Unit Book A9

Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-25


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of context (v view)

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]
View/drawing of aggregate 1999-07-24 jl a17 (doorway) [Input: J806JL2.j]
View/drawing of features 1999-07-24 jl f100 (lens type c)
f110 (volumetric material)
f116 (accumulation C)
f124 (wall)
f125 (wall) [Input: J806JL2.j]
View/drawing of item 1999-07-24 jl i89 (ax(head)) [Input: J806JL2.j]
View/drawing of locus 1999-07-24 jl k6 [Input: J806JL2.j]
View/drawing orientation 1999-07-24 jl looking southwest [Input: J806JL2.j]
General notes on photos 1999-07-25 jlw while using a large pick to remove accumulation on an unexcavated platform in k6 that had previously been a part of A2 and A7, Abd-el Kareem found a large bronze axe head, i89 in an ashy lense of soil. The photo sets the context of the discovery by including doorway a17 and wall stub f172. v37a is a tight shot of the axe head, while v37b conveys the skill of the excavator who can find and extract such objects while using a tool as large as a full-sized pick. [Input: J725JLW1.j]
1999-08-05 jl v37 is a view of the platform in k6 where i69, the bronze axe, was discovered. v37a is a closeup of the axe in the platform. [Input: J805JL.j]
Web view

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]

2022-12-02 !!! [Input: A09_VWX.j]