite ConservationAdherent covers > Strips on stone joints
site conservation: superpositionSite ConservationOverview of protective systems > Superposition
site conservation: techniquesSite Conservation5. Techniques: overview
site museumStorageIn-house collections > Site Museum
site organizationSite MapSite organization
site presentationSITE PRESENTATION
EducationSite presentation at Tell Mozan
site presentation (bibliography)MAJOR THEMESSite Presentation
site presentation: chronicleFor a chronicle of site presentation at Tell Mozan
site presentation: conceptSITE PRESENTATION > The concept
The concept of site presentation
site presentation: implementationSITE PRESENTATION > The implementation: Mozan as Urkesh
site presentation: multimediaMAJOR THEMESSite Presentation > 2. Links to multimidia outside Urkesh/E-Library. AVASA
site presentation: overviewSITE PRESENTATION > Overview
site: UrkeshHistory
SmogorzewskaAbstractsAnna Smogorzewska 2010
Anna Smogorzewska 2010
social responsability (ethics: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESEthics in archaeological practice > Social responsibility
SollbergerAbstractsDietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
Dietz Otto Edzard, Gertrud Farber and Edmond Sollberger 1977
solutionsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques: floors > Solutions adopted
sound of spoken languagesLANGUAGES / SoundThe sound of the spoken languages
southeastern end of the PlazaUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J7
space: grammarUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Grammar of space
space: organizationOrganization of space
specialized techniquesEducationTraining in specialized techniques
SpeiserAbstractsEphraim Avigdor Speiser 1930
Ephraim Avigdor Speiser 1930
splitting of individual signsLANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Splitting of individual signs
splitting of individual signs (palaeography)LANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Splitting of individual signs
splitting of signs within lines (palaeography)LANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Splitting of signs within lines
spoken languages: soundLANGUAGES / SoundThe sound of the spoken languages
staff rosterField staffStaff roster
stakeholdersThe intended audiences > Stakeholders
StarrAbstractsRichard F.S. Starr 1939
startersEducationFor starters
static constructsIntroductionThe scholars > Static constructs
stationsThe stations on the itinerary
SteinAbstractsDiana L. Stein 2001
Diana L. Stein 2001
SteymansAbstractsHans Ulrich Steymans 2010
stillGEOGRAPHYWeather > Still images
StillingerAbstractsMichele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
Michele D. Stillinger, Joshua M. Feinberg, Ellery Frahm 2015
stockageStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > Stockage and selectivity
stone scatterUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook OG50
storage as preservationSTORAGE > Storage as preservation
storage = intellectual processStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > The alternative view: storage as an intellectual process
storage: organic viewStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > Introduction: An organic view
storage: principlesStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage
strataSettingHistory > Phases and strata
strata assignmentUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension > The example of strata assignment
strategyUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Explicitness about precision and strategy
The UGR concept > Impact on strategy
strategy: feedbackUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Feedback for strategy
stratigraphic analysisUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Operational difficulties of stratigraphic analysis
stratigraphic understandingUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Stratigraphic understanding after excavations
stratigraphyMonuments and stratigraphy
structural discontinuityPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Definitions
Digital thought > Structural discontinuity: The three levels of interaction
PRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure and deconstruction
structure vs. narrativePRINCIPLESDigital thought > Structure vs. function
studentsThe intended audiences > Students
study collection: natureStorageStudy collections > Nature of the study collections
study collections: collections: studyStorageStudy collections
style: axesART / StyleExperiments in style > Following the axes…
style: circularityART / StyleExperiments in style > Circularity
style: descriptive detailsART / StyleExperiments in style > Descriptive details
style: double frontalityART / StyleExperiments in style > Double frontality
style: experimentsART / StyleExperiments in style
style: frontalityART / StyleExperiments in style > Frontality
style: full frontalityART / StyleExperiments in style > Full frontality
style: HurrianART / StyleExperiments in style
style: movementART / StyleExperiments in style > Movement
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s10 - A5.q819.1 - Stylus test
Letters > s11 - A6.q623.1 - Stylus test
stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s12 - A7.324.1 - Stylus test(?)
