Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


The Curators of the collections

Giorgio Buccellati – August 2009

A fundamental component of the system is presence of a curator who oversees the entire process of storage and documentation, and maintains contacts with the colleagues who are interested in making use of the facilities.

It is especially the study and the ceramics collections that require a specialized curatorship.

Over the years, several people have taken over some of the curatorial responsibilities attached to those two collections, but it was only in 2009 that it was possible to make a full-fledged appointment for each of the two, in the persons of, respectively, Dr. Jeanne Nijhowne and Dr. Marie-Claude Trémouille.

More details about the two positions can be found in the UGR sections dealing respectively with the ZSB and the ZSP collections.

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