Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

Urkesh Global Record

History of the Urkesh Global Record

A note on current use

Giorgio Buccellati – October 2020

The Urkesh Global Record has been so designed as to allow an immediate integration of the field record into the browser version that is available online. There was, however, a long gestation period while the pertinent digital platform was being developed, including both software (categorization and programs) and hardware (from the data entry stations to a Local Area Network and eventually to the World Wide Web).

Data from that period were not always entered digitally, or were not updated to more recent formats. With the intervening ten years of war and the absence of the Expedition from the site, it has also become impossible to access in a regular manner the original written text in the Expedition archive, not to mention the artifacts as originally stored either in the Museum in Der ez-Zor or in the Expedition house.

As a result, some of the information regarding artifacts, such as exact measurements or color, are sometime missing in our record. We obviously intend to rectify this once archival data have been brought up to date. In the meantime, we have chosen to give access to the record as currently available, even when it is incomplete.

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