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s5 - A1.161 - Stylus test
stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s6 - A1.278 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s7 - A1.q999.27 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s8 - A1.q1021.4 - Stylus test(?)
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s9 - A1.q1062.3 - Stylus test
Subartu (exhibits, Qamishli and Amuda, 2014-2015)PROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibits
SuessAbstractsM.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982
SumerianLANGUAGESLanguages in context > Sumerian
superpositionSite ConservationProtective systems > Superposition
surface scatterUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook OD50
Book OD50
surface sherd Z1.66 (cuneiform text on ceramics)TEXTS / Other textsCuneiform on ceramics
sustainable developmentSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
synthetic publicationPRINCIPLES2. Argument
Syria Shell Petroleum DevelopmentSupportSyria Shell Petroleum Development
Syro-Mesopotamia: geographySettingGeography > Syro-Mesopotamia
Syro-Mesopotamia: historySettingHistory > Syro-Mesopotamia
Syro-Mesopotamian archaeologyFor a chronicle of site presentation at Tell Mozan > From experimentation to implementation
system as a wholeSite ConservationThe record > The system as a whole
table (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
taggingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Tagging
talliesSite MapDirectories and tallies
tallyPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 2. The tally
TalonAbstractsLucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Lucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Tar’am-Agade9. Reception suite of the Palace > The protocol of the sealed doors (PDF 824K)
Tar’am-Agade (daughter of Naram-Sin): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsTar'am-Agade
taxonomical classesGEOGRAPHYPerceptual geography > Perception of taxonomical classes
PRINCIPLESThe role of perception > Perception of taxonomical classes
Tell Chuera: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Tell Chuera
Tell Mozan: visitsVISITORSVisits to Mozan
Tell She’irPROJECT PRESENTATIONS / ExhibitsSubartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
Subartu Exhibit
tell: UrkeshSiteThe Tell
temperatureGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
TempleThe stations on the itinerary > 5. The Temple of the Lion (signpost and setup)
The stations on the itinerary > First cluster: the Temple and the Temple Terrace
TempleSite ConservationThe record
temple: excavationsSiteExcavations > Excavations
temple: lionSiteExcavations > The temple’s lion
Temple: panorama2. The Temple "panorama"
Temple ‘panorama’The stations on the itinerary > 2. A bird’s eye view – Temple “panorama” (signpost and setup)
Temple: panoramaEducationThe Temple "panorama"
temple: structureSiteExcavations > Structure
Temple TerraceThe itinerary as narrative > 1-5. The Temple Terrace
The stations on the itinerary > First cluster: the Temple and the Temple Terrace
PreservationThe Temple Terrace and Plaza
Site ConservationThe record
Tendüret DağıGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian > Tendüret Dağı
Terqa: electronic libraryPreservationTerqa
Terrace edgeUrkesh Global Record / UnitsBook J3
territoryThe intended audiences > Centrality of the territory
DEVELOPMENTThe communities
testPRINCIPLESDigital thought > A test
text: administrativeTEXTSAdministrative texts
texts (administrative): allotment of an unknown item, possibly barleyTEXTSAdministrative texts > a2 - A10.377 - Allotment of an unknown item, possibly barley
texts (administrative): fragmentary record of copperTEXTSAdministrative texts > a3 - A10.163 - Fragmentary record of copper
texts (administrative): Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a1 - A7.341 - Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)
texts (administrative): unknown item (arids?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a4 - A1.q961.6 - Unknown item (arids?)
texts (administrative): unknown item (arids)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a5 - A6.98 - Unknown item (arids)
Administrative texts > a6 - A6.q633.1 - Unknown item (arids)
texts (administrative): wineTEXTSAdministrative texts > a7 - A7.368 - Wine
texts: alphabetic characters on ceramics?TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics?
texts: Atal-šenTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r1 - Atal-šen
texts: categoriesTEXTS > Categories of texts
texts: concordanceTEXTS > Concordance
texts: cuneiform on ceramics (surface sherd Z1.66)TEXTS / Other textsCuneiform on ceramics
texts: diacriticsTEXTS > Diacritics
texts: envelope of a letter(?)TEXTSLetters > l2 - A7.324.2 - Envelope of a letter(?)
