Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release



Giorgio Buccellati – June 2024

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DRAFT: Tourism.

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Lonely Planet


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2009 Polaris

Alfonso Anania, Antonella Carri, Lilia Palmieri, Gioia Zenoni
Siria. Viaggio nel cuore del Medio Oriente
Firenze: Polaris, 2009 (www.polaris-ed.com)

A high quality presentation of archaeological sites, with extensive photos and drawings, and detailed text by archaeologists Palmieri and Zenoni – this guidebook imitates in style and type of coverage the celebrated DuMont Kunst-Reiseführer series. The first three chapters (pp. 47-115) offer an insightful introduction to the geography, history and culture of Syria.

Tell Mozan is covered on pp. 458-463. Besides a brief history of the excavations, ccompanied by a site plan, the largest portion of the chapter is devoted to the Palace of Tupkish, with a detailed and accurate itinerary that is matched by two floor plans of the service and the formal wings respectively. Two shorter paragraphs describe the ābi and the Temple (also with a floor plan).

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