Letters > l3 - A7.324.3 - Envelope of a letter(?)
texts: fragment of a letter-order(?)TEXTSLetters > l1 - A5.q846.1 - Fragment of a letter-order(?)
texts: illegibleTEXTS / Other textsIllegible texts
texts: incomprehensibleTEXTS / Other textsIncomprehensible texts
texts: lettersTEXTSLetters
texts: presentation formatTEXTS > Presentation format
texts: royal inscriptionsTEXTSRoyal inscriptions
texts: school textsTEXTSLetters
texts: scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s1 - A5.126 - Scribal exercise(?)
texts: scribal exerciseTEXTSLetters > s2 - A7.429 - Scribal exercise
texts: scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s3 - A17.q133.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
Letters > s4 - A18.q536.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s10 - A5.q819.1 - Stylus test
Letters > s11 - A6.q623.1 - Stylus test
texts: stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s12 - A7.324.1 - Stylus test(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s5 - A1.161 - Stylus test
texts: stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s6 - A1.278 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s7 - A1.q999.27 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s8 - A1.q1021.4 - Stylus test(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s9 - A1.q1062.3 - Stylus test
text: Tiš-atalTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r2 - Tiš-atal
The Cotsen Family FoundationSupportThe Cotsen Family Foundation
the Digital Archaeological RecordEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > tDAR: the Digital Archaeological Record
thematic narrativePRINCIPLES2. Argument > A thematic narrative
The Millennia for TodayPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > Millennia for Today
The millennia for todayPROJECT PUBLICATIONS / Guide Books and ExhibitsThe millennia for today
theoryTheory and practice
theory: archaeological processPRINCIPLESTheory > Theory of the archaeological process
theory on digital publicationEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Theory on Digital Publication/Open Access
third millenniumSettingHistory > Ideological landscapes of the third millennium
throne-bearer: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
Thureau-DanginAbstractsFrançois Thureau-Dangin 2012
François Thureau-Dangin 2012
tiersNavigationTiers and music
Tiers and music > Tiers
Tiš-atalTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r2 - Tiš-atal
Tish-atal: lionSiteExcavations > The lion of Tish-atal
topical index: grammarSearchTopical index (grammar)
Topical index (grammar) > Topical index (grammar)
topic-based websitesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Topic-based Sites:
toponomastics: UrkeshSearchUrkesh toponomastics
tourismThe impact of tourism
touristsDEVELOPMENTThe park
trainingEducationTraining in excavations techniques
Training in manual arts
Training in specialized techniques
transcendence3. Facing the transcendence
The stations on the itinerary > 3. Facing the transcendence (signpost and setup)
transparencyStoragePrinciples of archaeological storage > 9. Recursive auditing and transparency
Urkesh Global RecordPrinciples > Objectivity and transparency
treesGEOGRAPHYEnvironment > Trees
trench to C2Urkesh Global Record / UnitsUnit B6
triangulation rodTECHNIQUESTriangulation rod
TufteAbstractsEdward Rolf Tufte 1983
Tuli (cook): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
Tupkish (king of Urkesh): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
Tupkish PalaceSite ConservationThe record
Tupkish Palace: wallsPreservationThe walls of the Tupkish Palace
typological clusteringPRINCIPLESPrimary data > Typological clustering
typological clustering: degreesPRINCIPLES2. Argument > Degrees of typological clustering
UbertiAbstractsMaria Luisa Uberti 2005
Maria Luisa Uberti 2005
UCLA Academic SenateSupportThe UCLA Academic Senate
Ugarit: musical tabletMUSIC > A tablet from Ugarit
Ugarit: musical tablet (interpretationMUSIC > The music
Ugarit: musical tablet (words)MUSIC > The words of the song
Ugarit: music tabletUrkeshpublicHurrian music
Hurrian music > A tablet from Ugarit
Ugarit: music tablet (interpretation)UrkeshpublicHurrian music > The music
Ugarit: music tablet (words)UrkeshpublicHurrian music > The words of the song
UGRPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Global Record
UGRSite ConservationRecording > The global record
Urkesh Global RecordThe Urkesh Global Record (UGR): Overview
UGR: argumentUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > The argument
UGR: conceptUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept
UGR: concept (overview)Urkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept > The concept
UGR: digital textPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Global Record as a digital text
UGR: epistemologyUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension
UGR: examplesThe scholarly dimension > Examples from the UGR
UGR: history (current use)Urkesh Global RecordHistory of the Urkesh Global Record
UGR: inputUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR input: Databases
UGR: principlesUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples
UGR website and UrkeshIntroductionUrkesh and UGR websites
UMS 3AbstractsUMS 3
UMS 4AbstractsUMS 4
Unap: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
underground shaft (ābi)SiteExcavations > A deep underground shaft
universities (in Syria)SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria
unknown item (arids?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a4 - A1.q961.6 - Unknown item (arids?)
unknown item (arids)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a5 - A6.98 - Unknown item (arids)
Administrative texts > a6 - A6.q633.1 - Unknown item (arids)
updatesPRINCIPLESDigital thought > Updates
Uqnitum (queen of Urkesh): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
Urkesh: ancientPrefaceA guide for first timers > Ancient Urkesh
Urkesh atelierDEVELOPMENTThe Urkesh atelier
Urkesh Global RecordPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Global Record
Urkesh Global RecordUrkesh Global RecordThe Urkesh Global Record (UGR): Overview
Urkesh Global Record: conceptUrkesh Global RecordThe UGR concept
Urkesh Global Record: epistemologyUrkesh Global RecordThe epistemological dimension
Urkesh Global Record: format (display generation)Urkesh Global RecordHow the display generated
Urkesh Global Record: format (general)Urkesh Global RecordUrkesh Global Record
Urkesh Global Record: format (page layout)Urkesh Global RecordPage layout
Urkesh Global Record: format (page layout: left sidebar)Urkesh Global RecordPage layout
Urkesh Global Record: format (page layout: right sidebar)Urkesh Global RecordPage layout
Urkesh Global Record: format (page organization)Urkesh Global RecordDetails of the page organization
Urkesh Global Record: principlesUrkesh Global RecordPrinciples
Urkesh: HurriansSettingHistory
Urkesh: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Urkesh
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 3 (UMS 3)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS 3
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 4 (UMS 4)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS 4
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 5 (UMS 5)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS 5
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 6 (UMS 6)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS 6
Urkesh/Mozan Studies 7 (UMS 7)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS 7
Urkesh/Mozan Studies (UMS)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / BooksAll books > UMS – Urkesh/Mozan Studies
Urkesh/Mozan Studies (UMS)PROJECT PUBLICATIONS / UMSUMS – Urkesh/Mozan Studies
Urkesh onomasticsSearchUrkesh onomastics
urkesh.org = modern UrkeshPrefaceA guide for first timers > Modern urkesh.org
Urkesh Palace: musicUrkeshpublicHurrian music > Music in the Urkesh palace
Urkesh prosopographySearchUrkesh prosopography
Urkesh: siteHistory
Urkesh: tellSiteThe Tell
Urkesh toponomasticsSearchUrkesh toponomastics
Urkesh (toponym)SearchUrkesh toponomastics
Urkesh websitePRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Website as a digital text
Urkesh website and UGRIntroductionUrkesh and UGR websites
Urkesh website: directories & talliesSite MapDirectories and tallies > Urkesh website
Urkesh Website Knowledge BaseThe projectThe Urkesh Website Knowledge Base
Urkesh Website Knowledge Base: concept & proceduresThe projectThe Urkesh Website Knowledge Base
Urkesh Website Knowledge Base: group membersThe projectThe Urkesh Website Knowledge Base
Urkesh word indexSearchUrkesh word index
userPRINCIPLESDigital thought > 1. The persons
user vs. readerPRINCIPLESDigital thought > User vs. reader
valorization of hidden resourcesSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
van der SluijsAbstractsPeter James and Anthony Marinus van der Sluijs 2012
van GinnekenAbstractsPaul van Ginneken 2000
Paul van Ginneken 2000
Paul van Ginneken 2000
Van LerbergheAbstractsLucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
Lucio Milano, Walther Sallaberger, Philippe Talon & Karen Van Lerberghe 2004
vassal kingdomSettingHistory > A vassal kingdom
VeenhofAbstractsKlaas Veenhof and Jesper Eidem 2008
VenkatesanAbstractsM.I. Venkatesan, T.W. Linickt, H.E. Suess and G. Buccellati 1982
versionAnnalsConcepts > Version
Version 0AnnalsEphemerides
Version 1AnnalsVersions
Version 1aAnnalsVersions
versionsCurrent version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
Current version of the present section
vertical flipping (palaeography)LANGUAGES / WritingPalaeography > Vertical flipping
VicoAbstractsGianbattista Vico 1744
videoPRINCIPLESVideo and film
video clipsThe faces of UrkeshVideo clips
video clips: weather (wind)GEOGRAPHYWeather > Video clips
video & film: documentary functionPRINCIPLESVideo and film > Documentary function
video & film: nature of distinctionPRINCIPLESVideo and film > The nature of the distinction
videos (media)MEDIA COVERAGEBroadcasts and videos
VidichAbstractsGuy Oakes and Arthur J. Vidich 1999
view from withinPrinciplesConservation as part of the excavation strategy > The view from within
Extrinsicism and not > The view from within
view from withoutPrinciplesConservation as part of the excavation strategy > The view from without
villageDEVELOPMENTIn the village
virtual realityConservation and presentation > Real virtual reality
PRINCIPLESThe role of perception > The role of virtual reality
virtual reality (perception: excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESPerception > Virtual reality
ViscusoAbstractsSalvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
visitorsThe intended audiences > Occasional visitors
VISITORSVisits to Mozan
visits to Tell MozanVISITORSVisits to Mozan
visual databasesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Visual Database
visualsEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites
Comparative analysis of archaeological websites > Visual or Interactive
visual toursEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Virtual Tours
visual websitesEvaluationComparative analysis of archaeological websites > Visual Websites
volcanoesGEOGRAPHYNatural resources: obsidian
VolkAbstractsKonrad Volk 2004
Konrad Volk 2004
von DassowAbstractsEva von Dassow 2008
Eva von Dassow 2008
von SaldernAbstractsLeo Oppenheim, Robert H. Brill, Dan Barag and Axel von Saldern 1970
WäflerAbstractsMarkus Wäfler 2001
wall conservationPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall conservation: metal framePreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall conservation: monitoringPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall conservation: overviewPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
History of wall conservation project
wall conservation: PalacePreservationCONSERVATION OF THE PALACE WALLS
wall conservation project (history): UGRPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall conservation: side panelsPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall conservation: top coverPreservationHistory of wall conservation project
wall constructionPreservationThe document: wall construction
wall facesSite ConservationSite conservation techniques > Wall faces
wall reconstruction: reconstruction: wallsPreservationWall reconstruction
wall restorationPreservationWall restoration
wallsSite ConservationWalls and beyond
walls: Tupkish PalacePreservationThe walls of the Tupkish Palace
wall topsSite ConservationSite conservation techniques > Wall tops
warrior with helmet (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
water useSettingGeography > Relief and water use
weather: rainGEOGRAPHYWeather
weather: temperature and humidity (averages)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
Temperature and humidity > Averages
weather: temperature and humidity (full record)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
Temperature and humidity
weather: temperature and humidity (graphic renderingGEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > Graphic rendering: temperature and humidity
weather: temperature and humidity (graphic tabulations by month)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
weather: temperature and humidity (organization)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > Organization
weather: temperature and humidity (overview)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity
weather: temperature and humidity (procedures)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > Procedures
weather: temperature and humidity (record)GEOGRAPHYTemperature and humidity > The full record
weather: windGEOGRAPHYWeather
weather: wind (overview)GEOGRAPHYWeather > Overview
weather: wind (sandstorms)GEOGRAPHYWeather > Sandstorms
weather: wind (still images)GEOGRAPHYWeather > Still images
weather: wind (video clips)GEOGRAPHYWeather > Video clips
web outreachWeb outreach
website authorsSearchWebsite authors
website: materialsEducationMaterials on the website
website presentationThe stations on the itinerary > Mechanics of website presentation
website: UrkeshPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The Urkesh Website as a digital text
WegnerAbstractsIlse Wegner 1937
Ilse Wegner 1937
Ilse Wegner 2000
Ilse Wegner 2000
WeissAbstractsHarvey Weiss 2001
Harvey Weiss 2001
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001
Lauren Ristvet and Harvey Weiss 2001
welcome panelsThe stations on the itinerary > Introductory cluster: welcome panels
WestenholzAbstractsJulia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013
Julia Asher-Greve and Joan Goodnick Westenholz 2013
Walther Sallaberger and Aage Westenholz 1999
western staircase11. The great Mittani shift > The western staircase (PDF 503K)
WhitingAbstractsRobert McCray Whiting 1976
Robert McCray Whiting 1976
wholeThe scholarly dimension > Focusing on the whole
WikipediaAnnalsConcepts > “Wiki” approach
WilhelmAbstractsGernot Wilhelm 1982
Gernot Wilhelm 1982
Gernot Wilhelm 1998
Gernot Wilhelm 1998
Gernot Wilhelm 2001
Gernot Wilhelm 2001
Gernot Wilhelm 2008
Gernot Wilhelm 2008
wineTEXTSAdministrative texts > a7 - A7.368 - Wine
WissingAbstractsAlice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
Alice Bianchi, Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner, Eva Geith, Peter Pfälzner and Anne Wissing 2012
WolfAbstractsMaryanne Wolf 2007
womenDEVELOPMENTThe Urkesh atelier
word index: UrkeshSearchUrkesh word index
workshop: on-siteSCHOOLSUniversities in Syria > 2017: The on-site workshop
workshopsYoungsters without borders
SCHOOLSUniversities in Syria
World Monuments Fund (WMF)SupportThe World Monuments Fund
writingPRINCIPLESDigital thought > The introduction of writing
Digital thought > The perceptual impact of writing
writing & culture (excursus: writing)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Writing and culture
writing & culture: experience (excursus)BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESExperience > Writing and culture
writing (excursus): antecedents of writingBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Antecedents of writing
writing (excursus): grammatologyBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Grammatology
writing (excursus): neurological considerationsBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Neurological considerations
writing (excursus): writing & cultureBIBLIOGRAPHICAL EXCURSUSESWriting > Writing and culture
youngstersSCHOOLSUrkesh One-on-One
youngsters without bordersYoungsters without borders
Youngsters without borders
Youngsters without borders
Zamena (nurse): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
ZanelliAbstractsSalvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
Salvatore Viscuso, Alessandra Zanelli and Marta Barozzi 2018
ZarinsAbstractsJ. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014
J. Zarins and R. Hauser 2014
ZickAbstractsMichael Zick 2008
Michael Zick 2008
ZSC collectionStorageStudy collections > The conservation collection
ZSD collectionStorageDisplay collections > The main display collection
ZSS collectionStorageStudy collections > The special collection
ZSZ collectionStorageStudy collections > The zoology and natural science collections